Cervical Cancer is a disease of the Cervix.
The cancer that originates from the is Cervical Cancer.
Cervix is present at the top of the Vagina. It is the lower part of the Uterus that extend into the Vagina.
When the cells grow in an unregulated manner it causes Cervical Cancer.
The precancerous condition is known as Cervical Dysplasia. It is associated with sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV).
Causes of Cervical Cancer Trauma
Poor Diet
Family History
Acidic Metabolism
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Who is at Risk? The risk factors which increase the chances of developing Cervical Cancer are :
Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) : The Human Papilloma Virus is one of the the common causes of Cervical Cancer. The Human Papilloma Virus is a name of group containing 150 related viruses. These are responsible for causing diseases like Warts and Cervical Cancer. The Human Papilloma Virus transmits during a sexual intercourse.
Oral Contraceptives : The long term use of Oral Contraceptives is associated with an increased risk of Cervical Cancer.
Overweight : Being Overweight and the lack of essential nutrients in diet increase the risk of Cervical Cancer.
Chlamydia Infection : Chlamydia is a bacteria. It affects the reproductive organs. It spreads through the sexual contact. It causes inflammation in the pelvic region, infertility and Cervical Cancer.
Pregnancy : The women having 3 or more pregnancy are at a high risk of Cervical Cancer. The exact relation between Pregnancy and Cervical Cancer is yet to be established. The hormonal changes and the weakened immune system during the Pregnancy are thought to be responsible.
Early Pregnancy : Being pregnant at a young age, especially below 17 years increases the risk of developing Cervical Cancer by 2 folds than being pregnant at 25 years of age.
HIV : A person with Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) is more susceptible to encountering HPV infection.
Smoking : It increases the risk of Cervical Cancer by two times. It damages the DNA and the Immune system. It makes the person prone to Cervical Cancer.
Diet : Wrong diet may increases the chances of Cancer. Eating a healthy diet may reduce the risk of Cancer. Green Vegetables, Vitamin C rich Foods and Foods those are antioxidants are beneficial in reducing the chances of Cancer.
If not treated properly, Cervical Cancer may cause Cancer to other body parts
Prevention Alkalize or Suffer
Soursop is your best bet
A visit to the doctor is a must.
Note : Find more information on Cancer by visiting the Cancer webpage on this website.
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