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Cervical Cancer Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Cervical Cancer
Medical Name
Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Leg Pain
Back Pain
Weight Loss
Pain during Sex
Vaginal Bleeding
Vaginal Discharge
Irregular Periods
Pain in Pelic region
Post Menopausal Bleeding
Excessive pain during Intercourse
Tumor like grown in and around the Cervix

Cervical Cancer Cured By

Super Effective

Highly Effective

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Cervical Cancer is a disease of the Cervix.
The cancer that originates from the is Cervical Cancer.
Cervix is present at the top of the Vagina. It is the lower part of the Uterus that extend into the Vagina.
When the cells grow in an unregulated manner it causes Cervical Cancer.
The precancerous condition is known as Cervical Dysplasia. It is associated with sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV).

Causes of Cervical Cancer
Poor Diet
Family History
Acidic Metabolism
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Sexually Transmitted Disease

Who is at Risk?
The risk factors which increase the chances of developing Cervical Cancer are :
Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) : The Human Papilloma Virus is one of the the common causes of Cervical Cancer. The Human Papilloma Virus is a name of group containing 150 related viruses. These are responsible for causing diseases like Warts and Cervical Cancer. The Human Papilloma Virus transmits during a sexual intercourse.
Oral Contraceptives : The long term use of Oral Contraceptives is associated with an increased risk of Cervical Cancer.
Overweight : Being Overweight and the lack of essential nutrients in diet increase the risk of Cervical Cancer.
Chlamydia Infection : Chlamydia is a bacteria. It affects the reproductive organs. It spreads through the sexual contact. It causes inflammation in the pelvic region, infertility and Cervical Cancer.
Pregnancy : The women having 3 or more pregnancy are at a high risk of Cervical Cancer. The exact relation between Pregnancy and Cervical Cancer is yet to be established. The hormonal changes and the weakened immune system during the Pregnancy are thought to be responsible.
Early Pregnancy : Being pregnant at a young age, especially below 17 years increases the risk of developing Cervical Cancer by 2 folds than being pregnant at 25 years of age.
HIV : A person with Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) is more susceptible to encountering HPV infection.
Smoking : It increases the risk of Cervical Cancer by two times. It damages the DNA and the Immune system. It makes the person prone to Cervical Cancer.
Diet : Wrong diet may increases the chances of Cancer. Eating a healthy diet may reduce the risk of Cancer. Green Vegetables, Vitamin C rich Foods and Foods those are antioxidants are beneficial in reducing the chances of Cancer.

If not treated properly, Cervical Cancer may cause
Cancer to other body parts

Alkalize or Suffer
Soursop is your best bet

A visit to the doctor is a must.

Note : Find more information on Cancer by visiting the Cancer webpage on this website. Clink here to visit the Cancer webpage now.

Body Part(s)


Cervix Diseases

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Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Cervical Cancer

Single Herb

Soursop for Cancer

Soursop is a very effective remedy for cancer. Cancer may be anywhere in the body, the remedy is Soursop. It helps treat cancer more effectively than Chemotherapy. It kills only the cancer cells, not the healthy cells. Hence, no hair fall or any other deterioration in health. It may be used as the main remedy or it may be used in conjunction with Chemotherapy.
It has very strong Anticancer and Antitumor properties.
It kills cancer cells naturally without any side effects as associated with Chemotherapy.
Soursop Fruit can be eaten to prevent or treat cancer. Fresh soursop juice can also be used for this purpose. Soursop tea is also a way to fight against cancer.
Chop some fresh stems and leaves of Soursop.  Boil them in 1 liter water until water is reduced to half. Strain.  Drink 100 ml twice a day.  You may add Honey.

Manjakani for Cervical Cancer

Boil Manjakani in water. Drink it twice a day.

Turmeric for Cervical Cancer

Turmeric is rich in a special ingredient known as Curcumin. It has anticancer properties. It helps to deal with inflammation, pain and swelling associated with Cancer.
Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric in a day. Add a pinch of Black Pepper to increase its bioavailability.

Green Tea for Cervical Cancer

Green Tea has anticancer properties that prevent the abnormal growth of Cancer cells.
Have 2 cups of Green Tea daily.

Astragalus for Cervical Cancer

Astragalus root acts like chemotherapy drugs. It attacks the abnormal growth of Cancer cells and enhances the immunity.
Have 1 tablespoon of Astragalus root powder daily.

Basil ( Tulsi ) for Cervical Cancer

Take 4 to 5 fresh Basil leaves. Boil it in one cup of water for five minutes. Have it two times in a day.

Rosemary for Cervical Cancer

Make a tea of dried Rosemary herb. Have it 2 times in a day.

Oregano for Cervical Cancer

Take fresh or dried hand full leaves of Oregano. Make a tea and have 2 cups in a day.

Tremella Fuciformis for Cervical Cancer

Tremella Fuciformis ( Snow Fungus ) has such ingredients that are capable to attack the Cancer or Tumor cells.
Take 1 tablespoon of Tremella Fuciformis extract in a day.

Red Clover for Cervical Cancer

Make an infusion of Red Clover herb and have it 2 times in a day.
Queries on Cervical Cancer
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Nazeer basha ( Andhra pradesh )
07 Apr 2016
My mother having cervical cancer . Please tell where soursop leaves and soursop tea is available in India. Please provide me address.
Thanking you .
07 Apr 2016
Dear Nazeer
It is easily available on internet. Or you may also visit our page Buy/sell Herbs, It may help you to get Soursop. There are other herbs too that we suggest for your mother.
1. Buy tincture of Gallium Aparine. This will prevent the growth of cancer cells.
2. Buy Cannabis Indica and start with 5 drops. 3. Drink a shot of fresh wheat grass juice daily.
4. Drink a glass of Carrot juice daily.
5. Eat turmeric and add black pepper to it to increase its bioavailability. 6. Ask your mother to follow this for at least one month. After that, get her test done and write us back with the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Rieza ( Philippines )
31 Jul 2016
I think I have crvical cancer but was not diagnosed however, with my last pap the doctor requested for biopsy, I did not go for it. I believe cancer will spread if the part will be punctured. However few days ago I had a weird sypmtoms my discharge are watery and now it's tinged with blood. I'm to scared to see a doctor what can I do? I want to start drinking soursop and turmeric is their specific procedure? Your help is highly appreciated..
01 Aug 2016
Dear Reiza
Please do not link between blood stained discharge with Cancer. They have nothing common. White discharge is common in ladies. We advise you that please go to a doctor and try to find whether it actually Cancer or not. Do not take any remedy without consultation.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ishant Kumar ( India )
03 Aug 2016

My mother has cervical cancer, it's her second (B) stage.
She feels very weak and has started losing weight.
So could you please suggest the herbs & how to take them?
03 Aug 2016
Dear Ishant Kumar
Please ask you mother that, Does she have pains?
Or Is she mentally restless?
For Cancer, Take Fagonia Tea. It is one of the best remedy for Cancer.
2. Have a shot of Wheat Grass juice daily.
3. Have turmeric and black pepper daily.
4. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
Take this treatment for 2 months. And write us back.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ishant Kumar
04 Aug 2016
Thanks for the reply! Yes she has pain and mentally she feels very irritate.
And one more thing i had forgot to mention that she also has high blood pressure problem which is very much controlled nowadays with the help of tulsi green tea. So apart from these herbs do we need to take care of something else too? And is there any precautions in diet?
Jagjit singh ( INDIA/PUNJAB )
01 Nov 2016
My had cervix cancer last year.doctor operated her and removed her uterus.they had sent some sample for biopsy. Biopsy report showed there are cancer cell still persist.then we go for her radiotherapy and brachy therapy.all was good occurred. But now this September 2016 again the cancer reoccur and MRI report showed it was her last stage.three chemotherapy has done.she has several pain in her body say buttocks and back pain.she got very weak and her diet got decrease.she also has stone in her gal bladder.please suggest us is g ravioli sours heal her problems.
With regard
Jagjit singh
09 Nov 2016
Dear Jagjit Singh
Why don't you try the Green Leaf juice therapy. Take Carrot leaves, Beetroot leaves, Spinach and a fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice. take it every day for 15 days. Do not take an, White bread, White rice and all purpose flour.
Tarbunde mtemdoo ( Nigeria )
28 Nov 2016
My mum has cervical cancer stage 1B and she bleeds 24 hours with a very bad smell.We in Nigeria,what herbs can she take to stop the bleeding?
I will be glad if i get a response .
02 Dec 2016
Dear Tarbunde mtemdoo
We have forwarded your query to our expert. She will get back to you in a day or two.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
D. bharathi devi ( India telangana )
26 Jan 2017
my wife is in the 4 th stage of cervical cancer now she is put under treatment with topetecan drug . she completed the second cycle of medication . what are the chances of remission.she is under treatment for the last six years.now she is unable to eat .she is only under liquid diet.kindly advise how long she will survive. what medicines will bring her into remission my wifes name is bharathi devi
27 Jan 2017
Dear D. Bharathi
Here are the herbs that help in preventing the Cancer growth of cells.
1. Have a fresh shot of Wheat grass juice daily.
2. Have 1 glass of carrot and beetroot juice daily. You may take soup also. 3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of Black Pepper every day.
4. Have 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
5. Have soursop fruit daily.
It is very important that the Cancer patient should have a positive attitude. Do yoga and go for exercise daily.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Bharathi devi ( India telangana )
26 Jan 2017
what will be the prognosis
10 Feb 2017
Dear Bharati Devi
What prognosis you are talking about? Please let us know some more details regarding your post.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Jena ( US/NJ )
23 Apr 2017

My mother had her uterus removed and since then she has pain in her cervix and blood in her urine. Doctors did a papsmere an ultrasound and found she had some cancer cells on her ovaries the size of a lemon. She is going to be going back for further testing to be sure cancer cells have not spread to cervix. Any remedies or recommendations please.
04 May 2017
Dear Jena
We prescribe your mother the following.
1. Have fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice every day.
2. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of Black pepper every day.
4. Buy Echinacea and Goldenseal capsules and have 1 every day. It will enhance your immunity.
5. Have massive doses of Vitamin C.
6. Take Sorsoup soup daily.
7. Buy Uncaria Tomentosa tincture from a Homeopathy Shop and have 5 drops 3 times in a day.
Have these herbs for 1 month at least and get your test done.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sunil Kumar Jain ( India/ Delhi )
28 Apr 2017
Doctors said that my wife has 1st stage cervical cancer. Kindly suggest some hurbs and how to take them.
04 May 2017
Dear Sunil Kumar Jain
It is good that her Cancer has been diagnosed at first stage. It would be easy to control, if she follows the complete regimen. 1. Ginger for Digestive Disorders : Drink Ginger tea or chew a few slices of Ginger in the Morning. It will also help in Nausea.
2. Beetroot for Anemia: Add Beetroot to your Salad. Or take fresh Beetroot juice.
3. Passion Flower for Anxiety: Drink the decoction made of Passion Flower Leaves.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
04 May 2017
Dear Sunil Kumar Jain
4. Buy a combo or separate capsules of these 2 herbs, Echinacea and Goldenseal. Have 1 capsule every day.
5. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of Black Pepper.
6. Take 1 teaspoon of Hemp oil ( Cannabis Oil ) and spread it on salad. Include Carrots, Beetroots, Celery and Spinach in Salad.
7. Have 1 Glass of Juice 3 times in a day. Include Carrots, Beetroots, Celery, Cherry Tomatoes and Spinach in the Juice.
Take these herbs for 1 month and get her test done.
Ask her to keep the Immune System and Spirit high.
Share your feedback after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Trisha ( St Lucia )
19 May 2017
Hi my sis diagnosed with stage 11a cervical cancer was asked to go for radiation what bush medicine can I use
25 May 2017
Dear Trisha
Try the following Herbs.
1. Spread 1 teaspoon of Cannabis oil ( Hemp oil ) on the salad and have it every day.
2. Give her 1 glass of fresh Carrot and Beetroot juice 3 times in a day. Add 2 tablespoon of Wheat grass juice in it.
3. Take 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with some black pepper.
5. Have a cup of Passion Flower tea every day.
6. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Nicola ( Jamaica )
10 Jun 2017
I have cervical c

Cancer what can stop the bleeding it stage 2 the bleedind won't stop doctor say I'm to do chemo
13 Jun 2017
Dear Nicola
Just have one single dose of HEMMAMELIS 200. Get it from a Homeopathy shop and wait for 2 weeks.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ong ( Malaysia )
30 Jun 2017

My Auntie is diagnosed for stage 4 cervical cancer and the tumor spread to both her lung already.

Is it still advisable to consume carrot juice? 40oz of carrot juice daily?
03 Jul 2017
Dear Ong
We suggest you the following Anticancer herbs. Follow this regimen for 1 month.
1. Have Carrot and Beetroot juice 3 times in a day. Include Carrots, Beetroots, Celery and Lemon in your daily diet.
2. Have a cup of fresh Wheat Grass juice every day.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with some black pepper every day. 4. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
5. Have 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder once in a day.
6. Buy Boerhavia Diffusa extract and have 10 drops in a glass of water. Take it 2 times in a day.
7. Have 1 Varuna capsule every day.
8. Buy Pulmonary Officinalis mother tincture from a Homeopathy shop and have 10 drops in a glass of water 2 times in a day.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ssandhya P Bharatth ( India, Karnataka, Bangalore )
21 Aug 2017
My mom is diagnosed with cervical cancer stage 3 she finished a cycle of radiation and chemotherapy she is taking wheat grass juice, Amla juice with gomutra. Carrot and beer root juices too. What are the other measures.
23 Aug 2017
Dear Bharath
You can try the following.
1. Turmeric, Have half a tablespoon of Lahyam of Turmeric every day. Add a pinch of Black pepper also which increases the bioavailability of Turmeric.
2. Have a glass of Wheat Grass juice every day.
3. Have Carrot, Beetroot and Lemon in your daily diet or you can also have fresh glass of juice every day.
4. Have 3 Apricot Kernels daily, 3 times in a day.
5. Have a bowl of Soursop soup daily.
6. Have massive doses of Vitamin C.
7. Buy a combo of Echinacea and Goldenseal tablets. Have 1 tablet every day.
Rene ( Ca. )
02 Sep 2017
I contracted hpv what do you recommend for male person.
20 Sep 2017
Dear Rene
Please give some more details about the patient. Some more symptoms that will help us to suggest an appropriate remedy.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Bimpe ( Nigeria )
12 Oct 2017
Hello dear,

My sister has cervical dysplasia, endocervical polyp, high risk hpv is also present. Pls what would you suggest she takes to help her self heal?

Thanks for your prompt response
21 Nov 2017
Dear Bimpe
It needs physical examination. We suggest you please consult a doctor. As we would not be able to suggest anything remotely.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Lucky me ( - )
06 Dec 2017
Dear Herbpathy,
I had Leep surgery two weeks ago ( As I had CIN 1/ LSIL , I have no idea wether I had HPV infection or not, I hadn't done the HPV test yet )
How can I do to ease the uncomfortable feeling in my lower stomach and what kind of herbs I must take to speed up the recovery after surgery.
Sorry for my english.
26 Dec 2017
Dear Lucky me
Please let us know some more symptoms about your health. Do you have any kind of discharge?
Do you have any STD ( sexually transmitted disease )?
Study your symptoms carefully and let us know.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
26 Dec 2017
Dear herbpathy,
Thanks for your response.
1. The only other symptoms I have is vaginal itching.
2. Yes, I have some discharge after leep.( None before leep)
3. I don't think I have any STD because I only have sex with one man that is my husband, never do anyone else before and after married. I want to know some herbs to treat my cervic after leep. Thank you.
Nonkululeko ( Swaziland )
31 Dec 2017
Dear Herbpathy
My mother is diagnosed with stage 3b cervical cancer, she is having a discharge with a little bit of blood. She is having abdominal , back and pelvic pain. The pain is not consistent it comes and goes .Please help what can she do naturally to heal her.
05 Jan 2018
Dear Nonkululeko
Could you please let us know that how old your mother is?
What is the color of the discharge that she is having?
Is there any odor from the discharge?
Is she complains about leucorrhea also?
Please reply on this portal and we will recommend her accordingly.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
05 Jan 2018
Dear Herbpathy
Thank you so much for your response. She is 64 years of age, the discharge is (not thick but watery) yellowish in colour the first few hours on her pad then turns to slight pinkish to brown but you can see that the yellow is strong . It also have a bad odour, the discharge is continuous she is always on pads.. At first she did a scan and told her she has fibroids,then did a biopsy on which the results said it is cervical cancer stage 3b. The pain is sometimes severe and mild sometimes, at times no pain for hours. She used to complain of constipation but now she says she is fine on that part. The big problem is the pain she feels and the discharge. I hope the information am giving is the one you need to know. Your response will highly be appreciated. Thanks
William W. Ame MPM FAAPM
21 Oct 2020
Attention please, Mr. Nonkululeko;
One solution to your mum's condition is as follows;
1. Look for the leave and stem or root bark of Annona Muricata( soursop) and boil for tea.add some honney and let her be taking this tea till normal condition returns.
2. Look for Curcuma Longa (Turmeric) powder and Piper Nigrum (black perpper). Boil them together and take 2 tea spoon fulls daily. Also use coconut oil exclusively to prepare stew for her daily and in the stew turmeric must be present evry day. take care till relief returns to mum. and give God the glory when her healing has come.
Nonkululeko ( Swaziland )
31 Dec 2017
Dear Herbpathy
I have forgotten to tell u that for now we are giving her per day a cup of ginger and garlic tea, 2 cups of green tea and 5 cups of carrot juice. The discharge is continuous and she has lost a little bit of weight now.
05 Jan 2018
Dear Nonkululeko
Stop all these herbal teas for 1 week and study her symptoms again. Let us know after 1 week.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Abdullahi mohammed ( Nigeria / oyo )
03 Jan 2018
fallopian tube remedy and fibroid
05 Jan 2018
Dear Abdullahi
Please let us know your symptoms in some more details so that we may recommend you an appropriate herbal treatment.
Is the fallopian tubes are blocked?
Where are the fibroid, are they in fallopian tubes, in ovaries or in the uterus?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Elvz ( Taiwan )
21 Feb 2018
Dear Herbpathy
I was took a biopsy last january 16 because i have a symptoms of little bleeding and sometimes vaginal discharge is watery but not too odor and recently i got my result and iwas diagnose an a Squamous cell carcinoma,large cell type,keratinizing...
Please help me what herbs do i drink to treat this..
19 Mar 2018
Dear Elvz
You may try the following herbs which have anticancer properties.
1. Have a cup of Wheat Grass juice every day.
2. Take Cucumber, beetroot, fresh carrots and celery. Make a salad add some common salt, a pinch of black pepper and a few drops of hemp oil in it. Have it every day.
3. Have a massive doses of Vitamin C every day.
4. Take a cup of Ginger tea every day.
5. Buy a combo of Ecinachae and Goldenseal and have 1 capsule every day.
6. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper, half a tablespoon of clarified butter. Take a heated pan and heat all the ingredients for 5 min on low flames. Take it for 1 month and see the results.
Ann ( Nigeria )
03 Mar 2018
My mom has cervical cancer stage 4 she is on dialysis and is not urinating at all and she finds it difficult passing out feaces am in Nigeria please what herbs do you suggest?
27 Mar 2018
Dear Ann
Try the following herbs.
1. Have 1 glass of Wheat grass juice every day.
2. 2 glasses of Carrot and beetroot juice. Or you can also have them in salad and add hemp oil.
3. 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with black pepper.
4. Soursop soup every day.
5. Echinacea tablets and goldenseal tablets every day. 1 each every day.
Patricia M ( Jamaica )
18 Mar 2018
I was diagnosed with cervical cancer 2B and expected to start radiotherapy in April. In the interim what can I do to help with the discharge. It's watery mild odor and just horrible. I'm in pads every day.
06 Apr 2018
Dear Patricia M
You may try Carcinosin 10m, just one single dose. Get it from a Homeopathy shop and do not take any other dose. Wait for 1 week and let us know the results after 1 week.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
12 Mar 2019
hi Jamaica Hope you well, my mother recently diagnosed with the same.
May I Know which treatment you have done for this?
How do you feel now?
Melijon buquiran ( Philippines )
20 Mar 2018
We have available soursop, turmeric, green tea, oregano, carrots and ginger in the Philippines. Can we take them all daily if we have cervical cancer?
27 Mar 2018
Dear Sir/ Madam
Yes you may take all for Cancer.
Melijon buquiran ( Philippines )
20 Mar 2018
What is the best diet for people with cervical cancer? Thank you and more power!
05 Apr 2018
Dear Melijon
Try the following.
1. Have a cup of fresh Wheat Grass juice every day.
2. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with some black pepper every day.
3. Have Carrots, Beetroots, Celery, Oranges daily. You may take it as salad and add some Hemp oil in it.
4. Have a bowl of jack fruit every day. But it should be ripen.
5. Have a bowl of soursop soup every day.
Try these for 1 month and see the results.
K. W ( U.S/ Florida )
06 Apr 2018
Hello, I'm 26 years old and was diagnosed with cervical cancer last July. I'm at stage 1 with squamous cells and it is invasive. I was pregnant when they told me my pap was abnormal and that I would have serious complications if I didn't get a biopsy. So my fiance and I made the decision to terminate at 21 weeks because the doctors made us believe that we could try again once we figure out what was going on. Now I have cancer and the oncologist told us that I wouldn't be able to conceive anymore children(I have 2 from previous relationship; fiance doesn't have any), and that he wanted to schedule a hysterectomy for the following week; I was crushed ??. I ended up canceling the hysterectomy. Please tell me how to naturally cure it. I would love to be able to have another child. My issues are weight loss from 165 to 134 within last 5 years, longer menstrual cycle, moderate odor that goes fishy when intimate, discharge, occasional bleeding during sex, also the Dr. Informed me that I have hpv and a small fibroid on my uterus. Please and thank you.
Vaishali ( India/ Telangana )
27 Jun 2018
My age is 23 female I m having cervical cancer stage 2a1 wat measures I can take for it
Joanna ( United States )
10 Aug 2018
I have Reactive cellular changes present in my pap . What I do?
Ma. gloria ( Philippines )
06 Nov 2018
my name is glo, 39 years old from philippines i was diagnose with cervical cancer stage 3b i undergo radiation and chemotherapy but i stop because my kidney was bloated please help me what natural herb should i take?
Samit ( India )
12 Mar 2019
Hello Team,
Myself samit my mother found cervical cancer in stage 2-b
i have completed her
4 chemo sessions done,
25 radiation done,
2 sessions of Brachytherapy is remaining,
till now she responds well in treatment, we not observed any major side effects of it till now.
My aim is to cure it completely, please suggest me herbs or your opinions it would be a great help for her and me.
Tobi loba ( Oyo Ibadan )
11 Apr 2019
Greetings to you , my mum was diagnosed with cervical cancer and she's being bleeding tho the bleeding has stopped, pls what can she use because she has not had operation or chemotherapy or radiotherapy , I will be glad if you can reply me so quick so that she can start the intake as soon as possible
Thanks in advance
Bharti ( Delhi )
04 Jun 2019
Hi my mother is diagnosed with cervical cancer ..her biospy reports are pending but doctors told that it may be 3rd stage ..she is also having diabeties and thyroid ..need help pls tell me what can be given toh her
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