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Manjakani Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Quercus Infectoria
Botanical Name
Quercus Infectoria
Hindi Name
Majufal, Majuphal

Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here.

Manjakani Cures


Action of Manjakani

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Manjakani

Nature of


Parts Used

Fruit, Bark, Seed, Leaf

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Manjakani

Don’t use this herb during pregnancy, it may lead to miscarriage.
If there is any side effects discontinue using it.
Avoid taking Manjakani during Menses.
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Manjakani is formed on the leaves of the Oak Tree. It is like a cyst and is called Oak galls.
When the leaves of the Oak tree are stung by a wasp, they form a cyst like ball to protect themselves. These ' fruits ' are botanically known as Quercus Infectoria. The name of the wasp is Cynips Tinctorial or Cynips Gallaetinctoria. The chemical reaction of the leaves to protect themselves, form a round hard ball which we call Manjakani or an Oak Gall.
The Galls contain Tannins, Gallic Acid and Ellagic Acid.
They are a powerful Astringent.
Best used to tighten and improve the elasticity of the Vagina and or the Breasts.
Use in combination with Witch Hazel.

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Materia Medica for Manjakani

Manjakani General

Manjakani is primarily a woman's best friend, well, in addition to Thai Kudzu and Dong Quai.
It has a special affinity towards the vaginal walls. It takes care of all the female reproductive organs. Anything going wrong with a woman, young or old, any age, try Manjakani internally or locally.
Loose Vagina : It is a friend of the mucus muscles. It tightens and firms the muscles of vaginal and helps to restore vaginal elasticity.
It will cure Smelly Vaginal Discharge.
It can be used orally, in the form of tincture or herbal pill to be placed inside the vagina.
It reshapes vaginal walls.
It alleviates Leucorrhea symptoms.
It prevents Uterine Prolapse.
It sanitizes the female sex organs and protects them from Vaginal bacterial and fungal Infections.
It increases sensitivity, and consequently increase sexual pleasure.
It enhances the production of Hormone Estrogen.
It also tightens the Breast Muscles and is good for saggy Breast.
Cleans the uterus after childbirth and Menses.
If childbirth has not been managed properly and the lady develops bone pains after delivery. Manjakani is the remedy.
Arabs, Iranians, Chinese, Indians, Indonesians and the Malays, all knew about the properties of Manjakani for a long time. The rest of the worlds is learning.
Lets say that Majuphal or Manjakani is a Magical Formula. If you drink a decoction or tea of Oak Galls off and on you will age slowly, enjoy sex and live a disease free life. Free from all the diseases given above. Prevent any kind of Cancer, specially Breast and Cervix Cancer.
How to Use
Drink tea made from the Galls.
Crush them, make a paste and apply locally.
Boil them for 5 minutes, cool the water, wash Vagina with the luke warm water.
Ah! The creativity of man. It has been heard that condoms have been sprayed with Manjakani. The unsuspecting Vagina has no choice but to tighten, unconsciously and involuntarily. Extra enjoyment is a welcome side effect. Dip a tampoon in Manjakani water, insert into the vagina, retain for about an hour and remove. Vagina tightened.
Did You Know !
Manjakani can Tighten stomach muscles
Betal leaf will also do all the above. Only locally, not internally. But Manjakani is better. Make a decoction of Betel leaves and use it`s water to remove vaginal discharge. Manjakani is actually better because it can handle the excess fluid in the vagina.
Single Herb

Herbal Cure for PMS with Manjakani

If PMS is your problem, Mnjakani is the answer.
Sometimes the uterus may not be able to expel the contents every menstrual cycle. This may result in symptoms like
Brown, Purple or Black Blood
Total absence of menses
Excessive Bleeding
Manjakani will help you return to normalacy

Manjakani for Breast Diseases

Breasts may hang or loose their elasticity.
Make a concoction of Manjakani. Drink twice a week.

Manjakani for Wounds

Prepare a decoction of the bark of Manjakani . Drink three times a day.
Or: Tincture: Take l-2ml of the tincture three times a day.

Manjakani for Loose Vagina

Take Manjakani, crush and boil it in water. When the colour of the water changes, leave it to cool. Use the cooled water to wash the vagina and experience the result yourself.

Manjakani for Aphthous Ulcers

Take Manjakani and prepare a paste out of it. Apply, it directly on the infected area for a complete cure.

Manjakani for Caries

Put 30 to 40 grams powder of Manjakani, and boil it in the water. Let it cool. Use this lukewarm water as a mouth wash for once a day in the morning. It helps to remove Caries and bad odor from mouth.

Manjakani as Antiseptic

Boil Manjakani in water. Try to wash out your wounds and cuts with this water. It helps to heal them faster.

Manjakani for Breast Cancer

Take 1 to 2 teaspoon powder of Manjakani and pour it into a glass of boiled water. Coll and filter, drink it twice a day.

Manjakani for Diabetes

Take Manjakani and prepare a tea with it. Drink it for once a day.

Manjakani for Cervical Cancer

Boil Manjakani in water. Drink it twice a day.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Vaginal Care 2

For internal medication the following herbs top the list
Dong Quai
Pueraria Mirifica
Betel Leaf and Carambola together
For local application Use decoction of Betal leaves and or Manjakani.
Betal Leaves. Boil Macerated Betel leaves. Reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Cool till warm. Dip tampon in liquid. Insert in Vagina. Keep it there for 15 minutes. Remove. Repeat daily for one week.
Manjakani. Coarsely powder Mnajakani balls. Boil about 50 gms of Manjakani in one liter of water. Reduce heat and simmer till water is half. Cool. Dip a tampon in the liquid. Insert in Vagina. Keep it there for 15 minutes. Remove. Repeat daily for one week.

Herbal Treatment For Hiccups 1

Take dried form of the following herbs in equal quantity :
Camel Thorn ( Javasa in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ), Long Pepper ( Pippali in India ), Nutmeg ( Jaiphal in India ), Manjakani ( Majufal in India ) and Orris Root. Put them in a grinder together. Powder them. Have a teaspoon powder with Honey ( Shehad in India ) once a day.
Queries on Manjakani
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Fake users have started using the Query Section to advertise their products and services.
It is therefore suspended.

Actual users may approach us through emails. Please write an email to info@herbpathy.com.
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21 Mar 2015
I have done HSG test in last month, after this test we got my fallopian tubes are blocked. Now my doctor has advised me to do Laparoscopy. So I want to ask Majuphal is better for me to get pregnant, without Laparoscopy.
04 Jul 2019
Am Hellen, thanks to Dr oniha who cured me of INREGULAR MENSTRATION and fibroid with his herbal MEDICATION. My marriage was on the verge of collapsing, because I was unable to bear a child for my husband. Until I came across Dr ONIHA's recommendation onLine,of how he has helped numerous of childless couples to have children with the help of his wonderful herbal medication, and I contacted him. And he administered his herbs on me.within the space of two months, i became pregnant, I now have a child I can call my own. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem, or all other infertilty issues, you can reach him through his email:
DRONIHASPELL@YAHOO.COM or call him on +2347089275769
Isha Suri
23 Mar 2015
Laparoscopy is a procedure to see what is wrong. It will not cure or open the fallopian tubes.
The research team at Herbpathy has been tasked to find an answer to your problem. We will try to give you a solution very soon.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
24 Mar 2015
Your suggestion herbal surgery for fallopian tube blocked.
Herbpathy Research Team
25 Mar 2015
Dear Varsha,

The fact of the matter is that your Fallopian tubes are blocked. If you want to delve deeper into the cause please refer to the page on Blocked Fallopian Tubes on this website.
The tubes are blocked and they need to be opened. I wish it were possible to use a wire brush to clean them but that is neither possible nor desirable.
The blockage has been created by a faulty metabolism of your body. Therefore it would be appropriate to set the metabolism right so that it opens the tubes, keeps them open and does not form a blockage again. Any other method, any local application can only provide a temporary solution. This means that the Fallopian tubes can be blocked again because the metabolism has not been corrected.

Suggested course of action (SCOA)
We must address the problem by taking a natural antibiotic to fight infection, if there is any. We must take herbs which facilitate the movement of ova. We must administer herbs that remove the blockage. Please take the following herbs.
Honeysuckle (Hindi name Honeysuckle)
Buy honeysuckle flowers. Make a decoction of one teaspoon in 250 ml water, take it twice a day (This is an antibiotic).

Quercus Infectoria (Hindi name Manjakani)
Take this internally and apply it locally for toning the uterus and entire reproductive system. Buy ½ kg Manjakani from any spice merchant (Hindi name Pansari). Coarsely crush them. Boil in 2 liters of water. Once water comes to boil, simmer for ½ hour. Strain the liquid. Bottle it, store it, drink four tablespoons mixed with ½ glass of water morning and evening. Dip a tampon in 2 tablespoon of this liquid, insert in the vagina as deep as comfortably possible. Remove after 15 minutes. Do this once a day.

Polygonum Aviculare (Hindi name Bannalia)
Buy its extract or capsules from the Internet. Its English name is Knotgrass. This is to be taken by mouth only. Take 3 capsules a day. This is meant for facilitating the movement of ova and increasing the hormones that make a woman fertile.

Dong Quai ( Hindi name Dong Quai)
Buy from the internet. Take 3 capsules a day.
Take each remedy separately for a few days. If it suits you, continue. If it does not suit you or produces side effects do not take it. At the end of about 10 days, you would have determined what all remedies suit you. Now take these for a month.

Before doing anything, you must take this advice to a qualified Doctor and only after his approval you should take them.

With Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
Herbpathy.com ( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
08 May 2017
I have some capsules that are to be taken daily for tightening. It says if you take for 6 months the results will be permanent. Do you think this is legit?
29 Mar 2015
I have been dealing with Cadida and Uti for almost 8 years now. It came on and off, but after a course of antibiotics it got worse. I cant sleep (have been dealing with insomnia since as long as I can remember, dealing with loss of memory), have huge dark circle around eyes and dark Melasma on cheeks. It statred to be noticeable when I was 18, now its just worse.
Tried accupunture and herbs, but the licorice decoction made me restless. So I had to stop TCM. Have tried Hydroquinone, and other products for Melasma without any success.
I am in a mission to get rid of Candida, Uti, Melasma and dark circles. I heard Manjakani can help with most of the conditions I have. Can you please let me know if you have seen a case like this getting positive results with Manjakani? Your suggestion with additional herbs would be really appreciated.

Thank you
07 Aug 2020
Colloidal Silver may help me
30 Mar 2015
I have had an Total Abdominal hysterectomy 9 months ago and was wondering if I can use Manjakani for my vaginal wall tightening.
Herbpathy Research Team
31 Mar 2015
Dear Rumi,
Hysterectomy upsets the entire Reproductive System. Whatever has gone wrong will be set right by Manjakani. Of course, it goes without saying that Manjakani is one of the best remedy for tightening the lose vagina. Therefore, it is suggested that you take Manjakani internally and apply it locally. The internal ingestion will tone up the muscles of your abdomen and the Vagina. Please refer to the advice given above to Versha on 25th March regarding the method of taking Manjakani.
If you are having a bloated Stomach because of hysterectomy or any other problem, please let us know and we will reply accordingly.

Herbpathy Research Team.
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
29 Dec 2015
Akash, High blood pressure is very common problem.we have seen often this problem in old age people.
So, I personally want to advice you that regular walk is very helpful to control this disease.
29 Dec 2015
You can buy manjakani Online on e-commerce websites. There are a lot of websites available which deals in selling of herbs. Please do a proper research about the seller portal before buying to avoid any kind of mishap.
Herbpathy Research Team
31 Mar 2015
Dear Michelle,

Candida never dies. When your immunity is high it will remain dormant. When your immunity decreases, it will rear its head.

The Dark Circles around your Eyes, Insomnia and Melasma seem to be a result of a deranged metabolism.

Short Term Suggestions :-

For information on Melasma, please refer Melesma under the diseases section on this website.
The Hindi name of the best remedy is Rasont and its Botanical name is Berberis Aristata.
Make a paste in a little milk and apply locally.

For Candida, immediately start consuming at least one cup of curd every day. The bacteria in the curd will counter Candida.

For Uti you must alkalize your body. Take half a teaspoon of Baking soda in a glass of water for 15 days.

Your Insomnia seems to be induced due to medicines. You stop taking medicines, you probably go to sleep.

For long term effect you need to build your immunity. It is recommended that you take Dong Quai and Manjakani for one month. Thereafter we will suggest a herb that will make sure that you become vibrant healthy and not fall sick ever again.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Anuradha Bakshi
01 Apr 2015
Another very important use of Manjakani I found was in helping remove cellulite.
I have Manjakani for one week every month and I find a visible difference in my Hip size.
Its worth trying ladies.
22 Jun 2016
Do you drink it as a tea and how, I would like to know pleaseb
Tonya Fells
28 Apr 2015
Thank you for all this knowledge. I have uterus fibroid. Will you tell me what to take to rid my uterus of this. Thank you in advance.
Herbpathy Research Team
29 Apr 2015
Dear Tonya ,

The best remedy for a female reproductive organ would be Dong Quai. It does not have any side effects. However, you should try it for 10 days to see, if it suits you. By suiting I mean, it does not have any negative effects. But, you may feel a slight discomfort.
Dong Quai will also improve your general health.

To get rid of the fibroids from your uterus, take Calcarea Carbonica 1M, a homeopathic preparation. This is a specific remedy for dissolving fibroids.

Please Note : Take only one doze, do not repeat.

For detailed information about the herb Dong Quai, You can search Dong Quai under Herb section and may post your reviews after you use the herb.

Herbpathy research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Nilesh m sorate
05 May 2015
Need manjakani 100 kg if available then kindly revert us with price
06 May 2015
Where can I find this manjakani & betel?
Herbpathy Team
08 May 2015
Dear Nilesh and Kay
We thank you for staying connected with Herbpathy.com. We appreciate the fact that you are interested in this wonderful herb. We also grow medicinal plants but not for commercial purpose.
You may try buying Manjakani online from e-commerce websites or any Ayurvedic medical store nearby you.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
12 May 2016
I have searched online for company that sells Manjakani. Can you please provide a web address?
22 May 2015
Is there any side effects of Manjakani?
Herbpathy Research Team
26 May 2015
Dear Seresthi,

Majuphal is used for various problems. Firstly, let us know what is your problem for which you want to take Majuphal.
Complete information is required before prescribing any remedy. So that, we may suggest you accordingly.

Thanks and Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
27 May 2020
Is manjakani a good herb to dissolve large fibroids
26 Jun 2015
Dear Team,

I am suffering from pcos right from puberty. I get my periods only if i take my tablets. Other than that i am not that obese but slightly overweight. My tubes and uterus are good. Please suggest me a medicine which will help me conceive. I am trying for 3 years to get conceived but not even once i got my egg ruptured.
please suggest me.
looking for your reply
Herbpathy Research Team
30 Jun 2015
Dear Rajageetha,

Sorry to hear about it. Could you please let us know a few details like
1. Your Age please?
2. Since when are you taking the tablets for your periods?
3. How do you know that your tubes and uterus are good? Did you get your tubes and Uterus diagnosed by a doctor?

We really need to know all these details. Only then we can suggest you the cure.

Herbapthy research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
02 Jul 2015
Sir I'm Shobana,
I'm not getting my periods regularly for the past 5 months,if I take tablet modus 10mg I get my periods. But it is painful and bleeding is heavy. My age is 35 and I have 2 sons. Now for the past 2 days, I'm taking fever nut, 1 to 5 peppercorns crushed with buttermilk in the morning. Is it correct please suggest me a good remedy Sir.
02 Jul 2015
Sir I didn't mention 2 of my problems.
1. I have allergy Sir. It is only itching not scars or swelling.it is not food allergy because early in the morning when I get up I get this.my serum range is 241.daily I'm taking allegra m. if I take this no problems.
To get rid of this tablet give me good suggestions.
The next one is at the age of 35 itself, i had full white hair,could not go out without coloring.So every month I spent a lot in parlors. So can you suggest me a solution. Because my money is being wasted and moreover my hair are getting get damaged due to chemicals. Sir, please solve my all 3 problems.
06 Jul 2015
I Came on this site by providence. I've been using oak gall cream as a vaginal astringent. I don't use it often. However, after reading the above, I'd like to know if it would help with ovarian failure? or do you have another suggestion of herbs I can use so my period can resume? I'm 43, had a laparoscopic 12 years age. Regretted it to this day. I don't eat animal products but I've been very stressed. I'm 64 inches & weigh 140. I've gained 10 pounds since becoming stressed. Your kind advice will be greatly appreciated! Keep up the good work. Thanks!
Herbpathy Research Team
13 Jul 2015
Dear Jeri

We are sorry to hear about your problem. It would be our pleasure to help you, in any way.

Oak Gall is a superherb for ensuring an overall health of the female Reproductive System.
It possesses Antioxidant property, which tones up the Vaginal walls and restores the elasticity.
The herb has a multitude of benefits, a few of which are listed below :
It is known to strengthen and tighten the Uterus.
Improves the Menstrual Cycle.
Acts as a potent healer in healing the internal wounds after delivery.
Cures Blocked Fallopian Tubes.

So, We congratulate you, for choosing the right Herb. You can entirely bank on it.

However, the method adopted by you is not quite efficient.
Applying the cream locally is not what we recommend, as, later, it gives rise to another problem called Vaginal irritation. Moreover, this is just a temporary cure.

The best method to set your body right and to cure the Ovarian failure is,

Get the Oak Galls, break them into small chunks and make a decoction. Store it in a clean bottle in the refrigerator.
Take a tampon, dip it inside the decoction, so that it absorbs the water. Insert this tampon inside the Vagina. Leave the Vagina plugged in, like this for at least 15 minutes. Now, take the tampon out.
Try this method regularly for a period of about 1 month and see the difference for yourself.

Also, ingest the decoction
For a month, drink 2 tablespoons of the decoction.

And for your stress you may try Lemon Balm or Siberian Ginseng. Both the Herbs are known to be widely used for lowering the Stress and reducing anxiety. The herb will improve your resistance to Stress.

Cinnamon Tea is the best bet for reducing the extra pounds you have gained. Drink the tea twice a day.

Make a concoction by mixing lemon juice with water. Sprinkle in black pepper (about 3-4 turns of the pepper grinder would be sufficient) Stir it. Drink it once daily after the meal. God bless!!


Herbpathy Research Team

( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
16 Jul 2015
Hi Shobana

Don't worry about your irregular periods. I get the same problem. Then my aunt told me to take Turmeric.
You may also try it.
Take one Table spoon of Turmeric and add a little amount of milk in it. Mix it well. You may add sugar also. Drink it and follow it with a glass of lukewarm milk. It is really beneficial.
But i think you should also get your test done.
17 Jul 2015
I was wondering can i use Manjakani or manjakani tea while i am breastfeeding ?

I would like to lose weight and tighten my vagina after giving birth .
Guneet Kaur
17 Jul 2015
Dear Sally

Well, i was not much aware about the herbs. But, my mother in law has a good knowledge about herbs. And at my first delivery, she used to give me Manjakani for my lose Vagina. Yes, it is beneficial. I have heard about Manjakani, that it is known as ladies herb.
23 Jul 2015
my name is sana .Am 26years old.I have a 3years old baby and after that had two abortions.the reason was weak uterus.I want to use manjakani to tighten my uterus and to avoid abortion. Please let me know how and when to use it.
Yvonne granstan
25 Jul 2015
My name is cici I have been suffering from vaginitis for years I go to doctors so many times and it comes and goes my vagina is loose because I have big babies like 8lb,9lb,and 10lbs.I have been trying to have another baby from I was 40 and now I am 45 and it seems it's not working so please help me , tell me where to buy the stuff and how to use it thank you and God bless.
Raj shri
29 Jul 2015
I have religiously used manjakani for 40 days excluding menstrual days fell wonderful n young can u recommend the 2 herb for eternal health n youth as ur discussion with Michelle reg n blessings
Herbpathy Research Team
30 Jul 2015
Dear Sana

Yes, weak Uterus is one of the reasons , which force many women to go for an unwanted abortion. To strengthen the muscles. do the following

Apply Castor oil pack over the Uterus. It helps to cleanse and increase circulation to the Uterine tissues, it improves the function and health of the Uterus.

Dong Quai is a super Herb in treating problems related to female Reproductive System. It tonifies and strengthens the Reproductive Organs by regulating hormonal control, improving Uterine tone, and improving the timing of the menstrual cycle as well.

Prepare a decoction of Dong Quai roots, and consume it twice a day. You can also buy Dong Quai capsules from the market.

Red raspberry leaf is another great nutritive. It is a wonderful uterine tonic. The herb also helps to reduce excessive bleeding during and after childbirth. This herb is known to be one of the safest for pregnancy and pregnancy preparation.
Take liquid extract twice a day. Dosage should not be more than 6ml.
NOTE It should not be used during first three months of pregnancy.
Also take Manjakani as a tincture, this will also tonify the muscles.
To tighten the Uterus, refer to the next review..........
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
30 Jul 2015
Continued for Sana...........

For tightening Vagina ,

Get the Oak Galls, break them into small chunks and make a decoction. Store it in a clean bottle in the refrigerator.
Take a tampon, dip it inside the decoction, so that it absorbs the water. Insert this tampon inside the Vagina. Leave the Vagina plugged in, like this for at least 15 minutes. Now, take the tampon out.
Try this method regularly for a period of about 1 month and see the difference for yourself.

Also, ingest the decoction
For a month, drink 2 tablespoons of the decoction.

Herbpathy Research Team
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
18 Mar 2017
I used this herb and am happy with but I want to ask you a question about what herb can make my hips enlargement I am a sport person but my hips to small can you help please.
30 Jul 2015
Thank you so much for the reply.I hope for the best results.
Herbpathy Research Team
31 Jul 2015
Dear Yvonne Granstan,

Manjakani can only strengthen the walls of the Vagina. In doing so they make it more elastic and therefore, as you might think a little tighter. Of course, it will tone up entire reproductive system.
However, Manjakani, is not going to help you to conceive. If the problem is with your husband or in the production of the Ovum.
Logically, come to a conclusion regarding where the problem lies. You need to get your husband's semen tested for the quality and the sperm count.
You also need to get your own reproductive organs examined and identified the exact fault.

We will then be able to advice you accordingly.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
31 Jul 2015
Dear Rajshri,

Lets take the guess work out of longevity. The theory of longevity will take a long time to study, whether you take the chinese or the Ayurvedic route, the study is arduous. The variables and considerations are multitude and require a battery of tests and examination.
But, there is a way out. Let's start by defining.

Health is not absence of disease but a state of physical, mental and emotional well being.
Then there is prevention of disease.
Then there is a state of vibrant health.
Vibrant health is not prevention of disease but, it is the result of a conscious and a concerted effort at achieving a state of supper abundant in physical health, mental acquire, emotional stability and spiritual achievement. there is vibrant health without tears. there are approximate 10 herbs that can make us achieve in 80% of our goal start with taking Ganoderma Lucidum ( Reishi Mushroom ) capsules for 14 days. Measure your Blood Pressure and Pulse three times a day. Measure your blood sugar on day 1, day 7 and day 14.

continued ... (1/2)
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
31 Jul 2015
Continued (2/2)

If it suits you and you feel the vital parameters that you measured are getting better, then continue this for another 14 days.

In addition start with American Ginseng. Continuous the same process.
Write us the result after one month and we will send you further advise.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
07 Aug 2015
I am 43yrs old I recently had a medical Abortion at 6weeks . I want to avoid the D& C procedure . so can i take manjakani herb for this?, Please guide me ,
Thank you in advance.
Herbpathy Research Team
13 Aug 2015
Dear Shasha
Yes, you can bank on Mnajakani . The Herb will cleanse and tone up your Uterus.

It acts as a potent healer in healing the internal wounds after delivery as well as abortion.
Cures Blocked Fallopian Tubes.

Get the Oak Galls, break them into small chunks and make a decoction. Store it in a clean bottle in the refrigerator. Ingest the decoction regularly for 15 days. Take 2 tables spoons once a day.

Also, avoid going for D&C treatment. As it might pose a risk of infection or other complications.

But still, you should consult your health care provider before taking any medication.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
25 Aug 2015
I am 21years old and i have a have question why manjakhani products have side effects on virgins and which products suits us best .
25 Aug 2015
I am 21years old and i have a have question why manjakhani products have side effects on virgins and which products suits us best .
25 Aug 2015

Well i have heard that Manjakani is used after delivery of a baby. Because after that the vaginal muscles get lose. So Manjakani is effective to tight the vaginal muscles. I think that is why it should not be used by virgin girls, because their vaginal muscles are already tight.
Herbpathy Research Team
28 Aug 2015
Dear Nommie

Manjakani is a wonder Herb for females. You might have come across many controversies regarding the usage of this Herb by virgins. Let us clear the doubt here-

Manjakani helps to tighten the muscles of loose Vagina. Thereby , restoring the elasticity of Vagina. However, in case , if a virgin consumes it, it will tone up the muscles, but not tighten it up any further. So, do not get confused with it.

If Vagina is loose, it will tighten it up. If not, then Manjakani will tone it up.

So it is safe to be used by virgins. It will take care of the Menstrual Disorders, Painful Menses, Smelly Vagina, Vaginal Dryness. In short, it will tonify the entire Reproductive System of a female.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
19 May 2020
Can we use it for ovarine cyst...that isn't polycystic...ovary syndrome only a painfull ovary cyst
29 Aug 2015
can we take manjakani tea daily for health perpose
29 Aug 2015

wanted to know if manjakani is useful for menopause issues .
Herbpathy research Team
31 Aug 2015
Dear Guna

Yes, you can take Manjakani tea daily for your health purposes. Manjakani is a wonderful herb for females. It is beneficial for almost all kind of problems associated with reproductive organs.
Apart from manjakani, you may take a healthy diet and be physically active.

For any other information regarding any Herbs or Diseases, Herbpathy would love to help you in future.

Stay Healthy!

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
31 Aug 2015
Dear Neha

Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing egg, that means the end of Menstrual Cycle. It is not a disorder, but a natural process. The common symptoms of Menopause are Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, Anxiety, Vaginal Dryness, Low Libido and Hormonal Imbalance.

Manjakani is like a boon for females. It is an incredible herb that keeps a good care of a female's Reproductive organs. It is a rejuvenating herb that strengthen the walls of your Vagina. It is easily available in the form of tablets in the Market.

You may also try Dong Quai which is also known as a female's Herb. Like Majakani, Dong Quai is also a good care taker of Females Reproductive Organs. It regulates the Hormones and is beneficial for all kind of menstrual problems.
You may take is in a form of Decoction or Capsule.

For more information, you may also visit on the main page of Menopause under the disease section on this website.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Umesh kumari
04 Sep 2015
I am suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding. All test have been done and found no cause. Can I use manjakani for this, please suggest.
Herbpathy Research Team
08 Sep 2015
Dear Umesh Kumari

Sorry to hear about your condition. There is no doubt to it that Mnajakani is a wonder Herb for female. It takes care of all the disorders related to female reproductive system. However, the best Herb which helps to cure the problem of Heavy menstrual bleeding is Ashoka.

Prepare a decoction of Ashoka Bark. Drink 8 ml of it daily and then see the results. You may check Ashoka herb under Herb section on this very website to know about other benefits of this Herb,

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Carolann Cox
11 Sep 2015
I have 5 children and I am 47 I have read that manjakani is good to tighten the walls . My questions is that can I use as a douche ? Is it safe for me to drink the tea every day ? How much and often ?
12 Sep 2015
My husband is diabetic .I have come to know that paneer ka phool/Doda is very good AND curing diabetes .Please let me know how to use it ?
Herbpathy Research Team
14 Sep 2015
Dear Shasha

Paneer ka phool is known to bring down the sugar levels remarkably.
Dosage : Put 8-10 pieces of flower in a glass of water and keep it overnight.
In the morning, squeeze the flowers and mix them well, Now, strain it and drink the water.
The taste would be real bitter. For best results, use the herb regularly.
This herbal flower is amazingly effective to cure Diabetes, but, it is a palliative one.

Your husband should try Giloy ( Tinospora Cordifolia ).

But, if you are using the herb with other medications, it may cause a sudden drop in sugar levels, below the normal range. Avoid it with conventional medication.
we suggest you to,
Keep a count of your Sugar and before taking any medicine for diabetes and then record the sugar level after 10 to 20 days, You will see the difference.

For Immediate results, buy a Tincture of Giloy known as Tinospora Cordifolia and take 10 drops in water every day for 15 days.

Please consult your health care provider, before giving any Herb to your husband.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
14 Sep 2015
Dear Carolann Cox

Manjakani is a wonder Herb for females. You may take it internally and apply it locally for toning the uterus and entire reproductive system.
Buy 1 kg Manjakani . Coarsely crush them. Boil it in 2 liters of water. Once water comes to boil, simmer for an hour. Strain the liquid. Bottle it, store it, drink four tablespoons mixed with a glass of water morning and evening. Dip a tampon in 2 tablespoon of this liquid, insert in the vagina as deep as comfortably possible. Remove after 15 minutes. Do this once a day.

Tea-- Add one third of a flat teaspoon of Manjakani Powder in hot water. Drink this tea twice daily .

That's all, this is enough to tighten the vaginal muscles and tone the walls.
You may also drink Manjakani tincture. Add 10 drops of it in half glass of water. Drink daily for a month.

We won't recommend douching inside your vagina. Because, in case you are suffering from any vaginal infections, squirting liquid from a douche may cause PID ( Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) . As it can push the infection causing bacteria up into the reproductive tract, thus infecting Uterus and Ovaries . So using a douche should be avoided.

This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
14 Sep 2015
Douching is recommended only if your doctor has advised you to. Else, avoid it strictly.

And there is no harm in drinking the tea. You may drink the tea twice a day regularly for about 20 days. Then, you will see the difference.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
15 Sep 2015
I am still breastfeeding my second child, he is 11 months old now. Can I consume manjakani concoction during breastfeeding? I don't want to stop breastfeeding just because I want to consume manjakani. Sometimes I will have discharge and it is quite itching, and I also want to tighten my vagina. Thanks.
Herbpathy Research Team
17 Sep 2015
Dear Booney

Manjakani should not interfere your breast milk under normal circumstances. There is no record found of such side effects. However, different people react in a different way on herbs. Even if there is 1% chance of fear, then do not take Manjakani.
We recommend you to take Manjakani after breast feeding.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
05 Oct 2015
Dear, I am a virgin and 27 years old. I wanted to know exactly how to use Manjakani being a virgin and also does it cure leucorrhoea and how?
Neha Heera
06 Oct 2015
Dear Nada

Excessive white discharge is quite a common problem . I was suffering from the same for the last 3 years. I used to take 5 drops of Banyan milk thrice a day, and it did wonders. you mat try that.

And, yes, Manjakani is a boon for females. It is an incredible herb that takes good care of a female's Reproductive organs. It is a rejuvenating herb that strengthen the walls of your Vagina. Its good to take it, if you are suffering from any menstrual disorders.
However, if you want to deal with Leucorrhoea, then the most effective Herb would be Dead Nettle.

Soak 3-4 flowers of Dead Nettle in a cup of lukewarm water. Let it cool , strain it and drink the infusion. Do it twice a day for 10days.

You may also try Dong Quai which is also known as a female's Herb. Like Majakani, Dong Quai is also a good care taker of Females Reproductive Organs. It is easily available in capsule form in the market.

Thank You
Michelle Pia
15 Oct 2015
Herbpathy research team,

I recently purchased Manjakani & Kacip Fatimah Plus which contains the aforementioned herbs in 100mg each also Radix Hippocratea Indica 50mg, Semen Piper Nigrum 50mg and Semen Trachyspermum Ammi 50mg (each capsule a total of 350mg as listed above). Can you advise what the benefits of this combination to a women's sexual health?
Is it safe too take 2 capsules twice a day and also can I expect any side effects of reactions with wine/alcohol.

I am 43 years old

I look forward to hearing from you
Kind Regards - Michelle
Herbpathy Research Team
16 Oct 2015
Dear Michelle

I would request you to consider two aspects of taking ready made formulas off the shelf.
1. These formulas have a major herb which contributes to the main effect required. They also contain supporting herb which either enhance the activity of the main herb or reduce its side effects.
This practice of combining herbs is coming down from a father to son and is passed on personal experiences. But each person reacts differently to every Herb.
Every Herb reacts different people in different ways in different environment and climatic conditions.
For Example:
1.It is not advised to take Shilajit ( also known as Asphaltum ) and Siberian Ginseng in summers. No matter what your constitution is.
2.If you are living near equator you should not eat Siberian Ginseng.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
16 Oct 2015
To be Continue for Michelle

3.Herbs like Piper Nigum have to be consumed like steroids. Considering all the above, it is impossible to predict what will be the out come this formula on your body.
It is recommended that, if you desire to go ahead with it, proceed cautiously. Take 1 capsule, study the results. If it suits you, only then continue.
Individual expectations, actions, reactions of individual herbs can be studied on Herbpathy.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
21 Oct 2015
Thank you for your response.

As I live in England and we now at the start of our winter period.

After considering your suggestions, would you advise taking manjakani by itself without the other herbs such as Piper Nigum. As I have purchased this in a capsule form which was listed in my previous message.

As I have never taken steroids I'm a little concerned over the effects that this may have on my system as a woman.

Also is there a reputable brand which you can recommend.

Thank you so much for your time again.
28 Oct 2015
I am Samira and I have Uterine prolapse a 3 degree. It has completely descend into the vagina but not out. I wish to know is there any remedy as I am only 32 year old and it happened after I lost my second baby at 21st week pregnancy.Can manjakani help ?
Thank You
Dr. Prerna Bajaj
29 Oct 2015
Dear Samira
Yes Manjakani can help you in healing this prolapse of Uterus. Not only this, it will tone up the vaginal muscles and restore the elasticity of Vagina.
Weak vaginal muscles is one of the reasons behind Uterine Prolapse, which leads to a heavy loss. So, effort must be to improve the health of vaginal muscles or ligaments, so that they are able to support the uterus.
You should try Castor oil
Apply Castor oil pack over the Uterus. It helps to cleanse and increase circulation to the Uterine tissues, it improves the function and health of the Uterus.

take Manjakani as a tincture, this will also tone the muscles. Add 10 drops of this tincture in half glass of water. Drink it twice a day, follow this for a month.

Also, exercising will help you-
Instead of keeping it under your head, keep it under your ass. Sleep in this position for 10 days. This will help the uterus to return to its position, under the effect of gravity.

All the best dear
29 Oct 2015
Thanks I will try and let you know.
However in my country we cannot find Majakani. I had it ordered under pills. How many do you recommend me ?
Do you mean to keep cushion under my ass for 10 nights?
Thanks again.
Dr.Prerna Bajaj
29 Oct 2015
Yes Samira, the cushion for 10 nights.

Okay, so you have had them ordered in the pill form. Start by taking 1 pill twice a day. One in the morning and one in the evening. Try it for 20 days, if you feel any difference, try for 20 days more. Then stop. Get yourself examined by a doctor. okay.

And i advise you to consult your health care provider before taking any Herb.
Herbpathy Research team
03 Nov 2015
Dear Michelle

Piper Nigrum should not be taken for a long time. It should not to be taken more than 15 days and only taken in small doses. However, Manjakani can be taken for longer period. We advise you to take Manjakani for 1 month. Then stop taking for the next 1 month and continue again in the third month.

Herbpathy Research team
( Make life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Hadiza jabi
15 Nov 2015
Herbpathy Research Team
16 Nov 2015
Dear Hadiza jabi

Manjakani is a wonderful herb which makes a female's reproductive organs strong. It is recommended after pregnancy, to tighten the vaginal muscles.
But remember , Please avoid it during your pregnancy, it may lead to miscarriage.

There are other two herbs which are like a boon for Females.
Dong quai
Shatavari ( Asparagus Racemosus )

If you want to strengthen your reproductive system, then please take it before pregnancy. They are not recommended during pregnancy.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
26 Nov 2015
Can I talk in Urdu here?
Herbpathy Admin
27 Nov 2015
Dear Beya

Yes, you can.

Herbpathy Admin
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
29 Nov 2015
May I know Manjakani will tight vagina for permanently or for temporary like Alum? If we will take one or two months treatment as you explain above then it will give us results for permanently or temporary for vaginal muscles tightening? Like if we use fitkari and it give us temporary results and if we use fitkari for long time then, it do dry to private part and it will harmful and Couse of yeast infection.. So like fitkari manakani can give us same reaction or not? Or manjakani is safe properly? And please tell me about how we can use manjakani and fitkari together for varginal tightening? Or which formula is safe and better and easy to use? Please reply me.. And help to clear me all the things.
Herbpathy Research Team
30 Nov 2015
Dear Garima

Your query has been submitted to our expert on the subject. He is out of India and expected to return by Thursday. As soon as he arrives, we will updated you.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
01 Dec 2015
Dear Garima

Use of Alum is not recommended as it will spoil your skin permanently. When you use Manjakani locally, the effect will be semi temporary. If you wash your private parts with decoction of Manjakani, it will tighten your Vaginal muscles for 2 to 3 days. However, if you take Manjakani by mouth in the form of decoction for 15 days, the effect may be permanent.
Lets say, that your age is 40, then if you use Manjakani internally for 15 days, then your vaginal muscles will become like 40. After a year, when they deteriorate faster than normal, then again take Manjakani for 15 days only. So it is recommended that you take Manjakani every year for 15 days. It will tone up your entire reproductive system.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Elise Singh
02 Dec 2015
I came across manjakani use for vaginal tightening today after hours of searching for the best home remedy. I've 5 children with the last one being 5yrs old. All my children were vaginal birth weighing 9lbs and up. My vagina is so loose that i can insert my 4 fingers into my vagina with no pain at all. This is causing lots of problems in my marriage.
Please, will manjakani help to tighten my vagina and how do i use it to see a better results.
Also can it tighten my vagina in a way that my 4 fingers cannot fight in my vagina after the manjakani usage? Please help me.
02 Dec 2015
Yeah ! Manjakani is a superb herb for vaginal tightening.
For tightening Vagina , I came across another remedy called Alum. Excellent it is. I think you must check Herbs section and look for Alum.

Get the Oak Galls, break them into small chunks and make a decoction. Store it in the refrigerator.
Take a tampon, dip it inside the decoction, so that it absorbs the water. Insert this tampon inside the Vagina. Leave the Vagina plugged in with the tampon for at least 15 minutes. Now, take the tampon out.
Try this method regularly for a month

Also, drink the decoction
For a month, drink 2 tablespoons of the decoction.
Elise Singh
04 Dec 2015
Thanks for the reply. My doctor advised me never to use alum as it has a very dangerous chemical that can harm me however i will use the manjakani as you suggested. Hopefully it works for me.
08 Dec 2015
I recently ordered 100 gram of oak galls. What is the exact ratio to make the drink and the solution to dip the tampon in... I saw that you boil it but how many grams of oak galls to how many ounces or grams of water? Also I saw for the powder to drink as a tea, use 1/3 flat teaspoon and mix with hot water... but how much water? Can you please give ratios so we can make the mixtures accurately so it will be effective. Thank you so much for the advice.
11 Dec 2015
I am a breastfeeding mother of 5 months old.after last months periods I had intercourse with my husband, and he said its difficult for him, because he feel dryness and loose during intercourse.I checked online for some herbs and found oakgall. I apply oakgall powder into vagina before 20minuets before intercourse, and we felt better, but the dryness is still there, so I took 1/2 teaspoon powder orally, today I drank oak gall tea, 1/2 teaspoon powder in 1 cup boiling water, it's very bitter, but I drank 1 cup today. Can I add honey to that tea, after I read this article I guess I did it wrong, is it okay to drink 1 cup a day or it's too much, I didn't see any side effects in my baby while I am taking powder orally. Please suggest me should I take only 2 tbsp. Or is it okay to drink 1 cup.
12 Dec 2015
I am Pushpa

I have sagging breast and also large breast problem,I have this problem after give birth please help me ,I want to tighten back my sagging breast and reduce my breast size. I feel very embarrassing with this problem.
14 Dec 2015
Dear Pushpa
You don't need to be embarrassed.
It is not something which can't be taken care of.
Massage your breasts in upward direction , for 15 minutes. Best oil for it is grape seed oil or almond oil.

you might come across answer like apply essential oils like carrot oil or fennel seed oil. But. I will suggest to not go for them as these oils are very very strong and inappropriate quantity may cause burning sensation on the skin.

And yes, you can massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results.

Flax seed is used to reduce breasts size. take the powder of the seeds with hot water. Drink it daily
Herbpathy Research Team
14 Dec 2015
Dear Nazra

Manjakani should not interfere your breast milk under normal circumstances. There is no record found of such side effects. However, different people react in a different way on herbs. So you should
take Manjakani after breast feeding.

If you think it is not posing any side effects, then you may continue to take this herb. Manjakani is known to tighten and tone the Vagina. To remove the dryness , continue to take the oak galls as you have been taking them. Do not increase the dose. There is no harm in adding a little honey to the tea for a better taste.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research
15 Dec 2015
Dear Alicia
Will you tell us for what purpose do you wish to take Manjakani. The ratio of the Herb or the method of its preparation depends on the condition to be cured.
Mention the problem please, only then we would be able to advise you the exact amounts.

Herbpathy Research
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
24 Dec 2015
I am 30 years single and have pcos.my cycle started to become irregular soon after it started and i am currently taking duphaston evecare to get periods.if i dont take it I wont get periods upto a year. I also have hair on my chest,stomach,thighs, chin and have been doing laser for removal.i have read a lot of benefits of manjakani to treat these hormonal and other problems relating to overall health of female reproductive system and would like to know what are the best ways for me to use this herb.also if i can take it in capsule form and is there a reputable company i should buy from.i had a bad hairfall and have lost the volume drastically during over the past 7 to 8 yrs.i read once tht blackstrap molasses also helps fight hirsutism but am not sure because i know it is just a form/derivative of cane sugar. i am 75 kgs, 5'4" & overweight and want to use herbs that can help me with these problems (i would like to know if there is a way i can contact your team over the phone please.)
Herbpathy Research team
07 Jan 2016
Dear Kanwal
As you have mentioned that you observed hair on your chest, chin or thighs and also suffering from PCOS. It is because there is an imbalance in your sex hormones, irregular periods is also the result of this imbalance. the balance needs to be restored.... Manjakani tincture can be bought,or its capsules. Add 10 drops of the tincture in half glass of water and drink regularly once a day, for a month. Also Chasteberry is very effective to set the balance right. Please read PCOS in the disease section, then you can write back to us, if any doubts. Once, Pcos is cured, all the problems will be gone. So lets take care of it first.
Herbpathy Research team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
24 Dec 2015
I am 28 years old and have 2 years old one baby girl. after giving her birth , i am facing the problem of sagging breast. Can Oak Galls/ Manjakani is beneficial for tightening my breast if yes then how can i use it . please suggest....
Herbpathy Research Team
30 Dec 2015
Dear Sweety
Massage your breasts in upward direction , for 15 minutes. Best oil for it is grape seed oil or almond oil. Do it regularly. It will shape up your Breasts and firm them up.
Exercising shows effective results. You can go for Chest Press. Do it regularly. Oak Gall tincture will stimulate your Reproductive system and will tighten the loose Breast muscles. But, it will also tighten up the Vagina. You can massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results.
Or massage it with Aloe Vera gel regularly, it will lift them up.
you may try any of the above remedies , we have mentioned.
Good Luck !! Regards
Herbpathy Research Team ( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
29 Dec 2015
I am 63, healthy, very active, 2 grown children. I am self-diagnosing early prolapse of cystocele, enterocele, and rectocele. Uterus seems to be tucked up for now. Having frequent episodes of cramping on left side of vaginal wall, and can feel structures descending. I am concerned mostly about those organs herniating through the vaginal wall. I do not want any surgery! Thank you so much for this information made public. Where can I find reliable, natural, best sources of Manjakani cream, tincture, or tea preparations or raw ingredients in the US? Shall I contact an Ayurvedic physician? Do you recommend any sources/brands?
Herbpathy Research Team
04 Jan 2016
Dear Lael We are gratified to know that you found the write up informative. Sorry, we would not be able to recommend a specific brand. You will need to do some research to find the reliable and authentic sellers. Or you may consult an Ayurvedic Physician. or you may try Castor oil to improve the function and health of the Uterus.
Apply Castor oil pack over the Uterus. It helps to cleanse and increase circulation to the Uterine tissues.
Good Luck!!!
Herbpathy Research Team ( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
06 Jan 2016
I am 26 years old,very active.Had a daughter 2 years ago, and since then my vagina has been loose. Went for Vaginal rejuvenation surgery last year,but I still feel loose. Can I use manjakani tablets to get a tightened vagina? Please advice me. And where can I get the real herb?
Herbpathy Research Team
06 Jan 2016
Dear Rabiah Yes you can use Manjakani. We advise you to buy tincture from a homeopathy shop. Take 10 drops morning evening in half glass of water. Take it for 15 days and study the results and write us back with results. For more information about Manjakani you may visit the individual page of Manjakni given on this website. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
07 Jan 2016
It is very difficult to get the tincture here,infact people here are not really familiar with all these herbs and their formulations. Can you please tell me how I will use manjakani tablets? Because it's the only one I am accessible to. Thank you.
07 Jan 2016
It is very difficult to get the tincture here,infact people here are not really familiar with all these herbs and their formulations. Can you please tell me how I will use manjakani tablets? Because it's the only one I am accessible to. Thank you.
Herbpathy Research Team
05 Feb 2016
Dear Rabiah You may buy the tincture online. If still not available, then tablet or capsule form can be taken.
Take 1 capusule ( 200 mg) one a day. Take it daily for a month. You may also take the Herbal decoction. Get the Oak Galls, break them into small chunks and make a decoction. Store it in a clean bottle in the refrigerator. Ingest the decoction regularly for 15 days. Take 2 tables spoons once a day.
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
18 Jan 2016
I have noticed my breast were saggy around 25 Is there any herbal solution except surgery?

Can you please suggest something for saggy breast.
Herbpathy Research Team
19 Jan 2016
Dear Fatima Take Manjakani. It will uplift your saggy muscles in the Breast. Take for one month and see the results. Write us back with results. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
28 Jan 2016
I am 32 years old i have 2 babies.my second baby is 4moths old and he is on my brestfeeding.i want to take manjakani to treat my saggy breast and loose vagina so can you suggest me how to use manjakani for these prorblems.
Herbpathy Research Team
28 Jan 2016
Dear Nosheen
Manjakani should not interfere your breast milk under normal circumstances. There is no record found of such side effects. However, different people react in a different way on herbs. Even if there is 1% chance of fear, then do not take Manjakani.
We recommend you to take Manjakani after breast feeding. For the mean while you may do the following--
Massage your breasts in upward direction , for 15 minutes. Best oil for it is grape seed oil or almond oil. Do it regularly. It will shape up your Breasts and firm them up.
Exercising shows effective results. After breast feeding, you may try Oak Gall ( Manjakani ) Oak Gall tincture will stimulate your Reproductive system and will tighten the loose Breast muscles. It will also tighten up the Vagina. You can massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results.
Or massage it with Aloe Vera gel regularly, it will lift them up. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
29 Jan 2016
I have prolapsed uterus, PCOD and sagging breasts post delivery. I read a lot about Majuphal or Manjakini and bought the powder of the same. How should I consume the powder for my above problems...? Also can we boil majuphal powder in oil and use that oil to massage the breast..? How can we use this majuphal powder for melasma too..?
Herbpathy Research Team
08 Feb 2016
Dear Sarah
We are so sorry for the delay. Due to some technical issues, we could not reach out to reply you. Everything has been taken care of. For PCOD -- super effective Herb is Chasteberry.The Herb has shown real effects in setting the Hormonal balance right and curing PCOD. In disease section, please see PCOS, to know how to use Chaste berry. Manjakani powder can also be taken for your problem.
Take a teaspoon of powder with honey regularly once a day, for a month.
Sagging Breast-- Massage your breasts with grape seed oil in upward direction, for 15 minutes. You may massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results. Be regular with this regimen, best is to do it for a month ...........
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
08 Feb 2016
Cntinued for Sarah............ For Melasma-- the most effective Herb is Berberis Aristata.
Take 2 grams of dried Berberis Aristata. Soak it in raw milk at night. Next morning, strain it and apply on your face in upward direction.
After half an hour, rinse it with fresh water.
You may also apply tomato pulp on the affected part, rub it over for 20 minutes. Then wash with cold water. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
11 Feb 2016
Thanks for replying..! What is the Hindi word for chasteberry..? I am currently taking Kanchnaar guggulu, triphala guggulu, Chandraprabha bati, Ashokarishta and Dashmoolarishta for both my bulky uterus and PCOD. Are these the right medicines for my problems..?
Kanwal Nawaz
31 Jan 2016
I have been trying to conceive for 1 year and recently ie from 09/01/2016 started taking some herbal supplements in order to help me conceive . I am 26 years old married for 2 years . From past 2 months I have been having itchy vagina and burning outside and inside of vagina . Plus pain while having intercourse.I got my vaginal swab done but no infection seen. I need your help and suggestion on this please .
Herbpathy Research Team
01 Feb 2016
Dear Kanwal Nawaz Sorry to hear about your condition. Would you please mention what all Herbal supplements are you taking for this problem ? We recommend that you get Pelvic Ultrasound done and let us know about the reports. It seems there is hormonal imbalance. So, there might be a slight chance of PCOS. So please confirm that you are not suffering from it. Then we will be able to suggest you an appropriate Herb. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Kanwal Nawaz
02 Feb 2016
I am taking a herbal supplements in order to conceive - one of the herb is ashwagandha powder & I dont know the name of the others (as it was provided by a herbalist without names mentioned on it) . I am not taking any supplement for this burning and itchy condition . I was just asked to use neem leaves and alum powder and sit in a tub with water ie sitz bath for 20 mins every friday and saturday for this problem . I got my pelvic Ultrasound done and I just have very slight PCODs . Nothing major . I will shrae the reports if required ....
Herbpathy Research Team
05 Feb 2016
Dear Kanwal Nawaz
Thank you for writing back. No, you do not need to share your reports. Slight PCODs-- cured by Herbs Like Manjakani and Chasteberry. Manjakani tincture can be bought,or its capsules. Add 10 drops of the tincture in half glass of water and drink regularly once a day, for a month. Also Chasteberry is very effective to set the balance right. Please read PCOS in the disease section, then you can write back to us, if any doubts. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
06 Feb 2016
I had also posted my query on 26th Jan but unfortunately did not get any reply from your Herbpathy team. Disappointed..!
Herbpathy Admin
08 Feb 2016
Dear Sarah Please check your review, dated 26th January. It has been taken care of.
For any queries, you can always write us back. Herbpathy Admin
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Feb 2016
Where can i buy Manjakani?
Herbpathy Admin
16 Feb 2016
Dear Celeste
Sorry, we would not be able to comment on that. Ours is an informative website. We do not deal with buying or selling of Herbs. You will have to do a little research on your own. You will find many vendors who deal with this Herb. You may look for the Herb on the internet. This Herb is available in powder form, capsule form, in the form of cream or ointment. You may also get its tincture.
You may check Buy/ Sell Herbs portal on this website. Users who wish to sell their Herbs, often post the details in that section. Regards
Herbpathy Admin
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
14 Feb 2016
My problem started since when i had my first child last 2years i m so loose.i have gone through vaginal surgery but still no improvement. can Manjakani help me in anyway?
Herbpathy Research Team
16 Feb 2016
Dear Amrah
Yes, Manjakani is a great Herb to tighten the muscles of loose Vagina. Thereby , restoring the elasticity of Vagina. You may get the Oak Galls, break them into small chunks and make a decoction. Store it in the refrigerator.
Take a tampon, dip it inside the decoction, so that it absorbs the water. Insert this tampon inside the Vagina. Leave the Vagina plugged in with the tampon for at least 15 minutes. Now, take the tampon out. Try this method regularly for a month..
Also, drink the decoction of Manjakani. For a month, drink 2 tablespoons of the decoction. If decoction is not available in your area or online, then you may consume its capsules.
It is advised that you consult your health care provider, before taking any Herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
20 Feb 2016
Attn: Herbpathy Team
Please tell me under which name Manjakani Homeopathic Mother Tincture is available. Like Wilmare Schwabe, Dr. Reckweg, or Boiron. I am waiting your kind reply.
26 Feb 2016
Dear Haider Manjakani tincture may be available by the name of Querecus Infectoria or Querecus Glandula or Querecus Infectoria Oliv. Any brand would do. Usually it is found under the brand Reckweg.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Darshna ( India/punjab )
26 Feb 2016
I need majuphal. Can u supply and also let me know how to use and price /weight.
Herbpathy Admin
01 Mar 2016
Dear Darshana Sorry, we do not deal with buying or selling of Herbs. Ours is an informative website. To buy this Herb you would have to contact the respective vendors. A research on your end would be required.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Shratha ( UP )
29 Feb 2016

I am 25 years old. I am suffering with PCOS problem from past 4 years. In beginning i used to get periods once in 2 months. But now I am not getting at all and Hair growth is there in chin and breast. Please suggest herb to get cure from this problem permanently.

Thanks !
01 Mar 2016
Dear Shratha Super effective Herb to cure PCOS is Chasteberry.The Herb has shown real effects in setting the Hormonal balance right and curing PCOS. Dosage-- Take a teaspoon of powder of chaste berry with honey regularly ,once a day, for a month.
Other Herbs which have shown positive results in curing -- no periods due to PCOS are -- Fevernut and Dong Quai capsules( super effective ). Cinnamon is highly effective Herb to cure PCOS.
Add one tsp of Cinnamon powder to a glass of hot water. Drink it daily for a month. FOODS TO AVOID,
Sugar, Barley, Potatoes, White Bread. FOODS TO BE TAKEN, Flax Seed, Fenugreek, Apple Cider Vinegar, Basil,Liquorice.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Eva ( Maharashtra )
05 Mar 2016
I just did a sonography today. I was diagnosed with Fatty liver and Nabothean cysts on the cervix and my gall bladder and urinary bladder are slightly dispended. Can you suggest some herbal treatment for my above condition..?
14 Mar 2016
Dear Eva
The remedy suggested for you is Calcarea Carb 10 M. Take one dose of this Homeopathic remedy. Once only. One dose means- 4 pellets(small pills). Then you may start with Milk Thistle Capsules. Take one capsule daily for a month. Take one glass of Grapes juice daily.
Fry some Radish leaves in a little oil. you may have it once a week.
Punarnava, in its water extract form is another Herb which will take care of your Liver. It is advised that you consult your health care provider, before taking any Herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sadiya ( Telegana )
08 Mar 2016
I want to purchase Oak gall n manjakani. Pls share contact details of suppliers at Hyderabad

08 Mar 2016
Dear Sadiya We do not deal with sales or purchase of any herb or herbal product.
You can buy this herb online or any near-by herbal store. Herbal products are available on e-commerce websites. Check for the quality and the authenticity of the product and the seller before you buy.
We have moved your query to the Buy/Sell page of our website. Users post their contact details on that page for the purpose of buying or selling herbs. That is entirely a user affair. You may visit that page and look for the users selling the needed herb. Herbpathy.com has just provided the platform for communication for the users.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Neha ( Chhatisgarh )
25 Mar 2016
What is the benefit of majufal during menses
15 Apr 2016
It is suggested not to take any Herb during periods ( menses ). NO medicine or herb is recommended for these days. As , this might interfere the natural cycle of the body. So, wait for the menses cycle to be over and then you may take the Herb. The dosage depends on the condition that you wish to cure by this Herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Maritam ( Pakistan )
28 Mar 2016
Please help

Doctor keh rahe hain uteruse bht down hogya hai after delivery how to lift my uteruse
29 Mar 2016
Will Oak Gall/Manjakani interact with birth control?? Do not want to risk getting pregnant!! Thank you.
29 Mar 2016
Dear Herbpathy,

I am a virgin, 28 years age. I want to use oakgall for sagging breast and for vaginal tightning. I have gone through all the q/a alreadys. Want to know exactly how to use oakgall for sagging breasts and vagina....i request u to please mention exact quantitues for decoction and/or solution.

01 Apr 2016
Dear Alisha For vaginal tightening --- Buy 500 gm Manjakani. Coarsely crush them. Boil in 2 liters of water. Once water comes to boil, simmer for ½ hour. Strain the liquid. Bottle it, store it, drink four tablespoons mixed with ½ glass of water morning and evening. Dip a tampon in 2 tablespoon of this liquid, insert in the vagina as deep as comfortably possible. Remove after 15 minutes. Do this once a day. Try this for a month.. and for saggy breasts --
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
01 Apr 2016
continued for Alisha ,...........You can massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results.
Or massage it with Aloe Vera gel regularly, it will lift them up. Massage your breasts with grape seed oil in upward direction, for 15 minutes. You may massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results. Be regular with this regimen, best is to do it for a month...
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
19 Apr 2016
Thanks a lot for the detailed reply.
02 Dec 2016
From where we can buy Manjakani tincture or its capsules..Or how we can make manjakani tincture at home? for vagina tightening.
Ann ( US )
05 Apr 2016
Hi. Everything sounds very interesting. Can you take Dong Quai and Manjakani at the same time?
05 Apr 2016
Dear Ann Yes, you may take both the Herbs at the same time. I myself took it for a month. In the morning Dong quai capsules and Manjakani in the evening, before going to bed... Taking these to Herbs do not pose any side effects. Or, you may contact your health care provider before taking any Herb.
17 Apr 2016
I am shalu from india . age 25 year . i am suffring from fallopian tube block. i had HSG show both tube are block ... please tell me best ayurvedic medicine for cure block fallopian tube thanks...
04 May 2016
Dear Shalu Before, we suggest you a cure, would you please tell us if you are expecting a baby . Are you pregnant ? The answer to this question is very important for us to suggest you the cure. Also, tell us what all menstrual problems do you face ??
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
31 May 2016
m not pregnant . and try to get pregnant but not success . everythink are normal hormonal test. no menstrual problem. normal weight and health. i have done HSG xray show fallopian tube are block... plzzzz tell me best meicine for cure. thank u.
Simran ( India )
19 Apr 2016
Hi... My skin is vry dry... I wnt to knw... Hw cn i use manjakani for sagging breast... Bt i don't wnt dat it makes my skin excess dry aftr use..
Soujanya ( India )
21 Apr 2016
Hello..i heard that manjakani is also used for dark spots and blemishes and many other skin problems...pls can u tell me about detiled info about this herb
Sheba Temple ( USA/Georgia )
28 Apr 2016
I have not seen Manjakani sold 500 gm. I saw a company on facebook that sells it 15ml, 30ml, and 50ml. I live in the US and I would like to follow your advice for vaginal tightening but I want to get it right because I have read about bad side effects if it's not taken properly. Can you guide me to a quality Manjakani supplier, that corresponds with your directions?
Sobia ( Pakistan )
07 May 2016
what is the name manjakni in Pakistan ? please reply me
13 Jun 2016
Dear Sobia. Manjakani is herb whose botanical name is Quercus Infectoria. There is no such name as Pakistani name of the Herb. Check the common names of this herb . Scroll up and see the names suggested in the Common Names section
24 Dec 2018
Dear Sobia In Pakistan manjakani is sold by the Maju phal .
SGB Khoirangi ( Nepal/Kathmandu )
31 May 2016
What is the best way to get rid of saggy breast? Please suggest asap. Please.
13 Jun 2016
Dear SGB
For Saggy breasts-----
Massage your breasts in upward direction , for 15 minutes. Best oil for it is grape seed oil or almond oil. You might come across answer like apply essential oils like carrot oil or fennel seed oil. But. I will suggest to not go for them as these oils are very very strong and inappropriate quantity may cause burning sensation on the skin. And you can massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results.
Or massage it with Aloe Vera gel regularly, it will lift them up.
It is advised to consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Jun 2016
Dear SGB
For Saggy breasts-----
Massage your breasts in upward direction , for 15 minutes. Best oil for it is grape seed oil or almond oil. You might come across answer like apply essential oils like carrot oil or fennel seed oil. But. I will suggest to not go for them as these oils are very very strong and inappropriate quantity may cause burning sensation on the skin. And you can massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results.
Or massage it with Aloe Vera gel regularly, it will lift them up.
It is advised to consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ayu ( Indonesia )
15 Jun 2016
Dear Herbpathy,

This article says that avoid to use Manjakani at pregnancy, could you please give me explaination about it?
And what do you mean about avoid to use? Is that only for oral consumpion or what?
I ask you this question because I have physiological daily feminine hygiene (feminine wash) containing Manjakani extract. Is it safe for pregnant women (and for breasfeeding women) for using feminine wash containing Manjakani extract? That feminine wash just like a liquid soap to cleanses and deodorizes feminine area.
I need your help to answer this question.

Thanks in advance.

30 Jun 2016
The reason why it is said that manjaknai should be avoided during pregnancy is- The herb is known to cause utrene contraction , it might cause abortion. The herb should therefore not be taken.
Beverly ( Australia )
20 Jun 2016

They calim that Manjakani is dangerous for use, as it contains high amounts of Tannins and can cause Anemia and Malnutrition and muscle wasting which could weaken your heart and can also cause you to get Leukemia and loose muscle mass

I am very confused. please help
21 Jun 2016
Beverly, to tighten vagina Manjakani plays a significant role. If you are confused don't consume it just apply it over the Vaginal muscles. Take Manjakani, crush and boil it in water. When the colour of the water changes, leave it to cool. Use the cooled water to wash the vagina and experience the result yourself.
Ifeoma ( Nigeria )
26 Jun 2016
I am 28 years old am a mother of 3. I've sagging breast and loose vagina. I used to be busty before the babies but now my breast is small and sagged what can help increase my breast size and make it firm. Also my tummy has this pooch on the lower abdomina that embarrasses me I want to flat out my tummy. Please help me out. With remedies for loose vagina, small n sagged breast, mummy tummy. Thanks from Nigeria
28 Jun 2016
Massage your breasts in upward direction , for 15 minutes. Best oil for it is grape seed oil or almond oil. You might come across answer like apply essential oils like carrot oil or fennel seed oil. But. I will suggest to not go for them as these oils are very very strong and inappropriate quantity may cause burning sensation on the skin. And you can massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results.
Or massage it with Aloe Vera gel regularly, it will lift them up.
It is advised to consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
Priyanka Valecha ( Maharashtra, mumbai )
28 Jun 2016
Does paneer phool helps to cure PCOS??
29 Jun 2016
PCos can be cured by Manjakani, CHasteberry and Saw Palmetto. These are very effective herbs to cur PCOS. Manjakani tincture can be bought,or its capsules. Add 10 drops of the tincture in half glass of water and drink regularly once a day, for a month. Also Chasteberry is very effective to set the balance right. take 5 to 6 berries everyday. Please read PCOS in the disease section, then you can write back to us, if any doubts.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
02 Dec 2016
From where we can buy Manjakani tincture or its capsules..Or how we can make manjakani tincture at home? for vagina tightening.
Sabra liaquat ( Pakistan )
12 Jul 2016
after giving birth to a baby there is swelling in my abdomen. and it sagging down. can this herb help me out of the problem.
20 Jul 2016
Dear Sabra
You may try this herb as it is used after delivery to tone up the loose muscles. Try it for 15- 15 days in 2 months.
Denise ( Florida )
20 Jul 2016
Recommendations for BRCA2 estrogen post bilateral mastectomy, hysterectomy 9 months ago. No chemo, no radiation. Just want to give my body help to recover from such trauma. Doing acupuncture and Chinese herb called Bing du Ling for immune system. This was my second bout with breast cancer but previously triple negative cancer treated with lumpectomy radiation acupuncture and Bing du Ling 14 years ago. Any recommendations appreciated
12 Aug 2016
Denise Herbs that you can take are--- Buy Galium Aparine tincture and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
Wheat grass juice- 30 ml every morning
Ganoderma capsules, one everyday for a month
Take Liquorice for 3 days in a week.
Take 1 tablespoon of turmeric ( fresh ) with a pinch of Black Pepper.Take these herbs for 1 month.
Tania ( India )
16 Aug 2016
I use to masturbate from last 8 months ...so i lost my strenght ..i have dark circle under my eyes ..my vagina become so weak..and loose all the fat around it gives me a very bad feeling all the timme...and if i work for short time or even walk..i feel very tired....im so frustated all of this...please suggest me some solution...
22 Aug 2016
Take manjakani capsules everyday. And Dong quai capsules every day for a month.
These herbs will tone up your genital organ. And you should stop this self abusing. This will lead to fatigue, low stamina and weakness.
Do not worry, this can be taken care of. Do meditation or yoga and try to distract your mind by reading books .
Tania ( India )
16 Aug 2016
And i m 21 years old...please suggest me any solution so soon...please..
Jamekia Cotton ( Usa )
23 Aug 2016
I have got such a nice large hips and breast, i love myself now.
I never really thought i could have a nice sexy shape as this, because i have tried to get a larger and curvy shape with so many enlargement products i found online, and none could offer me even a little of what i desired most. When i heard some people saying that the charm of a woman is in her shape i never really believed it, am 28 and my breast was so small as that of a 14 year old girl and my hips and ass was no were to be found in me, i had three heartbreaks because i had a very rough shape and breast, and i really felt bad about that until i searched the internet for another help and i found a comment of someone who shared that she have got a very good shape curves with the help of Dr.OFEIMU Enlargement herbs, i thought she was lying but i gave it a second thought and i collected the Dr email: ofeimuspellalter@gmail.com and contacted him, Just in a few days i purchased his Herbal Enlargement products, he sent them to me and i just three weeks of using them my breast became bigger and my hips and ass just getting bigger, Now Just A month and Two weeks of using his herbal products i now have a nice shape.
24 Aug 2016
can I take manjakini during breastfeeding for my kids ?
26 Aug 2016
Dear Teoh
Why do you wish to take it for your Kids. Manjakani is a female's friend and it tone up the reproductive organs of a female. You may take it for your problems that are associated with your reproductive organs.
Ruby ( Indai/Delhi )
21 Sep 2016
Does Majuphal works in spot removal on face..I have been suffering from pimples last one year, now the pimples are removed but too many spots and cuts come up on face..My face is oily, So please advise me if majuphal paste will work as i have been advised by Dr. previously to apply it on face for spot removal..I am a pregnent lady with 6 month ..please Advise..And help to get out these spot from Face
22 Sep 2016
Ruby You must not take anything for these spots. As you are 6 months pregnant. So, all I can ask you to do is use herb that need not be ingested. Like Sandalwood face pack, Or you may even by Seaweed face wash, buy it from Body shop. amazing to remove spots. Once you give birth to your baby then you can use Tree turmeric for your spots.
It is called Rasont in hindi. Soak one to two teaspoons of this herb in water. Leave it overnight. In the morning apply the paste on your face. Leave it on for 5 minutes then wash it. You may continue with this until you better.
Deepika Srivastava ( Delhi )
27 Oct 2016
How to take Manjakani oral for tightening vagina?

I don't take alcohol to take it as a tincture.
Praanchal Kaushal
04 Nov 2016
Oak Gall ( Manjakani ) Oak Gall tincture can be taken, 5 drops in a glass of water for a month. IF you do not wish to take tincture, you can buy the capsules and eat one every day. This is what I did, I took Oak Galls, broke them into small chunks and made a decoction. Stored it in the refrigerator,as mentioned by herbpathy here. After that, this what needs to be followed :-----------
Take a tampon, dip it inside the decoction, so that it absorbs the water. Insert this tampon inside the Vagina. Leave the Vagina plugged in with the tampon for at least 15 minutes. Now, take the tampon out. Try this method regularly for a month.
02 Dec 2016
May I know Capsules name? from where i can buy,,because online capsules are very costly..and how to make Oak gall tincture (kindly tell me method of making Oak gall tincture)
Shona singh ( India (Bihar) )
17 Nov 2016
I am Shona my vaginal walls are very loose my husband is not satisfied with me what should I do. How to use this tampon from where I will get this. can I use tampon during my periods
18 Nov 2016
No. Do not use tampon during your periods. You might get a chance of getting infection, if not taken care of hygiene. For loose vagina, you can use Manjakani ( Oak Galls ). You can use the tampon for 15 minutes. Take a tampon, dip it inside the decoction of Oak Galls , so that it absorbs the water. Insert this tampon inside the Vagina. Leave the Vagina plugged in with the tampon for at least 15 minutes. Now, take the tampon out. Try this method regularly for a month. Buy it from a chemist .
Shona singh ( India(Bihar) )
17 Nov 2016
I am 23yrs old. I got married previous year. I am suffering from leucorrhoea (white discharge)very much from 4yrs all time I feel wet and very irritating I have very itching also. During discharge and periods it smells very much bad. Heavy bleeding also. I had went to many doctors allopathic and homeopathic but nothing happens. I can't gain weight I am 23yrs and my weight is only 35kg. heard about majuphal can I use it. please tell me what can I do. how to use majuphal and what is most beneficial for result majuphal or majuphal powder because online both are given which one should I buy and how much I used it in quantity please its emergency. getting irritated very much.
Rubina Desai
18 Nov 2016
Shona Singh. It is suggested that you take the herb Dead Nettle, it's homeopathic name is Lamium Album. Buy the tincture from a homeopathic store and take it every day for a month.
Add 5 drops of the tincture to a glass of water and drink it . Another herb for you is Dong Quai : Take one capsule everyday. This is a great herb for your reproductive system.
Shona singh ( India (Bihar) )
23 Nov 2016
Thank you for the reply
I am not getting majuphal in Patna from where I will get this. And which one is most beneficial powder of majuphal or majuphal fruit and how much quantity I Have to use. please mention the online site from I will get.
Deepshikha ( India )
02 Dec 2016
From where we can buy Manjakani tincture or its capsules..Or how we can make manjakani tincture at home? for vagina tightening.
19 Dec 2016
Buy it from any herbal store. Or you can prepare your own decoction. Scroll up and read the method.
Shadow ( South Africa )
15 Dec 2016
How can i get 1 kg of manjakani?
How much will it cost me?
Gul ( Dubai )
17 Dec 2016
I have fungal and yeast infection all the time
I put manjakani powder in capsules .can I use
Internally in vajina
19 Dec 2016
It is advised that you keep on taking Manjakani capsules, one everyday for a month .
And for fungal infection. Add a teaspoon of Tea tree oil in your bathing tub. Sit inside it for 15 minutes. The Stitz bath will provide your relief. Also wash your vagina every day with water containing apple cider vinegar. This is a great anti fungal solution.
Have some Cranberry juice or fresh or dried berries daily. Avoid taking preserved juices.
Take some Epsom salt and add it your bathing water. Sit in that water for 15 min. Repeat it thrice in a week.
Xxx ( India )
12 Jan 2017
After one year of my marriage vagina got loose and I have a kid too , shall I use manjakani now n plz tell me how to use this
25 Jan 2017
Yes. You may use it.
Try Manjakani capsules. one every day for a month.
Or you may prepare the decoction of Manjakani add, at it to your bathing water. sit in it for 15 minutes. The sitz bath can also help.
Nia ( Malaysia )
14 Jan 2017
Hi. In Malaysia, I read a lot of articles and blog entries saying that Manjakani is bad for virgins and should not be consumed by virgins at all. I also read a few articles saying that consuming Manjakani can somehow cause infertility/difficulty to get pregnant as it promotes menses (I don't know). I personally have tried consuming Manjakani before (I'm 24 and a virgin btw) and I felt great, no more saggy breasts, lost belly fat, etc. But since all those old aunties keep saying all the bad stuff that's going to happen to me because I'm still a virgin and 'not supposed' to consume it, I stopped taking Manjakani a month ago.

I'd be glad to hear your opinion on this.
25 Jan 2017
Dear Nia.
Manjakani is a boon for the Female Reproductive system. It can be used to cure a number of diseases ranging from Difficult menses, Loose Vagina, Saggy Breasts, Blocked Fallopian tubes, Hormonal Imbalance, etc. And there has been no such evidence tat it causes Infertility. Just keep it in mind that you are not supposed to consume it during Menses or Pregnancy. And it will only tighten the vagina which is loose.Since virgins already have a toned vagina, so the herb will not tighten it any further, it will only strengthen the Uterus.
So, those who are virgin , they can consume this herb for their reproductive system without any fear of getting the Vagina tightened. And, if you are cured, and,the herb has taken care of your problems, then you may even stop the consumption, Nia.
Ntandose ( South africa )
23 Jan 2017
Where can I purchase this herb in south africa ??
25 Jan 2017
Purchase it from anywhere. Look for it in the local herbal store. Or, order it online over the internet.
Preeti srivastav ( India )
29 Jan 2017
Hi I have two fibroid on left and right uterus wall. Of about 5*4cm and 2*3cm.suggest a cure. I am 25 years old.
Zeenat Kaith
31 Jan 2017
For Fibroids, the best herbsare Chaste Berry and Ashoka. add 3 spoons of crushed chaste berry in hot water. Let it steep for 15 minutes. Strain and drink the water thrice a day. Take fro 2months. Drink Black Cohosh tea, twice in a day for a week.
Mili ( India )
02 Feb 2017
Are banyan leaf buds good for irregular periods ?
Ushreen Desai
08 Feb 2017
Mili. I will share with you 2 herbs for curing Irregular periods-- Manjakani and Fever nut
Manjakani tincture can be bought ,or its capsules. Add 10 drops of the tincture in half glass of water and drink regularly once a day, for a month. Chasteberry is very effective to set the balance right. Drink a glass of Fevernut decoction every day for 15 days. Do not take any remedy during your periods.
Eva ( West bengal/india )
02 Mar 2017
I am 35yrs old and I applied majuphal juice inside my vagina using cotton on the third day of my period while taking shower . My period lasts for five days but since then down there its completely dry and my period has stopped abruptly .I am really worried plz advice is it normal .
02 Mar 2017
Eva. You should never eat or use any herb during your periods. Because, this interrupts the normal periodical cycle, and same has happened with you. Do not worry, this can be cure-
Take Asparagus capsules every day for a month or you may drink Asparagus tea, one cup everyday.
Do not take any herb during the periods.
Take Dong Quai capsules, daily.
This herb shall resolve the problem.
Share the feedback after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Rose Beane ( New York, USA )
03 Mar 2017
I would like to know how to make tincture from Manjakani. I keep seeing this post from
Deepshikha ( India )
02 Dec 2016
From where we can buy Manjakani tincture or its capsules..Or how we can make manjakani tincture at home? for vagina tightening.

She has asked this 4 or 5 times through this whole post and not been answered. Please can someone tell how to make tincture from oak galls.
i purchased 2kgs from India to the US on ebay.
03 Mar 2017
The tincture can not be easily made at home. It is a long process. however, the capsules can be bought from a herbal store. What you can do is, you can prepare the decoction. May I know for what purpose do you wish to use the herb ?
For Loose Vagina or for Menstrual Disorders ? https://herbpathy.com/Glossary-meaning-of-Tincture-hid-d I have shared with you the general method of preparing a tincture. You can try. Copy paste the link I have given above in yur url bar and se how tincture is prepared.
09 Mar 2017
Thank you. It is for various issues. One is bones in mouth and gums, part of a recipe someone gave me for regrowth. It calls for Oak Gall tincture. Other is for bladder prolapse, and other typical uses of Manjakani. thanks so much
09 Mar 2017
Hi. I am 5 months pregnant (2nd pregnancy). I have urinary incontinence also. Can i apply manjakani locally to tighten my vagina. It is not safe to drink i read but can i apply it locally.

Pls advise
10 Mar 2017
No. Not until you are pregnant. It is not safe to use it now. You may use it after your baby is born. Not before that please.
25 Mar 2017
ive heard that manjakani helps diabetes, vaginal dryness and vaginal tightening

I'm 50 and going through menopause

What for of manjakani should I use? Will pill form work? What is the dosage? How long should I use?

Mohita Sharma
06 Apr 2017
Take one pill every day for a month.
If you are going through your menopause , I would suggest that you also take Shatavari ( Asparagus ) capsules. One daily for a month.
B ( Australia )
26 Mar 2017
Can I take this extract while on the contraceptive pill?
06 Apr 2017
See, there is evidence that says, contraceptive pills interact with Manjakani.
It is better that you consult your health care provider once, before you try them together.
Hansikha ( INDIA/U.P )
08 Apr 2017
XYZ (India)
hey, I am having a sexual relationship with my boyfriend and now my vagina is very loose I am getting married with other boy I don't want he knows all this thing I am not Virgin I want that my vagina become tight and feel like virgin for my future husband for that what I have to do please tell it's urgent.
Garima Sisodia ( India )
10 Apr 2017
You should be honest with him, I feel. But if you think, he is not mature enough to understand all this and it can affect your marriage. Then you may try Manjakani to tighten the vagina. Take one manjakani capsules daily for a month. You may also use Curcuma Comosa root juice for it. Apply the juice on your vaginal area, Leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Scroll up and read this method to use Manjakani, which is widely being used to tighten the loos vagina. et the Oak Galls, break them into small chunks and make a decoction. Store it in the refrigerator.
Take a tampon, dip it inside the decoction, so that it absorbs the water. Insert this tampon inside the Vagina. Leave the Vagina plugged in with the tampon for at least 15 minutes. Now, take the tampon out.
Try this method regularly for a month
08 May 2017
hello Garima.. I am from Philippines.... Their is no Manjakani in our country.... can u tell me where i can buy it?
Vanessa ( Guyana )
24 Apr 2017
I live in Guyana, South America, how could i buy this herb or could u please recommend a genuine brand
Vanessa ( Guyana )
24 Apr 2017
Is the effect permanent for loose vagina or do i have to continue using this herb all the time
01 May 2017
No. only take it until the vagina regains its elasticity. Once you feel the muscles have toned up, then you can stop the usage. Share the feedback after a month please.
Joyce ( Philippines )
08 May 2017
hello where i can buy manjakani?
Megha ( India )
24 May 2017
from where can i buy this in india online please help
Marcelle ( United States/ Florida )
30 May 2017
I happen to notice a post on 29 APR 2015 to a Tonya that if you take Calcarea Carbonica 1M you get rid of your fibroids, which I have been having problems with, but can you please explain what only one Doze means? I purchased a bottle of 80 pellets. How many pellets should i be taking. I am just a little confused about the dosage.

I can attest to Manjakani. It does work. I have been using it for about 3 weeks and it worked for me. It not only tones the vaginal muscle but it toned up my whole body. I am 49 years old and i feel and look 30 years old.
Shuchi Tyagi ( Indonesia )
30 May 2017
One dose means, 4 pellets. Take only 4 pellets. Do not repeat. And thank you so very much for sharing the feedback about the herb Manjakani. It indeed is a wonder herb for females. Even I suggest the women to take it once a year for a month.
Tammy ( USA /Florida )
04 Jun 2017
Hi, I am reading all the benefits of this herb and would love to take this for prolapse, for sexual pleasure for my husband. I am 48 and I am exercising to tighten up my muscles including my but and boobs if this will help I would like to know how to take.
I do have digestive issues and fibroid cysts along with calcium cysts in the breast. Is there any side effects?

Where would I purchase this herb? I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

Chilman ( India )
15 Jun 2017
Tammy.Do you suffer from uterine fibroid ? If yes, then take Bahuinia capsules, one daily for a month.
Drink a cup of Chaste Berry every day for a month. I think, first, you should take care of the cysts and then you should think of tightening the vaginal walls. Have Dong Quai Capsules, one everyday for a month.
write again after a month and share the status of the cysts please.
Sarah Gowler ( United Kingdom )
07 Jul 2017
I have been taking this product for a few days and now have a medium sized and very painful lump in my mouth. This is the only thing that I have done or used that I never have before. Could this thing in my mouth be a side effect please
07 Sep 2017
Please stop taking it then, how much did you take it ?
Elaine J Green ( USA/SC )
12 Jul 2017
Please send me a website you recommended to buy Mankakani
Kem stew ( Nv )
29 Jul 2017
i would like to know how do i get the manjakani? i didn't see it and also can you tell me whats best for toning and saggy breast all natural and also do the powder form work?
04 Sep 2017
Buy it online, over the internet. Manjakani will tone the saggy breasts. Yes, the powder from also work. Buy Manjaknai in what ever form you get it.
Aiswarys ( UAE )
03 Sep 2017
Hi . I had cesarean last week . Can I have manjakani to clean up my internal organs and tighten my abdominal muscles ? Will it affect my breastfeeding? And how should I take it . Please advise.
Anshi ( Australia )
03 Sep 2017
Hi I am pregnant for 10 weeks and my grandmother insisting me to take one teaspoon powder of (manjakani) once a day empty stomach for 3 days only. Will it be advisable to take it during my pregnancy period. I have heard to avoid it but dosage is not going to me more than 3 days.please advise .
04 Sep 2017
Anshi. Please do not take Mnajakni during your pregnancy. DO NOT. It is known to tone the Uterus muscles. It may lead to miscarriage. Do not take it now.
04 Sep 2017
Can I mix with ginger powder or honey or dates? Thank you.
04 Sep 2017
What for? Has someone suggested you that.
Jennifer Chembles ( Louisiana )
18 Oct 2017
Good herbal(s)to help loose stubborn body fat . Mine in mainly in midsection and back fat. Not the healthiest of eaters but i do not mind changing up diet. Im 28 years old and of African decent. I am 5 ft 1 at 220 pounds. I already take manjankai pills daily. No other medicines. No current health problems. I work overnight.

Thank you for response.
Marry ( Pakistan )
25 Oct 2017
Hi i hav 4 months old baby and i hav 2degree prolapse after dilevery and my son is on top feed not on mother feed can i use manjakani powder.and how long should i take and how much.thank.reply me soon.
Tema ( Nigeria kebbi state )
06 Dec 2017
I am suffering from long menstural duration that last for 17 days,how can I take majankani product for my case
Kiara ( United States )
07 Dec 2017
Can you use Manjakani tea for vaginal tightening?
If not how to properly use Manjakani and in what format of the herb?
16 Jan 2018
Yes, you can. take it in the form of tea or powder or capsule. WHatever suits you.
Lewis ( United States )
16 Dec 2017
What is the powder mixture ratio for drinking and how often to drink for sagging breast and vaginal weakness
Karan ( INDIA )
15 Jan 2018
Can I reduce my lips size with majuphal
04 Apr 2018
I am 30 years old and had a baby 3 months ago. I am also breastfeeding. I want to use mazuphal for vaginal tightening and saggy breasts and also for the overall health of vagina and uterus after delivery. Please mention how to use and for how long. Also, I have never used tampoon so please tell some other method that would be as effective as that.
26 Apr 2018
Please reply. Thankyou.
28 Jun 2018
I accidentally fell asleep with the cotton wool soaked in manjakani solution in my vagina. So instead of 20 minutes I kept it inside for 4 and half hours!!! I am really scared now what should I do???
12 Jul 2018
I have sagging breast and i am only 21.
Should i apply water boiled with manjakani or drink it?
Or make a paste and apply?
And if i need to drink then how should i prepare it?
Please help!
Azarah ( United States / New Jersey )
02 Sep 2018
Can I use the Oak Ball Powder as a tea ? And if so will it have the same effect on my vagina is it would if I directly applied it ? And will it burn if I apply to my vagina ?
Tracy ( Usa Tennessee )
19 Sep 2018
I hv been.taking a vaginal tightening pill by a company called Isosentuals.. the ingredients are manjakani extract, kacip fatimah extract, paramariea cortex extract, and nigella sativa. Only been taking for 1.5 weeks but other women report on the reviews of this product they noticed results after 3 days , 1 week , or 2 weeks, but I can't say I have noticed vaginal tightening yet. Is or that it takes some women longer to reach results? I have 3 children ..24, 16, 12 and I'm 38 years old.....

I also hv saggy breasts due to a 50 ilbs weight loss n about 6 weeks plus the 3 children and I take 2 teaspoons of fenugreek and half teaspoon of fennel daily to firm plump and lift my breasts...but notice here how the manjankani is for breast also ?? So do I need to just stop taking the fenugreek and fennel and do a grapeseed oil massage ? Not loolimg for growth bit to plump out which will lift...mainly the top part of my breasts and I'm 34 DDD bra size ..
Thx n advance !
Kaikesha ( India )
20 Sep 2018
Hi.. I have 3 months 8 days old baby through C-section. After delivery, i have been bleeding till now. Can I use Oak balls. Now i am using Cerazette tablets from 4 days. Till now my bleeding does not stopped. My elders also said that oak balls also be used to clean the tongue of a baby. is it true? Can i apply my baby"s tongue? Please give reply.
Patricia ( Vancouver Island BC Canada )
29 Oct 2018
I found some oak galls wild....how do I preserve them for later use??
Do I dehydrate?? Id like to have it in my apothecary for both pill and tea....maybe a cream if needed.
Thank you for any advise given.
Mun ( USA/Newyork )
22 Nov 2018
How to make Concoction of manjakani? Do i need the manjakani powder or do i crush the whole fruit and then what to do for saggy breast? Do i apply on breast or have to do drink it? If so how often and how long? Thanks
10 Dec 2018
I am suffering from PCOD.Can I use oak galls or majuphal for internal use??
Zareen ( Pakistan )
20 Dec 2018
I am 37 F. One missed miscriage ( DnC) in Nov 2014..then in dec 2015 gave birth to a baby girl (c-section). I have retroverted uterus ( uterus falling on rectum) due to which I have severe bowel movement problems and constipation , a sort of IBS kind. I want to know can I use Manjakani/maju phal to fix my uterus at right position. How much and how long should I use majankani/maju phal?

Plz also guide me about some other techniques such as massage and cushion placing for retroverted uterus.

Plz reply soon.
Nataki ( United States, California )
29 Dec 2018
I would like to know if Manjakani can be used in Yoni Steams?
31 Jan 2019
Is the manjakani safe for breastfeeding mothers? Will it have any negative effects on the baby/milk? Is it safe to take right after childbirth? Can I use it if I have stitches? How what's the best way to use it?
Arigato ( Malaysia )
21 Mar 2019
Is it safe when I consume manjakani oral supplement while breastfeeding?
Komal ( India.U.p )
04 May 2019
I m 48 yrs old.i hv multiple fibroids in my uterus max upto size of 8 cm.during my periods i suffer too much pain on my lower left abdomen.doctors have advised for uterus removal.uterus has become very bulky.pls advise some treatment other than surgery.im taking homoeopathic treatment too.i hv high thyroid since many years.skin is pigmented on face with freckles.im getting fat on my arms legs nd stomach.is manjakani the solution for my problems.what other herbs u advise
San ( South africa )
19 May 2019
Where can I get the manjakani from
Ph ( Ghana )
13 Oct 2019
Please need help, both Fallopian tubes are totally blocked, ovaries are not potent, scanty menses and there’s fluid in my uterus. Any remedy so that I can get pregnant?
14 Oct 2019
Dear Try Stripped Cucumber and Drypetes Roxburghii seed powder. It is one of the best herbal treatments for Blocked Fallopian tubes. Have it every morning with warm water on an empty stomach. Just try these two herbs for at least 1 month first. If you see some positive results, then continue it for the next 1 month. You can share your feedback here on this portal.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Quart ul ain ( Pakistan Rawalpindi )
23 Dec 2019
Sir I am 33 years old I HV ovary cyst problem is oak balls is completely disappeared my cyst please answer me I am very worried about my health?? I HV also menses problem and lechuoria problem is oak balls benifets for me
26 Dec 2019
Dear Quart Ul Ain Take the following for your ailments: 1. Take Redroot: It is very effective for treating cyst. Take homeopathic tincture of Redroot. Take 5 drops daily in half a glass of water for 15 days. 2. For Menstrual problems: Take Ashoka and Chasterberry tea.
* Take Ashoka tonic for a month.
* Take 1 cup of Chastebverry tea daily for 15 days. For Leucorrhea, it is suggested to not do anything. Any kind of discharge from the body should not be stopped. As a precaution, you can take the following: Take Dong Quai capsules. Take 1 capsule daily for 15 days.
Add Asparagus to your daily diet. Share your feedback after 15 days. Do not take the medicines while you are menstruating.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Quratul ain
28 Dec 2019
Thanks sir to giving Ans me
23 Feb 2020
I am suffering from lekoreaha vaginal discharge
Since long
My hair are falling badly too may be bcz of this discharge disease
Jaishree ( India )
04 Jun 2020
Hi .I had first vaginal delivery 14 months PP and suffered 3 degree tear ,had 20 % external sphincter muscle damage and hence dealing urine and fecal incontinence and loose vagina and also mild rectocele prolapse .Does drinking manjakani tea 2 times a day cures all my above problem ? . Kindly reply waiting to hear.thank you
Cassie ( London )
08 Jul 2020
Hi please can you help me i am 30 years old with a 12 year old for the last few years my vagina has become loser and wide and i dont know why as i am not sexual active for a few years along with weight gain and irregular periods, i tried oak galls before but not long enough to see results and i found the taste very unpleasing and was scared using it as a wash for down below might cause bad reaction can you please let me know if there are any bad side effects that are associated with using it as a wash or drinking because the last thing i would want is the situation getting worse. also i can only now get the powder form
DivyaHerb Majuphal (Katalu Mayu) Powder can you tell me if this would still be effective.

please please please help me this is really ruining my confidence and life.

thank you

08 Jul 2020
Dear Cassie
Take Manjakani ( Quercus Infectoria ), crush and boil it in water. When the color of the water changes, leave it to cool. Use the cooled water to wash the Vagina and experience the result.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
09 Jul 2020
Thank you for you reply I can only get the powder form or manjakani will this give me the same results
09 Jul 2020
Hey Cassie, both are fine. We prefer Manjakani ( Oak Galls) over powder.
Andrea ( Georgia )
08 Aug 2020
I am 21 year old. I currently have 1 ovary, due to a terratoma tumor. I also have polymenorrhea, experiencing a period every 18 days. I experience vaginal dryness during sex. I'm able to become arouse during foreplay but i can not maintain it during sex. How could i use this herb to improve my symptoms.
Muhammed Umar
10 Aug 2020
Dear Andrea,
sorry for what u are passin thru, i will suggest u take hormonal balancer 2 address dt issue of single ovary, as 4 the lack of maintainance of arousal n distorted menses, take the leaf of newbouldia laervis also known as " fertility herb", u can mix it with acacia polyacantha and ficus exasperata bark, these combo would lead to u having profuse vaginal lubrication. May u be Healed.
Muhammed Umar
10 Aug 2020
Dear Andrea,
As 4 d tumour, take soursop juice daily, it is known 4 shrinkin tumour.
Manjula ( Malaysia. Selangor )
06 Sep 2020
Dr I have severe itchiness, pain and sensitivity in my vaginal area. I was told it is fungal/yeast infection. The dr give me just 1 tablet it goes off. But comes back again. I get this infection very often. I have fibroid cysts in my uterus as well. When I have done my paps smear my gynecologist informed me. I m quite worried. Does Manjakani helps for this. Kindly advice
Sara ( US )
11 Sep 2020
I have been taking the manjakani pills and I have not stopped bleeding is this normal?
Sheeba ( India )
02 Oct 2020
Dear Herbpathy team,
My query is regarding manjakani herb. I am suffering from loose vagina and saggy breast problem. I want to know that can I drink manjakani decoction twice daily for life long? I also want to know that whether I can use manjakani decoction inside my vagina daily for life long or not?
Dia bati ( Pakistan )
14 Oct 2020
My bleeding is continue more then 7 days can i take majoophal powder during bleeding .bleeding is not too much in 9 or 10 days little or just spoting
Madhu ( U.K )
20 Oct 2020
Hi my outer vagina lips(labia majora) swollen with infection. Swelling gone with antibiotics but my vag lips hasn’t gone back to its normal size. It’s so uncomfortable. Do you think majuphal will help to get back normal ?
Ajao Zainab ( Nigeria )
28 Oct 2020
Dear herbpathy,my name is Zainab,I'm a nigerian.a friend just got back from Malaysia few months ago and I complained of vaginal dryness, discharge and low sexual urge. She gave me a drug named"ekstrak kapsul majani khusus wanita" when I open it I found 6 capsules and a power I wanted to read more about it before I start using that's how I found you. Please what do you advice. Thank you
Zainab ( Nigeria )
28 Oct 2020
Hi my name is Zainab,I complained to a friend about my low sexual urge, vaginal discharge ( not smelly but thick and creamy) vaginal dryness and pain during sex,she gave a a drug "estrak kapsul majani khusus watani' I was trying to find out how it works when I came across your post. The drug contains a poweder and 6 capsules. is it safe to use and how should I use it?
Aisha ( Nigeria/kano )
24 Dec 2020
Hi, my name is Aisha from Nigeria. I was diagnosed with asherman syndrome thata I have severe uterine adhesions 6month after my miscarriage due to the fact that my period flow was very small I was was advice to go for hysterectomy laparoscopy, meanwhile I was giving another advice from a friend that I should talk to a dr that can put me on some herbs like asparagus,dong quai I take once a day, chaste berry twice morning event, fermented turmeric half tea spoon,pureria marifica half tea spoon and majakani tablet three tablet twice daily I started on the 29th ov October till date am taking it only that some few days to my period I dont take it till I finsh mu period. Please wat do u think abt my condition
24 Dec 2020
Hello with regards mu question pls
Monica ( India )
19 Jan 2021
How to use oak gall for cellulite
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