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Pointed Gourd Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Pointed Gourd
Glycemic Index / Load
Pointed Gourd
Botanical Name
Trichosanthes Dioica
Hindi Name
Homeopathic Name
Trichosanthes Dioica   -   Mother Tincture

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Pointed Gourd Cures

Super Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Pointed Gourd

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Pointed Gourd

Taste of
Pointed Gourd

Nature of
Pointed Gourd


Parts Used

Fruit , Leaves , Roots,

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Pointed Gourd

High doses may cause Vomiting.
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Trichosanthes Dioica is fruit of a vine.
The vine is perennial.
It grows in a temperate climate.
Best used for Anorexia and Liver Diseases.


Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Pointed Gourd - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Pointed Gourd for Headache

Crush the roots of Pointed Gourd to make paste. Apply it on your forehead and let it dry.

Pointed Gourd for Wounds

Prepare a root decoction of Pointed Gourd. Use it to wash your Wounds.

Pointed Gourd for Alopecia Areata

Crush leaves of Pointed Gourd to make paste. Apply it over Bald Patches. Wash when it gets dry.

Pointed Gourd for Anorexia

Include cooked Pointed Gourd in your daily diet. It is Digestive and helps in increasing Appetite.

Pointed Gourd for Liver Disease

Take 2 tsp leaf juice of Pointed Gourd once a day.

Pointed Gourd as Blood Purifier

Consume 20 ml Pointed Gourd juice thrice a week. It is very beneficial for Blood.

Pointed Gourd for Cough

Make a root decoction of Pointed Gourd. Drink 5 ml of it twice a day.

Pointed Gourd for Skin Diseases

Take 1 tsp leaf juice of Pointed Gourd. Add same quantity of Honey in it. Take it with warm water.
Queries on Pointed Gourd
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Zannatul Ferdous ( Bangladesh )
04 Sep 2016
Is Pointed gourd or potol good for lowering high creatinine level? Or i is bad for people who have high creatinine level. Same question is also for bitter gourd. Please give me the ans. My mother has high creatinine level and i m searching for a diet chart which helps in this creatinine level.
Thank you.
09 Sep 2016
Zannatul To take care of Kidneys, following Herbs are known to have shown super effective effects on those having high Creatinin level and other Kidney Disorders-- 1. Tribulus Terrestris ( Gokharu ) : Buy a tincture from a Homeopathy Shop and take 10 drops 2 times in a day. 2. Buy Punarnava extract ( Boerhavia Diffusa ) : 10 drops 2 times in a day.
3. Tincture Varuna ( Crataeva Nurvala ) : 10 drops 2 times in a day. Other two Herbs that also have shown good results are Chicory and Drumsticks. You may read about them by visiting their respective pages in the Herb section. It is advised that you always consult your health care provider before trying any medicine
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Rajshekhar ( West bengal )
23 Apr 2018
Is the pointed gourd leaves good for baldness
Tatai Sinhababu ( West Bengal,India )
04 Jun 2018
If anyone eats the roots of pointed gourd
will he or she die?
Are the roots of pointed gourd harmful for the human body?
Dr.Srikanth ( Maharashtra )
05 Aug 2018
Gujarati name for patola
Chiranjib ( West Bengal )
31 Jul 2019
Does by any chance potol seed cause cancer when eaten up.
Jose Rey
02 Aug 2019
Hello Chiranjib, The effect of Parwal seeds has proved to be positive than negative for Cancer. Well, you can visit a specialist to be sure about it. However, the research shows it to be a help in cancer cases.
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