Single HerbCrush some fresh Leaves. Warm the paste. Add honey. Take one teaspoon twice a day for 3 days.
Make a paste of Rhizomes. Apply on the affected part twice a day to get complete cure from Bruises.
Mango Ginger for Sprains
Make a paste of Rhizomes. Apply on the affected part twice a day.
Crush some Rhizomes. Boil in a glass of milk. Drink it at night daily.
Boil the Rhizomes for 10 minutes in 200 ml of water. Take 2 tablespoons with honey for 3 days.
Boil Rhizomes. Take 2 tablespoon with honey for 3 days.
Mango Ginger for Backache
Crush dried Rhizomes. Mix it in mustard oil and warm for half minute. Apply at night.
Prepare decoction of Rhizomes. Gargle with it twice a day.
Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here + Herbal Treatment For Mango Ginger for High Blood Pressure
Crush some Rhizomes. Boil in a glass of milk. Drink it at night daily.