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Croton Tiglium Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Croton Tiglium
Glycemic Index / Load
Purging Croton
Botanical Name
Croton Tiglium
Hindi Name
Jamaalgota, Geyapal, Jhamalaghota, Jepal Gota
Chinese Name
Ba Dou
Homeopathic Name
Croton Tiglium   -   Mother Tincture

Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here.

Croton Tiglium Cures

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Croton Tiglium

Most Effective

Nutrients in Croton Tiglium

Taste of
Croton Tiglium

Nature of
Croton Tiglium


Parts Used

Roots, Bark, Leaves, Dried Seeds

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Croton Tiglium

It can cause burning sensation in mouth and throat, Vomiting, Diarrhea and Dizziness.
Avoid use during Pregnancy as it can cause birth defects.
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Croton Tiglium is a tree.
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 6 M.
Best used for Constipation.

In TCM :
Meridians associated : Lung, Stomach, and Large Intestine
Croton Seed : Ba Dou
Defatted Croton Seed Powder : Ba Dou Shuang
Antagonistic activity :
Action of Croton Tiglium and Ipomoea Nil are opposite in nature. They may antidote, cancel, reduce and or adversely affect the prognosis of each other.


Grown In

Common Names

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Materia Medica : How to use Croton Tiglium - Uses and Benefits

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Santhosh Kumar
13 Aug 2015
I used some croton tiglium seeds paste along with lemon juice to prevent my hair and beard lose caused by some kind of fungal infection but after applying it I got burning blisters all over my face please suggest me some good medicine to get rid of this painful blisters .. thank you.
Manish Kumar
19 Jul 2016
Is it benificial to regrow ur hair... any other side effect @ Santosh Kumar
02 Jul 2017
Don't worry this is common effects
You should use cow.s ghee .
You may apply this on your face twice in a day And ice cube basking .
After some time you will get relaxed.
Many people uses this .
I know 3 person who was suffer from
Hair loss or alopecia they used this and after 15days they told me that the new hair was appear on his scalp .
So with patience use this .
Result will good .
Sachin J
06 Jul 2017
Thanks Prashant for mentioning this is common side effect. It has given me some mental relief. I am having same side effect of blistering (applied 2 times on my scalp for alopecia aerata). Hope the blisters will go away soon, and will have new hair growth on bald patches.
Herbpathy Research Team
18 Aug 2015
Dear Santhosh Kumar,

We understand your Problem. Blisters are painful and cause irritation. They can be cured by two simple herbal cures.
Apply the Aloevera gel on the affected area.
You can also use Tea Tree Oil. Warm Tea Tree Oil and apply it on the affected area.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Chateena l Price
18 Aug 2017
What seed is good for hair fall and growth
Bargath Begham
08 Sep 2015
As Santhosh Kumar said, it causes the blisters. Having so much irritation. So how many days it will take to get back normal skin. I am scared, will it be cured completely?
Herbpathy Research Team
09 Sep 2015
Dear Bargath Begham

We would like to know for what purpose did you use this Herb ?
And how did you use this Herb ?

This Herb does cause irritation and mild inflammation, but before suggesting you the herb to cure, we would like to know the answers to above stated questions.

Do not be scared. Everything will be set right. Yes, blisters are curable. Do not worry.

Let us know how much Herb did you use ?

Waiting for your reply.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Bargath Begham
10 Sep 2015
Thanks for your reply.

I have used for hair growth on bald head.

Used half of the seed. Did mashed the seed with water and applied on bald in fore head. When applied no irritation nothing strange feeling. But next day started to have irritation. As time passed, blisters came. And irritation also.
Herbpathy Research Team
11 Sep 2015
Dear Bargath Begham and Santosh

Please be advised that some times unprepared and crude herbs may have side effects.
It is not advisable to use this herb for Hair loss. We have checked and found that this herb is not meant for Hair Loss. Please be advised that Jamaalgota unprepared may have serious side effects like Diarrhea and Skin Irritation. Please stop using for Hair Loss.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
08 Jun 2019
Design helps in male pattern baldness..
24 Oct 2015
By using jamal gotta I have gained hair
but I have same problem and now can I use it again
Herbpathy Admin
26 Oct 2015
Dear Raghav

Will you please give us a detailed description of your problem. For what purpose do you wish to use this Herb.

Please elaborate your problem, so that we could help you with it.

Herbpathy Admin
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
08 Nov 2015
Can i use jamalgota for constipation. I have severe conspitation.
In which amount should i use it?
Rajiv Bhalla
09 Nov 2015
Dear Sak

Yes, Jamal Gota is very effective herb for Constipation. Use it with caution, this herb is known to have strong purgative action. It may result in watery stool. If not used without consulting the doctor , it may be fatal. It is known that 4 seeds of Jamal ghota can even cause your death.

Drink one cup of Aloe vera juice , daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

Cascara Sagarda is an amazing herb for curing constipation. Why don't you check this herb in Herb section and read the method to take it for constipation.

I myself am a chronic constipated man, but this herb really helped.

Do not go for Jamalgota, if you are not sure of how to take and how much. trust me you need to be very specific while taking it.

20 Nov 2015
I m suffering from alopecia , there are bald patches in my beard and eyebrows, and now also on my head, can i mix this jamalghota with coconut oil and apply on the scalp. will it cure my disease.
Herbpathy Research Team
02 Dec 2015
Dear Imran
Since Jamalghota is a poisonous seed, therefore, we do not recommend this herb. It may cause irritation and may even cause blisters on your scalp. The blisters may further cause a permanent damage to your hair follicles. You need to dilute Jamalghota with coconut oil, that too very cautiously.

You should try almond oil. Massage your scalp with almond oil or avocado oil.
For more cures and methods to apply an oil, please check Alopecia in the disease section. For any queries, you may write back to us. However, the most effective cure for your disease is Eclipta.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make LIfe Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
M ubed
03 Dec 2015
Sir I m ubed
I used croton tiglium seed for hair loss . Blister of whitish color came out and it is irritating and forming pus so what should I do?
Sumit Pradhan
04 Dec 2015
Dear M ubed

please see the review addressed to Imran. It is mentioned that it is poisonous herb. And blisters may appear as a side effect.
Now you should apply only soothing herbs on your scalp. Aloe Vera gel will provide you relief. it will cure the inflammation. Let the pus dry in its own time.

25 Dec 2015
I found this Herb has a miracle effect. Croton tiglium seeds are great. My friend got his total hair back. When I saw him earlier, he was totally bald.
By using this Herb, he got a good result. But when i applied it, it works slowly. so what should I do ? Middle area of my head is bald.So please suggest me.
Herbpathy Research Team
30 Dec 2015
Dear Manav
Will you please mention, how did you use this Herb ? And for how long have you been using it ?
You must know that different herbs act on every individual differently, depending on the degree of illness and on individual's constitution.
Do you feel the Herb is curing your disease ? Any changes observed so far ? Jamalghota is a poisonous seed. It may cause irritation and may even cause blisters on your scalp. The blisters may further cause a permanent damage to your hair follicles.You need to be very specific while taking it. Please check Alopecia in the disease section. For any queries, you may write back to us. However, the most effective cure for your disease is Eclipta.
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
01 Feb 2016
i used this herbs with milk once in a month.When i use this after one days its irritating n forming pus on scalp area n feeling headace.
01 Feb 2016
whatever you said its true Jamalghota is a posionous seeds but its true my friend got his total hair but as per my problem its slowing working hair is growing on bald area and hair is very thin but the hair life is short again its dead n i noticed last 2 to 3 years my rest of hair root also damaged n there is no result for using this so please kindly recommend which is better for me my middle potion is totally bald.
Tarun nehra
26 Apr 2017
this herb is the ayurvedic cure for alopicia
31 Jan 2016
My mother had eaten half seed of jamalgota. Now, she had severed infection like wounds in throat and mouth. There was a great sensation of burning in food pipe. She is unable to eat anything after till 15 days. Please advice me some remedies so that my mother get well soon. She become good again. And how it can be cure and how many days. Please reply fast as soon as possible.
Herbpathy Research Team
01 Feb 2016
Dear Mano
We are sorry, we would not be able to help you in this case, as we would not be able to examine her physically. Also, you have stated that its been 15 days that she is not able to eat and there are wounds in her mouth. So, it is recommended that you take her to a doctor and get her diagnosed. Please tell us, why did she take this Herb ? For what condition ? As Jamalghota is a poisonous Herb, so dosage should be apt. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
02 Feb 2016
She is a patient of constipation from 20 years. She is taking sikilax drops for constipation daily. Someone told her to boil one seed of jamalgota and eat the Half of seed. She chew the half seed of jamalgota and as it pas through food pipe it burns the mouth and food pipe. After that she drink boil milk with olive oil but jamalgota has created sever effects like wounds... she is using medicine of Dr butone day she feel I m covering but next day the wounds are again deep and fresh. That's why I asked from you about the recovery of jamalgota
Vikash singhaniya
08 Feb 2016
i think i have eaten a little amount of jamal gota and started suffering from loose motion now what should i do please help sir ?
Herbpathy Research Team
08 Feb 2016
Dear Vikash Singhaniya Please tell us the exact dosage of the Herb you have taken. Even a seed of this Herb may cause severe Diarrhea. So we need to know when did you take it, and the exact amount you took. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Pawan ( India )
13 Mar 2016
I apply jamal gota mix with lemon on my beard and head, yestrday night bt its normal, i mean no irritation no burn, can anyone one tell me it takes hw much tym to burn ...
Herbpathy Admin
18 Mar 2016
Dear Pawan, Can you please expalain why do you want to apply this mixture, so that we can assist you better.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sahib ( India )
20 Mar 2016
I have alopecia total is on my head and beard. One person told me to apply jamalgota with lemon. Will I gain my hair is it safe
23 Mar 2016
Sahib, Jamalgota may cause blisters so you have to be very very careful while using this.
Although may try castor oil. It is a safer method. Mix 4 tabelspoons of almond oil with one tablespoon of Castor oil. Apply it on the scalp ( affected area ) Leave for 7-8 hours and then rinse.
Faheema ( India karnataka )
25 May 2016
My son has alopecia areata I b e fone various treatments but my freinds suggested to do jamal gota treatment through barber but I have a doubt he's got many patches so the application first hve yo do on only two patches or all of them at once
27 Jun 2016
this herb is very very potent, if not used with care, it may lead to serious side effects like irritation, blisters or inflammation. So, it is not advisable to use this herb. you may use other herbs to cure your son like, http://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Alopecia-Cid212
27 Jun 2016
http://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Alopecia-Cid212 Copy paste this link in your url and check the cures. Good luck
Mrs.Sudha Thangavel ( India/Taminadu )
26 May 2016
Respected Sir,
Some one suggested me to take (nervalam seeds)croton tiglium (Jamaal kitta) for alopecia.USED 50 SEEDS.Did soaked one day than mashed with water and applied on middle head nearly 1 hour.when applied my eyes felt burning sensation and also head and face. the burning sensation continued till night then night I slept. When I wake up my face,head,eyes,ears became thickness,swelling,inflammation.my face became very rough skin.my head is irritating and my eyes became swelled. I am facing more vigorous effects then I consulted allopathic doctor he injected & gave medicines for allergy including avil tablet. I am lady married a one year ago and I am waiting for my pregnancy,eagerly looking for baby. my age is 36.already I am late married. Is this affect my expecting pregnancy?
One more thing,that night I coated my husband and my husband also felt allergy swelling in his face and his left eye also irritated as slightly. is this poisonous effect mixed in my blood? What will happen for my health? Is there any solutions?
I have no more alternative, so, please help quickly. please allow me to contact u in phone, then only I can explain u my critical situation. Please
28 Jun 2016
It shall not, since you only applied the paste on your head and did not eat it or drink it. The allergy is normal as this herb is very potent and is known to cause side effects if dose not taken under the care of an expert. Apply aloe vera gel on the affected area , this will provide you relies from inflammation and swelling. You will be okay. Let the side effects subside. If you observe any other serious symptoms then please consult a doctor and get yourself checked.
Ajaz shafi ( India new Delhi )
28 May 2016
Hi I am from india and ate jamalgota one seed I actually chewed it as I wasn't aware about it but I am feeling diarrhea and vomiting and burning like sensation in my mouth and stomach what should I do now
27 Jun 2016
Ajaz Shafi
Relax, Diarrhea due to jamal ghota subsides itself in a day or two . Just sip a glass of warm water after every 2 hours. If it is severe,then you may have to visit a doctor. Antispasmodic and ORT may be required.
Anti diarrhea drugs might not be effective in the severs cases. If it is severe, see a doctor
Jyoti ( Delhi )
16 Jun 2016
Mere baal bht jhad rahe h upr ka hissa khali sa dikhne lga h kisi ne mujhe jamaalghota use krne ko bola h mujhe ye janna h ki ise kaise use krna h aur isse future m koi prblm to nh hogi mere baalon m
16 Jun 2016
Hello Jyoti, Jamaalghota is very rarely used for Hair loss. We suggest you to prepare a mixture of Castor oil: Almond oil: Olive oil in the ratio of 1:4:4. Store this mixture of oils in a jar. Apply this oil onto your scalp and massage thoroughly thrice a week. Stop eating fried food. Drink a lot of water. Protect your hair from direct sunlight and dust.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
17 Jun 2016
Par jinhone mujhe jamal ghota use krne ko bola h unke khud k sare baal bht sundar h. Unka to front kr pura hissa plain ho chuka tha 2 year tak unhone bht s doc ko dikhaya sharm ki wajh s wo ghr bahar nh niklti thi pr pppichle 1-1/2 sal s unke head pr sare bal h wo ghane lambe aur sundr
17 Jun 2016
Unko jis admi ne ye use krne ko bola tha uski 7-8 sal ki beti ke sir k sare bal gir gye the usne apni beti ke sir pr jamaal ghota lagaya tha aur ab uske bal bh bht sundr h
14 Oct 2016
Hey jyoti its normal but Jamal ghota nuksan kar skta h apko ..pir aap AGR use Karna chahta h to uske peste ko 7 days use krke dekh lo and haa use krne se phle ganja kra lena jyada achhe effect hoge
12 Oct 2017
Apne use krne s phle bal katwaye the. Jyoti
Alpesh ( India/gujarat )
09 Jul 2016
By mistake I eat Jamal gota seed very less amount 25% of one seed start loose motion and pain in stomach what can I do????
13 Jul 2016
Dear Aplesh
From many days you have this problem and how frequent you go to Bathroom?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ashish Jadhav ( India )
26 Jul 2016
Hi Sir,

MY Name is Ashish
My hair is loss from last two years due to fever problem
Request you to please advice how can use Jamalgota I don't have interest in hair oil. Please advice
26 Jul 2016
Dear Ashish
This Herb is not for Hair Fall. If you want some effective results, then try onion juice. Apply directly on the scalp and leave it for half an hour.
Second thing you apply Castor Oil. Also consume Indian Gooseberry every morning. Take it as fruit or juice. Do it for at least 2 to 3 months.
Nikhil kamble ( India / Maharashtra )
12 Oct 2016
Hello sir.,
Myself Nikhil, I got jamalghota oil . I have large hair loss in upper scalp area. So how to use jamalghota oil. Pls help me out and consult me with safety.
Krishna gautam ( India )
14 Oct 2016
I used jamalghota in my scalp and it's burning some days .I was used it continew 7days but now it normal and maskfull scin it provide me.
But sir where I appled this medicine there hair was loss in that time prediod of apply.
My tell me that hairs will regroth again whose loss from using it plzz sir
19 Oct 2016
Please be advised that some times unprepared and crude herbs may have side effects.
It is not advisable to use this herb for Hair loss. We have checked and found that this herb is not meant for Hair Loss. Please be advised that Jamalghota unprepared may have serious side effects like Diarrhea and Skin Irritation. Please do not use it for Hair Loss.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
19 Oct 2016
Now it is advised that you apply coconut oil and Aloe Vera Gel on your scalp, this will provide relief from burning sensation..
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Santosh ( IiNDIA )
26 Jan 2017
-Due to chicken pox i lost my hair as patches at the age of 7-8. How can regrow at the age of 36
Sanjeev Verma ( India )
17 Feb 2017
You may try Chilli Infused oil. Please read about this oil in the herb section of this website, I have heard that it shows great results. You will have to carry out an experiment. Or you may try Panchakarma treatment, Shirovasti treatment is also very famous.
Lokesh Kumar ( India / tamilnadu )
16 Feb 2017
Dear sir ,as my wife is having loss , we tried with English medicine ,but we are not successful,some one recommended us to use this coroton tiglium(neervalam seed)can we use this herb tropical
17 Feb 2017
Lokesh. Please rewrite the query. What is exact loss she is suffering from?
Is it vision loss, hair loss, fluid loss, weight loss, libido loss, or what.
We can not assume what loss are you talking about.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Shaira ( Uttar Pradesh )
22 Feb 2017
What amount of jamaalgota should be exactly used in fooding items??
Yadnyesh ( India )
22 Feb 2017
Sir i have bald in exact back side in overnight then what can i do
23 Feb 2017
Sorry, please rewrite your query again and in detail Sir.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Mandeep ( India/chhattisgarh )
24 Jun 2017
Use of jamagota for constipation
Prince ( Bangladesh )
01 Sep 2017
If anyone eat jamal gota then what happened
27 Sep 2017
Why did you take Jamalghota ?
What is your disease ?
Shreyansh ( India/Maharashtra )
27 Sep 2017
I am shreyansh.I am suffering from alopecia aerata near my chin. Initially it was a small patch but later it turned out to be big and got similar patch near other side and total of 4 patches in the same beard place. It's not recovering since last 1 year and is still increasing and kind of 70 % of my beard is gone because of this. so should I use jamalgota?if yes then plz tell the proper process to use, with the mixture and how to reduce the chances of side effects .
27 Sep 2017
I have tried applying onion juice as well but it did not work either. Have taken some medicine of the same but non of them is working. In some patches I have got a white coloured hair so it that patch recovering or its just a part of alopecia. Since 1 year it has been increasing constantly.
M. Hemalatha ( India/tamilnadu )
04 Jan 2018
Sir I applied my face thalagam with scented chunnam to remove upper lips hair. But it was affected my face like men how to save. Please say any remedies to cure this
Manish ( India , Punjab )
18 Mar 2018
My hair are falling at fast rare. Please tell me the procedure to use jamalghota or something else to prevent it.

Mehek ( India/maharashtra )
20 Mar 2018
Hi Mehek here , I m expecting child n I m 25 yrs old all my hair got loss n I hv many bald patches on my head n even my eyebrows hair is gone, I feel very embarrassed wn I go out I applied jamalgotta only 2days but now some boils came on my scalp n my face got swelled so wat to do now pls suggest me something I m getting very bad pain on my head n its affecting my face pls suggest me something pls rpl fast
Simra ( Pakistan/ islamabad )
21 Sep 2018
I have alopecia areata from the past 10 yrs i want to use jamalgota can you please tell me the method.
Simra ( Pakistan )
21 Sep 2018
I have alopecia areata from past 10yrs i want to use jamalgota please tell the method
Paula ( Pa. )
14 Nov 2018
Where to purchase in a taste less form
Satya ( India )
04 Dec 2018
I am shreyansh.I am suffering from alopecia aerata near my chin. Initially it was a small patch but later it turned out to be big and got similar patch near other side and total of 4 patches in the same beard place. It's not recovering since last 1 year and is still increasing and kind of 70 % of my beard is gone because of this. so should I use jamalgota?if yes then plz tell the proper process to use, with the mixture and how to reduce the chances of side effects .
Ankit ( India )
29 Apr 2019
I am facing Alopecia. Can I mix Croton seed with Onion Juice and apply on Hair for a month.
Please suggest
Shababu unnisa
12 Aug 2019
No don't. I got blisters all over my head.
19 Nov 2020
When did the blister go away
Prabhakaran P ( India Tamilnadu )
01 Dec 2019
Hi.. This is Prabhakaran,
I'm facing hair fall and less hair in my center of head and facing baldness in forehead of both side.
Shall I use croton tiglium seeds or any other suggestions please?
03 Dec 2019
Dear Prabhakaran
You can try Onion juice. Apply it on your head and wash after a half-hour. It might cause irritation and itching. Also, Chilli Infused oil is termed very effective for hair growth. You can use Castor oil for hair growth. Try any one of the remedies for a month and observe the results. Read the link on Baldness for more remedies. You can try whichever is easily available to you: https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Baldness-Cid212
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Chioma ( United Kingdom )
11 Apr 2020
Pls i eat 4 seeds of croton seeds for constipation. I got effect, but 2days later i started having itching round my body it was bad.
I still never knew it was these seeds i went to the medical and was giving pills for days now.
I mistakenly took 3seed again to enable clear my bowels .and i just the internet and read how bad this is
Please am feeling itching again.
What can i do before it gets worse?
Please i will never go.close to it again
Pls help
14 Apr 2020
Dear Chioma, You have got an allergic reaction from the herb. Stop the use and take the following:
* Take Basil. Add a tablespoon of dried Basil leaves in two cups of hot water. Boil until the water remains half. Drink it once a day for 10 days. * Azadirachta Indica ( Neem ): Boil Azadirachta Indica leaves in water. Let it cool. Strain and store. Use this water for bath. * Aloevera gel on the affected areas. * Drink a decoction of Honeysuckle leaves. 1 cup daily for 3 days. Check for more options for relief from the itch at 'Itching' in this website.
Also, please mention the areas of itch, is it the whole body? Have you taken any medication yet?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
15 Apr 2020
Thank you for for reply,
The itching is in different part of my body.
Arms,legs ,necks chest and all.
When itch redish scares come on my skin swollen And after a some minutes it gets back again.
How long would this last,when would it stop please.
15 Apr 2020
Dear Chioma
It is an allergic reaction and will go on its own. Do not take any medication for now. Take previously mentioned herbs, so as to boost your immunity. The itching will go on its own. Wait for 7-10 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Precious ( Nigeria )
30 May 2020
I took 4 seeds with groundnut and I haven’t left the toilet for 2hours now
What can I do to stop the stooling??
24 Mar 2021
How did it stop. What did you take.
Saif ali khan ( Kuwait )
02 Oct 2020
Hello sir, I am saif ali khan from kuwait,
Recently I got to know that ony left side head a small patch of no hair was found I know it is alopecia as in my childhood I got in middle of head and got treated with steriod injection and now I have very strong scalp hair but this time it is very small , I have bought jamalgota seeds 4 and lemon , please suggest me how to use it step by step.its very urgent please reply me sir. Thanks
Deepthi ( Karnataka )
08 Oct 2020
Sir I have applied this on my scalp for baldness the very next day I have got blisters with whites pus and some irritating is also there, so wht can do for this problem?
19 Nov 2020
Same problem please help
Mari Digna
12 Feb 2021
Is it safe to take this in powder form as from online shops? How to take it so? I have excessive mucus or salivation, especially when lying down. Thick mucus. I might have cystic fibrosis but for now I am diagnosed with bronchiectasis. I have lung nodules. Please help me. I can't breath at ease.
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