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Egg White Raw Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Egg White Raw
Glycemic Index / Load
Egg White
Botanical Name
Hindi Name
Katche Ande Ki Safedi
Homeopathic Name
Egg White Raw   -   Mother Tincture

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Egg White Raw Cures

Super Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Egg White Raw

Most Effective

Nutrients in Egg White Raw

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Egg White Raw
Combines With

Nature of
Egg White Raw


Parts Used

Egg White

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Egg White Raw

People allergic to Egg Whites should avoid its use. It may cause Skin Irritation.
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Egg White is the white internal part of the Egg.
It is rich in Protein and low in Calorie and Fat.
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Materia Medica : How to use Egg White Raw - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi ) for Burns

Wash the affected area with cold water to reduce temperature. Separate the egg white from the yolk. Beat it a little. Apply it on the burnt part of the body, liberally. As it dries, add more. The egg white is rich in proteins. It will help re grow the skin. The dried layer forms a protective layer and prevents the wound from being infected by germs. Bye bye Antibiotics.

Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi ) for Split Ends

Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi in India ) is a rich source of Protein and Fatty Acids. These nutrients strengthen the Hair follicles and lock the moisture in to them. They make the Hair soft and treat the problem of Split Ends.
Take 1 to 2 tablespoons of Egg White in a bowl. Apply it on the ends of the Hair. Gently massage. Comb the Hair. Leave it for half an hour. Wash with a mild shampoo. Repeat this process 2 times a week.

Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi ) for Oily Skin

Egg White ( Ande ki Safedi in India ) has high content of Vitamin A. This nutrient helps to make the skin Oil free and tightens the pores. It give the skin natural matte look.
Beat one Egg White until it becomes stiff. Apply it on to the affected Skin. Let it dry. Rinse off with warm water. Do this twice a week to make Skin Oil free.

Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi ) for Blackheads

Apply beated Egg White on the face. Wash your face with lukewarm water when get dried. Scrub your face with towel. It helps in the removal of Blackheads.

Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi ) for Wrinkles

Separate the yellow part from the Egg. Beat it till get foamy. Apply it over the Wrinkles for 30 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

Egg White ( Ande ki safedi ) for Acne

Egg White ( Ande ki safedi ) contains an active ingredient called Lysozyme. Lysozyme works against the bacteria which causes Acne.
Apply the Egg White mask on face. Wash it when it gets dry. Moisturizer can be used after that.

Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi ) for Baldness

Take Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi ) of 2 Eggs. Add 2 tablespoons Curd in it. Apply on the scalp for an hour. It prevents hair fall.
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Herbal Treatment For Grey Hair 5

Boil Indian Gooseberry in water with 1 tsp Eucalyptus oil in it. Put the mixture in an iron bowl for a night. In the morning, add Yogurt, Lemon juice and Egg white in it. Apply it on the scalp and hairs. Wash when it gets dry.

Herbal Treatment For Chilblain 2

Take Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi in India ) of a Egg. Add One tablespoon Honey ( Shehad in India ), One teaspoon glycerine and little Flour ( Wheat ). Mix all. Apply it on the affected part for 20 minutes and then wash.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff 8

The Antidandruff property of Lemon helps to prevent dandruff. It helps to fight the fungal infection on the Scalp. Egg White nourishes the Scalp and prevents Hair fall due to Dandruff.
Beat 2 Egg Whites and add 2 to 3 teaspoons of fresh Lemon juice in it. Mix well. Apply this mixture on the Scalp. Gently massage for 5 to 10 minutes. Leave it for an hour. Rinse off and Shampoo. Do this 2 times a week to treat Dandruff.

Herbal Treatment For Puffy Eyes 1

Separate the yellow part of the Egg. Add Witch Hazel in Egg White. Mix them well. Dip a cotton cloth in it and apply over the Puffy Eyes

Herbal Treatment For Scars 1

Scars due to Acne :
Egg white ( Ande ki Safedi in India ) contains Lysozyme. Lysozme helps to inhibit bacterial growth causing Acne. It makes the skin smooth.
Lemon ( Nimbo in India ) removes dead cells from the skin and fades Acne Scars.
Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of Lemon Juice and equal amount of Egg White. Mix them well. Apply it on the affected skin. Leave it overnight. Wash it off next morning. Repeat it daily for 2 weeks.

Herbal Treatment For Macromastia 1

Egg White ( Ande Ki Safedi in India ) helps to reduce the Breast size. Onion ( Pyaz in Inda ) tones the Breast Muscles and reduces the size and pain due to Macromastia.
Take an Egg White. Beat it well to form a smooth creamy texture. Apply this paste at the bottom of the Breast. Leave it for 25 to 30 minutes. Now, take an Onion. Squeeze out its juice. Mix it in a glass of water. Stir well. Use this solution to wash the Egg White applied to the Breast. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse off with water. Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times a week.

Herbal Treatment For Acne 47

Prepare a thin paste by diluting a teaspoon of Tea Tree Essential Oil into one Egg White. Mix it well. Apply the paste to your acne woes with a cotton swab. Rinse it off after 20 minutes with tepid water. Repeat the procedure for twice a week.

Herbal Treatment For Dull Skin 13

Take half banana and mash it. Add Egg white to it. Mix it well. Apply on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water. It will give an instant glow to your skin.

Herbal Treatment For Saggy Breast 1

Take 1 cup of Yogurt, 10 to 12 drops each of Fenugreek Oil, Vitamin E Oil, and 2 Egg White. Mix all the ingredients until you get a smooth paste. Apply this paste on and around your breasts gently. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this procedure once a week.
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Peta Payne ( Australia )
13 Dec 2018
Something whites work for steam burn on baby
Peta Payne ( Australia )
13 Dec 2018
Egg whites
Do they work on steam burns on a baby
Bello Haruna ( Nigeria )
24 Dec 2020
Which herb can I use for dysentery
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