Myopia is a disease of the Eye.
An eye disorder in which a person is not able to see the distant objects clearly is Myopia.
The light does not focus directly on the Retina.
Retina is a layer that covers the back wall of the eyeball and helps to make an image in the brain.
Myopia in children is a genetic disorder. A strain of TB, Tuberculosis may be the cause. It is not necessary for the parents to be diagnosed with TB as such. They may not be even aware of it. The strain my be present from many generations and my not have manifested itself as TB in the blood tests. However, persistent mucus and phlegm from the nose is a sign of the strain.
If all else fails try Isopathy. Buy tincture of Bacillinum from a Homeopahic shop and take 5 drops once only.
Causes of Myopia
A strain of TM in the family
Environmental Conditions
Eyeball or Cornea is too long
If not treated properly, Myopia may cause
Materia Medica for Myopia
Single Herb Liquorice ( Mulethi in India ) has strong Antiinflammtory property which helps in reducing Eye inflammation. It contains Magnesium and Vitamin C. These nutrients help to improve eyesight by relaxing the eye muscles and soothing the nerves.
Add quarter teaspoon of Liquorice ( Mulethi in India ) root powder in 1/2 teaspoon of Honey ( Shehad in India ). Take this with a cup of milk 2 times a day on an empty stomach. Repeat the process until it cures completely.
OR : Take 1 tsp Liquorice ( Mulethi in India ) powder. Divide it in two halves. Add Honey ( Shehad in India ) in one part and Ghee in other. Take these mixtures with warm milk two times a day.
Bilberry contains Anthocyanins which improves the Eyesight. Anthocyanins have strong Antioxidant property. This property strengthens blood vessels and capillary walls of the eyes. It increases the blood supply to the eyes and helps to cure Myopia.
Add 3 teaspoons of dried Bilberries in 2 cups of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain well. Drink 2 to 3 times a day to improve the Eye sight.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here + Herbal Treatment For Myopia 1
Mix equal quantity of Almond, Aniseed, Coconut and sugar. Grind to make powder. Have 1 tsp twice a day with warm Milk.