Hypopyon is a disease of the Eyes.
The accumulation of pus in the front chamber of the Eye is Hypopyon.
It is a corneal Ulcer and the pus collects at the base of the front chamber.
An Inflammation is the defence system of the Body. When some pathogens enter the Eye, the Immune System releases white blood cells in excess. This causes the collection of pus in the Uvea and the Iris. It causes Vision problems and redness in the Eye.
Causes of Hypopyon
Lyme Disease
Viral Infections
Ulcers in Cornea
Infection of the Uvea
Fungal Infections
Infection of the Iris
Multiple sclerosis
Bacterial Infections
If not treated properly, Hypopyon may cause
Vision Problems
Sympathetic infection to other parts of the Eye, the other Eye and the Body.