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Chemosis Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Chemosis Symptoms
Watery Eyes
Blurred Vision
Red Eye
Epiphora ( Excessive Tearing )
Pain in the Eye
Discharge from the Eye

Chemosis Cured By

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Chemosis is a disease of the Eyes.
The inflammation and swelling of the Conjunctiva is Chemosis.
Conjunctiva is a transparent lining. It is the inner lining of the Eyelids and covers the white part of the Eye, that is Sclera. It produces tears and mucus to lubricate the Eyes. It protects the Eye by not allowing the microorganisms to enter the Eye.
In Chemosis, it seems that, there is fluid in the Conjunctiva. There is swelling and inflammation in the Conjunctiva. Sometimes, the person is not able to close his Eye. It may be associated to Infections, Eye surgery or Allergies.

Causes of Chemosis
Facial Odema
Retinal Haemorrhages
Excessve rubbing of the Eye
Bacterial or Viral infection
Superior Vena Cava Obstruction
Loss of Sensation in the Trigeminal Nerve

If not treated properly, Chemosis may cause
Vision Problems

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Chemosis

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Herbal Treatment For Chemosis

Grind 1 teaspoon each of Strychnos Potatorum seeds, Camphor and Honey. Apply it over the affected area.
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