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Areca Nut Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Areca Nut
Glycemic Index / Load
Areca Nut
Botanical Name
Areca Catechu, Areca Alba
Hindi Name
Supari, Kadu Supari, Supaarii, Supari
Chinese Name
Da Fu Pi, Bing Lang
Homeopathic Name
Areca Catechu   -   Mother Tincture

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Areca Nut Cures

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Areca Nut

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Areca Nut

Taste of
Areca Nut

Nature of
Areca Nut


Parts Used

Seeds, Peels

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Areca Nut

Areca Nut is used to treat a number of Ailments. However, it may causes some side effects if taken in high doses for a long time. It is having the similar effects as of Cocaine and Tobacco.

Avoid in Pregnancy : Pregnant women and nursing mother should avoid Areca Nut. It may cause DNA damage that may results in Miscarriage, as it harms the fetus. It affects the Nervous system that may endanger the Pregnancy.

Cancer : Some chemicals present in this nut may cause Cancer. They are poisonous. Chewing of Areca Nut may cause Cancer of Mouth, Throat, Pharyngeal, Laryngeal, and Esophageal.

If you are having the following health problems, avoid the consumption of Areca Nut, as it may make the conditions worst.

Heart Problems: People with cardiac problems should also avoid Areca Nut. It may slow your heart beat and may cause Bradycardia. On the other hand it may cause rapid heart beat also. It increases the risk of Heart attack and may cause coma.
Low Blood Pressure : It may cause Low Blood Pressure and Shortness of Breath.
Lung Problems: Betel nut might increase fluid secretions in the lung. There is concern that this could worsen lung conditions, such as asthma or emphysema.
Asthma: Asthmatic people should avoid Betel Nut, as it may cause more problems.
Seizures: It may increase the risk of having Seizures.
Gastrointestinal Tract or Urinary tract Obstruction : It may cause blockage in the Intestines and Urinary Tract.
It may cause Vomiting, Dehydration and Diarrhea.
Ulcers: Areca nut may cause Ulcers in Stomach or Intestine, as it may increases the secretions there.
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Areca Nut is a thin, erect palm tree.
It is an evergreen.
It grows in a warm climate.
It grows up to 30 M.
Best used for Ascaris.

In TCM :
Areca Seed : Bing Lang
Pericarp of Areca Nut : Da Fu Pi
Charred Areca Seed : Jiao Bing Lang
Meridians associated : Stomach, Small Intestine, Spleen and Large Intestine.


Grown In

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Materia Medica for Areca Nut

Single Herb

Areca Nut for Constipation

Boil 2 pinches of tender Areca Nuts in One cup water. Cool and drink.

Areca Nut for Ascaris

Boil 2 pinches of tender Areca Nuts in One cup water. Cool and drink.
OR : Add the juice of One Lime in 2 pinches of Areca Nut powder. Mix in One glass warm water and drink.
Else : Mix 1/4 tablespoon Areca Nut powder in half cup Milk. Drink.

Areca Nut for Gum Diseases

Take 2 cups of water and add 4 teaspoons of Areca Nut powder in it. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes. Strain it. Drink it once a day.

Areca Nut for Aphthous Ulcers

Boil 3 tablespoons powder of Areca Nut root in 3 glasses of water till it is reduced to half. Use as a mouth wash thrice daily.

Areca Nut for Gingivitis

Burn 4-5 Areca Nuts and grind them. Rub the affected teeth with this powder.
Buy Mother ā€“ Tincture of Areca from a Homeopathic Shop. Put 10 drops in one glass of water. Use it as a mouth wash after every meal.
Burn 4-5 Areca Nuts to charcoal with Catechu Bark. Grind them and add one teaspoon of Cinnamon in it. Rub the affected teeth with this powder.

Areca Nut for Diarrhea

Take 2 pinches of powdered Areca Nut with One tablespoon Sugar or Jaggery in One cup water.

Areca Nut for Leucorrhoea

Take 1 teaspoon of Areca nut powder with a glass of warm water. Take it every morning on empty stomach for 1 week.
OR : Mix 1 tablespoon Areca Nut powder in water. Wash the Vagina with this water.

Areca Nut for Bad Breath

Take one teaspoon of Areca Nut powder and mix in warm water. Use it as a mouth wash after every meal.

Areca Nut for Tapeworms

Take one glass of milk mixed with one teaspoon each of Areca Nut powder and Honey. Consume it once a day.

Areca Nut for Dry Mouth

Chew 2 Areca Nut seeds once a day.
Burn 4-5 Areca Nuts to charcoal with Cardamom. Grind them. Sprinkle it, at the mouth wherever the skin is peeling off from.

Areca Nut for Indigestion

Chew 2 -3 Areca Nut peels after meals.

Areca Nut for Flu

Grind Areca Nut peel. Mix in one glass of warm water. Take 5 ml once a day.

Areca Nut for Digestive Disorders

Chew Areca Nuts 3 times a day after every meals.

Areca Nut as Aphrodisiac

Consume 1 teaspoon of dried Areca Nut seed powder with one cup of water, once a day.
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Herbal Treatment For Gum Diseases 2

Burn One Areca Nut and make ash. Add 2 tablespoon powdered Clove and a pinch of Catechu. Use it as a mouth wash Thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Gum Diseases 3

Boil 3 tablespoons powder of Areca Nut root in 3 glasses of water till it is reduced to half. Wash mouth with this thrice daily.

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 1

Fry 3 tablespoon Areca Nut powder in 3 tablespoon ghee. Add Carom, Catechu and Rock salt in equal quantities. Grind. Apply all over mouth thrice daily.

Herbal Treatment For Gum Diseases 4

Fry 3 tablespoon Areca Nut powder in 3 tablespoon ghee. Add Carom, Catechu and Rock salt in equal quantities. Grind. Apply all over mouth thrice daily.

Herbal Treatment For Ascaris 4

Make a powder of Areca Nut seed and Ipomoea Nil seed. Take it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 10

Ground Areca Nut seed, Ipomoea Nil seed and Rhubarb root in to a powder. Make an infusion. Take it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Diabetes 7

Prepare decoction of the following herbs :-
Papaya - 4 tablespoon
Catechu - 1 tablespoon
Betel-nut - 1 tablespoon
Take 1/2 cup two times a day

Herbal Treatment For Gum Diseases 6

Take 2 gram each of Caesalpinia Bonduc ( Karanjwa ) seeds, Areca Nut ( Supari ) and Alum ( Fitakari ). Burn them. Crush them. Add little water and apply it over affected area.

Herbal Treatment For Prostate Enlargement 4

Take half teaspoon each of the following herbs :
Tribulus Terrestris ( Gokshura )
Caesalpinia bonducella ( Putikaranja )
Areca Catechu ( Puga )
Asparagus Recemosus ( Shatavari )
Crataeva Nurvala ( Varuna )
Agate Gemstone ( Akika pishti )
Take them daily after meals for three months .
Buy capsules containing all the above herbs . Take 1 tablet 2 times a day, daily after meals .
Buy Mother - Tincture from a Homeopathic Shop of the above herbs . Start with 3 drops of each herb , if it suits then increase the dosage accordingly .

Herbal Treatment For Urinary Tract Infection

Prepare a decoction of Areca Nut and Catechu ( Khair ) bark. Add one teaspoon of Honey. Take 20 ml twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Nausea 8

Take a pinch of Areca Nut powder. Add one teaspoon each of Turmeric powder and Sugar in it. Consume it once a day.
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Leelasastry ( India )
12 Jul 2016
13 Jul 2016
Dear Leelasastry
We suggest you not to use it for long time. If You want a Herbal treatment for Diabetes, then follow the regimen.
1. Gymnema Sylvestre : Buy tincture and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
2. Tribulus Terrestris tincture : Take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
3. Soak your feet in Karela juice until you get bitter taste on your tongue.
Take it for a month and check you Blood Sugar daily. Once the level goes down, reduce the doses accordingly.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Prathibha ( Karnataka )
13 Aug 2017
I Hi,

Is areca tea is harmful for breast feeding Moms? Pls suggest.
Leeasastry ( India )
05 Mar 2018
Leeasastry ( India )
05 Mar 2018
Is BMI concept valid .
Kanthamma Sv ( India/karnataka )
09 Aug 2019
is areka tea causes producing of beta cells in diabetic patients and helps to reduce sugar level , is it temprary effect or for lifelong
14 Aug 2019
Dear Kanthamma, Areca tea is beneficial in treating Type II Diabetes. It helps in regulating sugar levels. You can have the tea 3-4 times a day. Have a cup of tea after every meal. It controls the sugar level which usually varies after meals. It also helps in digestion of food. Keep a check on your sugar levels while taking the tea.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Leela sastry ( India )
12 Mar 2021
is ARECAnut is the same which is used in pan known adikepodi or vakkapodi
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