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Galangal Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Galangal, Greater Galangal, Java Galangal
Botanical Name
Alpinia Galanga, Alpinia Calcarata
Hindi Name
Chinese Name
Hong Dou Kou

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Galangal Cures

Most Effective


Action of Galangal

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Galangal

Taste of

Nature of


Parts Used

Dried Rhizomes

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Galangal

Avoid use during Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.
Fresh root is toxic, may cause dizziness, intestinal pain and vomiting.
Do not take in salt.
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Galangal is a plant.
It is perennial.
It belongs to the Ginger family.
It grows in a tropical Climate.
It grows up to 2 M.
Best used for Motion Sickness.

In TCM :
Galangal Fruit : Hong Dou Kou
Seed of Katsumada Galangal : Cao Dou Kou
Meridians associated : Lung and Spleen


Common Names

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Materia Medica : How to use Galangal - Uses and Benefits

Galangal General

Galangal is known as Kulanjan in India.
Galangal is highly aromatic and possesses a strong spicy flavor.
It contains a Cancer fighting compound called Acetoxychavicol Acetate. It prevents the cells from turning Cancerous and fights against Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Blood Cancer and Skin Cancer.
It is a good herbal remedy in the treatment of Digestive Disorders. It increases the production of digestion fluids, eases digestion and improves the appetite.
It is helpful in curing the problems like Nausea, Morning Sickness, and Diarrhea.
Its antiinflammatory properties alleviates the symptoms of Arthritis and Rheumatism. It provides relief from Chest congestion and regulates the breathing rate.
Galangal contains high amount of Iron which is good for an anemic patient.
It builds Immunity against viruses and germs.
It improves the Blood circulation in the body.
It is a useful herb for Oral Cavity. It acts as a mouth wash which heals Gingivitis, Sores, and Inflammation in Mouth. It combats Bad Breath and refreshes the Mouth.
Galangal rejuvenates the Hair follicles and enhances the Hair growth. It helps in getting rid of scalp Infections and Dandruff.
Its antipyretic properties are beneficial in treating Fever.
It also shows analgesic property lowers the body pain associated with Fever.
It is a rich source of antioxidants and Vitamin C needed for a healthy Skin. They rejuvenate the Skin cells and keep the signs of aging away. It possesses antifungal property which is useful in curing Fungal Infections.
The regular use of Galangal improves the Sperm count and Sperm motility. It increases the fertility and cures Impotence.
Caution: Consult a doctor a before consuming it.
Single Herb

Galangal for Asthma

Mix half tsp rootstock powder in 250 ml water. Leave it for 4 hours. Drink this infusion by adding 1 tsp Honey in it.

Galangal for Chest Congestion

Soak some crushed rootstock in a pot of drinking water. Drink after adding honey whenever feel thirsty..

Galangal for Cough

Take 2 cups of water. Soak 5 g crushed rhizome of Galangal for 4 hours. Add 1 tsp honey and drink.
OR : Mix the powder of Galangal rootstock and sugar in equal ratio. Take half tsp with hot milk during bedtime.
OR : Make a layer of Castor oil over Galangal's rootstock. Heat until it chars. Grind it to make powder and store. Take half tsp with honey once a day.
OR : Crush Galangal's rhizome with sugar. Have 3 gm once a day.

Galangal for Phlegm

Add 1/2 tsp powdered rhizome of Galangal to 2 cups of water. Keep it for 3 hours. Sweeten with 1tsp honey before drinking.
OR : Eat crushed rootstock of Galangal with sugar once a day.
OR : Make an infusion of Galangal's rhizome. Filter it and add sugar. Take 10 ml thrice a day.

Galangal for Cold

Take 50 g powder of each Galangal rhizome and sugar. Take 3 g during bedtime with hot milk.

Galangal for Nausea

Take Galangal's rhizome. Dip it in Castor oil. Roast it over flame. Powder it. Take 3 g with honey daily.
OR Mix equal quantity of Galangal's rhizome powder with sugar. Eat 1 tsp once a day.

Galangal for Gum Diseases

Make a decoction of Galangal's rhizome. Use it for gargle.

Galangal for Fever

Mix rootstock of Galangal and sugar. Grind to make powder. Take half tsp with hot water or milk during bedtime.

Galangal for Headache

Grind equal quantity of sugar and Galangal's rootstock together. Take 3 g with hot milk before sleeping.

Galangal ( Kulanjan ) for Muscle Spasm

Externally apply the grated Galangal ( Kulanjan ) as a poultice.
OR : Use as a hot fomentation.

Galangal ( Kulanjan ) for Menses Scanty

Drink hot Galangal ( Kulanjan ) tea half cup a day, regularly for a week.
It promotes perspiration.

Galangal ( Kulanjan ) for Sore Throat

Chew the rootstock to get relief.

Galangal for Rheumatism

Mix 4 g rhizome powder of Galangal in a cup of lukewarm water. Drink it thrice a day.

Galangal for Digestive Disorders

Consume 3 g rhizome powder of Galangal before every meal.

Galangal as an Aphrodisiac

Regular intake of 6 grams of Galangal rootstock once a day, helps in increasing the sperm count.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Asthma 6

Mix in a mud pot 6 tablespoons each of Balloon Vine ( Kapalphoti in India ) leaves, Climbing Brinjal ( Baingan in India ) and a small piece of crushed Galangal ( Kulanjan in India ) root. Add One tablespoon Cumin ( Jira in India ) , 4 Black Peppers ( Kali Mirch in India ) and One tablespoon dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) powder. Add 3 glasses of water. Boil till reduced to One glass. Take One tablespoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 4

Mix in a mud pot 6 tablespoons each of Balloon Vine (Kapalphoti in India) leaves, Climbing Brinjal (Baingan in India) and a small piece of crushed Galangal (Kulanjan in India) root. Add One tablespoon Cumin (Jira in India) , 4 Black Peppers (Kali Mirch in India) and One tablespoon dried Ginger (Adrak in India) powder. Add 3 glasses of water. Boil till reduced to One glass. Take One tablespoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Bronchitis 3

Take equal quantity of Cubeb, Galangal, Liquorice and Long Pepper. Grind them together. Boil two teaspoon powder in a cup of water. Add two teaspoon Honey and have lukewarm daily.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 15

Grind equal quantity of Cubeb, Galangal, Liquorice and Long Pepper. Take one teaspoon with two teaspoon Honey daily.

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 3

Chew a small quantity crushed rootstock of Galangal with Betel leaf.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 23

Take one tsp powder of the following herbs :
Galangal, Abies Spectabilis, Long Pepper, Liquorice. Add some water to make a paste. Heat it with 4 cups of water until it boils. Take this decoction, thrice a day with honey.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 24

Soak a small piece of Galangal rootstock in 250 ml boiled water for 3 hours. Add some Date Palm sugar in it. Take 3 tsp thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Tonsillitis 1

Take equal quantity of Liquorice, Sweet Flag and Galangal. Grind them together. Have a teaspoon with Honey once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Libido Booster

People consider libido as sex. But libido doesn't necessarily mean sex only. It's the will to indulge in sex. When a person doesn't feel like making love, there is a problem with his/her metabolism. OR One is trying, and every time the effort is ineffective. Result, dissatisfied partner. That means you need to boost your libido. Several herbs have the capability to enhances your mood. There are some good herbs which, when combined in the right proportion, give excellent results. Take the dried form of following herbs :
Cnidium : Fruit : 20 gram
Chinese Gall : 20 gram
Ligusticum Wallichii : Root : 20 gram
Horny Goat Weed : Leaves and Stem : 20 gram
Morinda Officinalis : Root : 20 gram
Chufa ( Cicada ) : Root : 20 gram
Notopterygium : Roots and Rhizomes : 20 gram
Magnolia Bark : Flower : 20 gram
Galangal ( Kulanjan ) : Rhizomes : 20 gram
Garlic ( Lehsun ) : Cloves : 8 to 10
Schisandra : Fruit : 30 gram
Cinnamon ( Dalchini ) : Bark : 10 gram
Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) : Roots and Rhizomes : 30 gram
Powder them together. Have half teaspoon with milk for a few nights. This formula boosts libido, in both men and women. Better results have been found specially in females. It warms up the body and enhances sex stamina.
Caution. Please consult a doctor before consuming any formula. One or more herbs may not suit you or the medication you are already taking.
Note Do not take any herb or a combination of herbs for a long time. Take them for a few days, then give a break, even if they show great results.
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Husham ( Maldivian )
16 Oct 2016
Gangalan everyday using is good
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