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Thunbergia Grandiflora Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Thunbergia Grandiflora
Glycemic Index / Load
Bengal Trumpet
Botanical Name
Thunbergia Grandiflora
Hindi Name
Neel Lata

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Thunbergia Grandiflora Cures


Action of Thunbergia Grandiflora

Nutrients in Thunbergia Grandiflora

Parts Used

Roots, Stem Leaves.
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Bengal Trumpet is a vine.
It is evergreen.
It grows in temperate and tropical climates.
It climbs up to 20 M.


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Materia Medica : How to use Thunbergia Grandiflora - Uses and Benefits

Thunbergia Grandiflora General

All parts of Thunbergia Grandiflora are used medicinally. Different plant parts are used to treat different diseases and conditions.
The root of Thunbergia Grandiflora is very beneficial for treating Rheumatic Arthralgia, Swelling pains caused by falls or fractures. A decoction of the root is used externally to wash the affected parts.
A decoction of the root is used externally to wash the affected parts.The stem leaves of the plant treat injuries caused by Falls, Fractures, Sores, Snakebites and Furuncles.
The leaves are Antipyretic. Leaves are used as a poultice in Stomach complaints. A poultice of leaves is used to soothe cuts and boils.It is also used as an Antidote for Scorpion venom. Dried leaves are used as herbal tea to treat drug and Alcohol abuse. It possesses Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiinflammatory and Antitoxic properties.
The sap of the stem is used to treat Eye diseases. It gives cooling effect in eyes.
The leaf sap is used for Menorrhagia, Ear Infections and Deafness.
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