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Pearl Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Hindi Name
Mukta Pishti

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Pearl Cures


Action of Pearl

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Pearl

Highly Effective

Combines With

Taste of

Nature of


Parts Used

Powdered Pearl

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Pearl

Patients suffering from the following diseases should not take pearl preparations :-
Kidney Stones
High Calcium content in the blood
Loss of Body Fluids
Excess may cause Low Blood Pressure.
It is advisable to consult a health care practitioner before consuming the herb.
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Mukta Pishti ( Pearl Calcium ) is obtained by grinding Pearls to make a very fine powder which can be assimilated by the human digestive system. It is then processed with Rose Water.
It is a natural Calcium Supplement.
It is used as a tonic for Stomach, Brain, Heart, Intestines, Nerves, Kidneys, Bladder, Reproductive Organs and Endocrine Glands.
Best used to improve Eyesight, Digestion and Strength.


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Materia Medica for Pearl

Pearl General

Pearl is often considered as a mineral. But, it is a composite of the mineral Calcium Carbonate and other minerals that help in the renewal of cells by participating in the metabolic activities of the body.
The Pearl needs to be crushed to a fine powder to make it Bio available to the body. This Pearl is called the Hydrolyzed Pearl. It gets easily dissolved in the bloodstream. Hydrolyzed Pearl treats Blemishes, Wrinkles, Freckles, cures Dark Spots on Skin and helps the skin to look younger and radiant.
In Ayurveda, this hydrolyzed Pearl has been used since ages, as Mukta Pishti ( Pearl Calcium ) and Mukta Bhasma ( Pearl Calcium ).
Mukta Pishti is prepared by grinding the Pearl to a fine powder and then it is processed with Rose Water.
Mukta Pishti is beneficial for treating Psychotic Problems like Depression, Dementia, etc.
It stabilizes Kapha and Pitta doshas in the body which in turn keeps the Serotonin level under control and helps to reduce various symptoms of Anxiety which includes Uneasiness, Restlessness, Cold Hands and Feet, etc.
It enhances Digestion and reduces Constipation. It counterbalances the acid in Stomach and provides immediate relief from Acidity and Heartburn.
It also increases Appetite and promotes better absorption of Nutrients in the body.
Mukta Bhasma is prepared by the Calcination process.
Mukta Pishti is preferred over Mukta Bhasma due to its Cooling action and its ability to get easily dissolved in the bloodstream. Due to this action, it reduces heat in the body and provides relief from Heat Exhaustion.
This herb is known to clear the Vision, improve the Eyesight, and provide strength to the Brain.
It is used as a Cardio Tonic. Being a natural antioxidant, it relaxes the Cardiac System by soothing the Mind which is extremely beneficial for those suffering from Arrhythmia and Palpitations. It strengthens Heart Muscles, reduces Cholesterol levels in the Blood, and prevents Lipid accumulation- this reduces the risk of Atherosclerosis, Heart Attacks, Heart Blocks, Blood Clots, etc.
It lowers the Blood Pressure and ensures proper Blood Circulation throughout the body. It is a natural Antihypertensive agent. It is extremely pivotal in both High Blood Pressure and Low Blood Pressure Conditions, it keeps Blood Pressure under check.
By improving Heart functions, it enhances Cardiovascular endurance which stabilizes Blood Pressure.
Mukta Pishti is a natural Calcium supplement that provides strength to Bones, Joints, and Muscles. It has Anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to absorb Calcium and improves Bone-Mineral density, thus, strengthening the Bones and Connective Tissues and preventing them from breaking. It also plays a key role in the production of Collagen in the Bones, protecting the Bones from damage, and enhancing the overall Bone Health. Not only does it prevent Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia, but also diminishes the risks of Bone fractures in the advanced years of your life.
It provides immediate relief from Acid Reflux and Gastric Catarrh, thus aiding in the production of digestive juices and enzymes in the stomach.
It provides relief from Fever, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression. It increases the level of energy in the body and promotes vitality.
Mukta Pishti is also beneficial for curing Insomnia thus, ensuring sound and deep Sleep- How? By reducing the level of Stress Hormone called Cortisol, thereby attenuating Stress and improving the quality and duration of Sleep.
It provides relief from Diarrhea with Bleeding.
It is extremely beneficial for promoting Skin Health. It regulates excessive Sebum production and prevents Blocked Pores. It also balances and hydrates the Skin, while protecting it from environmental damage. Being a Kapha-Pitta pacifier, it flushes out the AMA toxins from the internal layers of the Skin- promoting overall Skin Health. It treats various Skin Infections like Eczema and Acne, and also prevents oxidative damage. Mukta Pishti is also pivotal to diminish signs of Aging and bestows a radiant glow to the Skin.
Mukta Pishti For Female Probelms: It is a boon for treating Hormonal Problems. It helps in treating Endometriosis and normalizes FSH and LH levels in the Blood, which thereby helps in regulating Body growth, development, pubertal maturation, strengthens the Female Reproductive Organs, manages the Menstrual cycle, and triggers Ovulation. It is highly effective in regulating Menses, treating Postnatal ailments, and excessive Abdominal Pain or Bleeding during Menses. It encourages easy flow during the menstrual cycle. For those suffering from PCOD, it actively helps in purifying the Blood and restoring Uterus Health.

Methods of Administration. How to Take.
Mix one teaspoon of Mukta Pishti with Honey in equal amounts. Consume it two times a day in the morning and evening after meals.
Instead of Honey you can also use Milk or Butter.
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Star Shield ( Saint Kitts and Nevis )
27 Jun 2017
Where can I purchase this product, and how long will it take to cure blurred vision?
Slochana ( Malaysia )
19 Feb 2018
hi there
my son is having Primary Sclerosis Cholongitis. Last year Sept, he had to remove spleen through op due to an accident. can he consume Pearl powder? Recently he had to go for another op for intestine tangled.
Rumesh Wadhwa ( India )
23 Feb 2018
Slochana, You can give your son, one dose of Homeopathic remedy Nuvx Vom 100. Give 4 small pillules , only, do not REPEAT... Herbs that he need to take for Sclerosis Cholangitis are-- milk Thistle Capsules, one every day for a month and Dandelion. Dandelion can be taken in the form of capsules or the soup.
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