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Syrian Rue Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Syrian Rue
Glycemic Index / Load
Syrina Rue
Botanical Name
Peganum Harmala
Hindi Name
Harmal, Isband, Isband Lahouri

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Syrian Rue Cures

Most Effective


Action of Syrian Rue

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Syrian Rue

Taste of
Syrian Rue

Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Syrian Rue

Do not use during pregnancy, as it may cause Abortion.
Excess use may cause Dizziness, Burning Sensation, Nausea, Vomiting and Stomach Cramps.
It may cause Male Infertility.
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Syrian Rue is a shrub.
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It belongs to Zygophyllaceae family.
It grows up to 90 Cm.
Best used for Asthma.
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Materia Medica : How to use Syrian Rue - Uses and Benefits

Syrian Rue General

Syrian Rue possess Antimicrobial, Hallucinogenic Vasorelaxant, Antidepressant, Analgesic, Cytotoxic and Emmenagogue properties. The stem and leaves of the planta are Abortifacient in nature.
The seed of Syrian Rue is Anthelmintic and Antidepressive. It contains Harmine. Harmine is a chemical substance. It is used to treat Brain inflammation and Mental diseases. Small quantities of Harmine stimulate the Brain. Excess Harmine depresses the Central nervous System. Externally, the seed is used to treat Haemorrhoids and Baldness.
Internally, the seed and fruit of the plant are taken for the treatment of Stomach complaints, Urinary and Sexual disorders, Epilepsy, Menstrual problems, Mental and Nervous illness.
The oil extracted from the seeds of Syrian Rue is Aphrodisiac, Vermifuge, Soporific and Galactogogue in nature.
A decoction of the leaves of Syrian Rue are used to treat Rheumatism.
The root of the plant is parasiticide. It is a good remedy for killing Body Lice.
It eases the process of Childbirth.
It eliminates Tapeworms from the Body.
It is a Uterine Stimulant.
Single Herb

Syrina Rue for Asthma

Take seeds powder of Syrina Rue two times a day.

Syrina Rue for Menstrual Disorders

Prepare a decoction of the seeds of Syrina Rue . Take a dose of 15-30 ml twice a day.
Caution : : Excess intake may be poisonous.

Syrian Rue as an Aphrodisiac

Syrian Rue seeds when smoked promotes sexual health.
Simply put a tablespoon of Syrian Rue seeds in the fire and inhale its smoke.

Syrian Rue for Menses Scanty

Take a cup of Syrian Rue herb tea every day. Repeat it 2 times in a day and also add 1 teaspoon of Honey to it.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Head Lice 2

Prepare a paste of the roots of Syrina Rue with Mustard oil. Apply for 30-45 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.
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