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Cardiac Arrest Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Cardiac Arrest
Hindi Name
Ek Dum se Dil ka band hona
Cardiac Arrest Symptoms
Chest Pain
Shortness of Breath
Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac Arrest Cured By

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Warning: It is a medical emergency. RUSH to the Hospital immediately.

Cardiac Arrest is a disease of the Heart.
As the name indicates, it occurs all of a sudden, without any warning. In this, the Heart collapses and this may lead to sudden death.

What is a Cardiac Arrest?
Heart is a vital organ of the Body. It pumps the blood and supplies oxygen rich blood to the body parts. Blood is like a fuel which carries nutrients to body organs. The organs need fuel to function properly.
The heart has its own electrical impulses which are generated by sinus nodes. These impulses make a coordination between the Heart and other body parts. They help the heart in pumping the Blood.

What Happens in Cardiac Arrest?
In Cardiac Arrest, something goes wrong with the Heart electrical impulses. It affects the functioning of the Heart and other body organs. This in turn causes Arrhythmia. It affects the functioning of the Heart muscles. As a result, the blood supply to the brain gets restricted and causes unconsciousness. This may lead to sudden death also.

Cardiac Arrest is different from Heart attack. However, Heart Attack may lead to Cardiac Arrest.

Causes of Cardiac Arrest
Heart Attack
Enlarged Heart
Physical Stress
Coronary Artery Disease
Ventricular Fibrillation

If not Treated Properly, Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Differential Diagnosis :
People often get confused between Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest and Stroke. They all are associated with the Heart, but different.

Heart Attack : is the blockage in the Arteries which supply oxygen rich blood to the Heart. If there is blockage in the artery, the muscles will not get oxygen rich blood and they fail to function. As a result the heart stops functioning, so does other organs. This in turn causes pain in the Chest and Heart Attack.

Cardiac Arrest is caused by disturbance in the electrical impulses of the Heart. It causes Arrhythmia. The Heart stops pumping the blood, brain and other organs are deprived of oxygen rich Blood. This leads to unconsciousness and even death.

Stroke: occurs in the Brain but is a result of malfunctioning of the Heart. When the Heart fails to pump the oxygen rich blood to the Brain, it causes Brain stroke.

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Cardiac Arrest

Single Herb

Arjuna for Cardiac Arrest

Prepare a tea from Arjuna bark. Drink twice a day.
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Suresh Chandra Gangwar ( India )
06 Jan 2017
I have had ICD implanted on November 15, 2016,and I want to know the required precautions to have a normal healthy life as well as avoid further heart problems. Please guide me.
01 Feb 2017
Dear Suresh
Sorry, but we can not have any expertise to advise you on this matter. As you already have gone through from a surgery.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
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