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Anticholinergic Herbs


Anticholinergic herbs are those herbs which oppose or block the action of Acetylcholine (occurs in the nervous system).

Effect of an Anticholinergic on Body :
These herbs effect the Acetylcholine neurotransmitter either by stopping or blocking them. This may effect Central Nervous System, Heart, Glands, Eyes and smooth muscles.

How does an Anticholinergic work :
These herbs stop the muscle movement which are against will or involuntary to the body.

Excess of Anticholinergic herbs may cause :
Dry Mouth
Dry Cough
Blurred Vision

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Kimberlee DiBartolo ( United States )
30 Jun 2016
My ASD son takes various different herbs for anxiety and behaviors resulting from excessive dopamine. Need a list of specific herbs that are anticholinergic.
TAMMY LEE BEGGS ( United States )
08 Dec 2016
I have recently read on anticholorgenic drugs and was wondering if I use herbs for my allergies will they have the same bad side effects.? I have really bad allergies and now am concerned about the effects of anti cholorgenic drugs such as dementia and memory problems
Caleb ( Texas )
12 Apr 2018
I suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and my doctor recommended an anticholergenic drug but I’m not a fan of taking pharmaceutical drugs, so I was wondering what herbal supplements would be good alternatives to take. Thanks
Lawrence Birch, CCH (Certified Clinical Herbalist)GivingTree Farm Herb Company Certified Clinical He
17 Apr 2019
Caleb, Your question is a little old now but in case you are still looking for an herbal alternative, you might ty taking sage (salvia officinalis) capsules to try and ease the hyperhidrosis. This is the same sage we use as a spice in things like bread stuffing for turkey on Thanksgiving in the US. Take a look at this brief article and see what you think. Sage, whole generally quite safe, does have other effects as well so I recommend you do your research on it before trying it at therapeutic doses. Best of luck! https://www.drweil.com/health-wellness/body-mind-spirit/disease-disorders/sage-for-excess-sweating/
L. Rain ( New Mexico )
04 Apr 2021
Hello. My 90 y.o. mom suffers from nocturia. She's up 3-4 times a night going to the bathroom. She's not getting any rest. Her MD wants to put her on an anticholinergic drug, low dose, to see if that would help. What is a good natural alternative to this.
Also, she and I both have low white cell counts. We have a family business, way too many hours put in for me, and she still works. Its all stress! Aside from selling the business (which we're desperately trying to do) what is a good supplement in the meantime to keep us both healthy. thank you
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