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Entada Scandens Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Entada Scandens
Glycemic Index / Load
Entada Scandens
Botanical Name
Entada Scandens, Entada Pursaetha
Hindi Name
Barabi, Prthvika, Gaarbin, Chiyan

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Entada Scandens Cures

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Entada Scandens

Most Effective

Nutrients in Entada Scandens

Taste of
Entada Scandens

Parts Used

Seed Kernel, Bark, Root, Bark, Leaves, Seeds. Roots, Whole Plant
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Entada Scandens is a vine.
It is an evergreen.
It grows in a tropical climates.
It grows up to One Meter.
Best used for Stomach Diseases, Fevers.



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Materia Medica for Entada Scandens

Queries on Entada Scandens
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Actual users may approach us through emails. Please write an email to info@herbpathy.com.
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Dinesh Rajoria
08 Sep 2015
Your information is very useful.
Can you provide me the dealer name
from which we can purchase ?
Herbpathy Admin
09 Sep 2015
Dear Dinesh

We are gratified to know that you found the information useful.
You may get the Herbs from any vendor like Himalya, Patanjali, Dabur, etc. Herbs are also available online. There are a number of websites selling herbs in different forms- capsules, root extracts, tinctures, pills. You may shop for herbs online. Tinctures of different Herbs are available at any Homeopathic store.

Alternatively, you may check our Buy/Sell Herbs portal on this website. Reviews by different vendors have been posted there. You may contact them to buy the Herbs you need.

Herbpathy Admin
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
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