Although Dengue and Chikungunya are fevers, their attack should be considered an emergency. Platelet count falls very rapidly and if remedial measures are not as swift as the drop in platelet count, the patient will deteriorate. Herbs taken in the crude form as a powder or as a decoction, become bio available to the body very slowly. When rapid action is required a tincture is the best. Fortunately, these tinctures are available at Homeopathy dispensaries. In Homeopathy these tinctures are known by their botanical names.
Night Jasmine (Harshingar in India) is known as Nyctanthes Arbortristis.
Tinospora Cordifolia (Giloy In India) is known as Tinospora Cordifolia.
Yarrow (Gandrain in India) is known as Achillea Millefolium.
Buy tincture of all the three above from a Homeopathic shop. Give 10 drops of Night Jasmine (in some water) to start the treatment. After three hours give ten drops of Yarrow. After three hours give 10 drops of Tinospora Cordifolia. Keep repeating for the next three days. The fever should become normal within one day. However, the drop in fever must not be considered as a cure. The remedies should be continued for at least 3 days.
Note. All three remedies are required. Night Jasmine to control the destruction of platelets and rebuild them. Yarrow to ensure that there is no hemorrhage. Tinospora Cordifolia to bring down the fever. Do not change the order. The primary aim is to stop the drop of platelet count. The next important thing is to ensure that there is no bleeding. Fever is the least important aspect.