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Wampee Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Clausena Lansium, Quinaria Lansium

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Wampee Cures


Action of Wampee

Nutrients in Wampee

Taste of

Parts Used

Leaves, Fruits
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Uampi is a tree.
It is evergreen.
It grows in a subtropical climate.
It grows up to 11 M.

Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Wampee - Uses and Benefits

Wampee General

Wampee is loaded with health benefits. It possesses Antioxidant, Antinflammatory, Anthelmintic and Anticancer properties. It is rich in Minerals and Vitamins.
The leaves, root and unripe fruit of the plant is used medicinally. The leaves, seeds and fruits are used to treat Gastrointestinal ailments as Ulcers and Chronic Inflammation. The dried unripe fruits and sliced root of the plant is used to treat Bronchitis.
The fruit of the plant is used for Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Cough, Cold, Influenza and Abdominal Pains. Ripe fruit possess Stomachic and cooling effect.
The root is used as a cure for Malaria and Bronchitis.
The leaves are used to treat Dandruff, Asthma, Cough and Hepatitis.
The seed extract of the plant possess Antifungal property
The whole plant is used to treat Chronic and acute viral hepatitis.
It enhances dilation of Blood Vessels and prevents Cardiovascular conditions. It assists dilation process in case of Atherosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Congestive Heart failure, High Blood Pressure and Angina Pectoris.
It lowers Blood Pressure of the Body.
Wampee is rich in Vitamin C. It treats Cataract and enhances the supply of blood to the ocular areas of the Body.
Wampee is a good source of Vitamin B 3. It helps in lowering the bad Cholesterol level. It prevents the thickening of arteries.
It eliminates excess Vitamins from the Body. It expels excess Vitamins in the form of Urination.
It helps in lowering High Blood Sugar and treats Diabetes.
It assists in metabolism of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins in the Body.
Wampee contains Vitamin B 2. It treats nervous ailments as Alzheimer's Disease, Numbness, Anxiety, Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy.
It maintains the functioning of nerves and muscles. It promotes neural connectivity of the Brain. It makes the reflexes fast.
It promotes Skin, hair and Nail health.
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