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Chimaphila Umbellata Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Chimaphila Umbellata
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Chimaphila Umbellata
Homeopathic Name
Chimaphila Umbellata   -   Mother Tincture

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Chimaphila Umbellata Cures

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Chimaphila Umbellata

Most Effective

Nutrients in Chimaphila Umbellata

Chimaphila Umbellata
Combines With

Taste of
Chimaphila Umbellata

Parts Used

Leaves, Stem, Roots

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Chimaphila Umbellata

Excess may cause irritation in the Gastrointestinal Tract.
Prolonged use may cause Vomiting , Tinnitus.
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Chimaphila Umbellata is a plant.
It is an evergreen.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 50 Cm.
Best used for Urinary Tract Infection.
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Materia Medica : How to use Chimaphila Umbellata - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Chimaphila Umbellata for Urinary Tract Infection

Boil One tablespoon leaves of Chimaphila Umbellata in 1/2 cup of water for 15 minutes. Take a mouthful of the tea at a time.
Drink unsweetened.
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Dr. P.S. bhhahtnagar ( India, Madfhya Pradresh )
25 May 2016
After TURP in 2007 suffering urinary disorder had undergone surgery for strictures. Now Bladder neck contracture resulting troubled urination thin stream of urine have to force out the urine. Homeopathic treatment continued since Dec 2015 indicates relief but after some time revert back to original condition. Occasionally have to drain out urine with the help of Filiform self urethra dilators 16/6 Fr.

Please advice remedies and oblige
29 Jun 2016
Dear Doctor It seems that your wife is suffering from Homeopathy. Since, she is taking homeopathic medicine from the last year, she is tend to have aggravation. homeopathy causes aggravation, that is why she is not getting a permanent cure. It is advised that she should not continue with that medicine any more. Your query has been forwarded to the concerned team, and this will be taken care of. DO not worry.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Vijay Kohli ( Delhi, Delhi )
06 Jul 2016
I am 77 years old. my prostate is very slightly enlarged & is benign. I have delayed urine problem. I am on BP medicines My BP is 70/120 and my cretinin 1s 1.41 . Please advise.
Jatin Chaubey
07 Jul 2016
Vijay Creatinine is a bit higher than the normal. For this, take Gokharu ( Tribulus Terristris ) It's tincture can be bought from a homeopathic store. Take 10 drops of this tincture in a glass of water , once, everyday for a month. This will set your Kidneys right and cure your delayed urinationproblem For your enlarged prostate. Buy Stinging nettle tincture , it is called Urtica Dioica and eat Shisandra capsules. One capsule everyday for a month
Arghya Das
04 May 2018
Hi Jatin Sir, I go-through this blog. I have bph problem. Its size 35cc. Now taking pumpkin seed capsules daily once and sabal q daily thrice. My urin flow is ok. But some times feeling feverish. Is this medicine able to help me. Thanks,
Prathibha ( India )
09 Aug 2016
can I take it to increase breast size .I am 40 yrs old.
25 Aug 2016
Prathibha Prepare a paste by - 1/4 bowl of Fenugreek powder, add 2 to 3 tablespoon of water. Apply it gently on the breasts. Leave it on breasts for 20 minutes. Then wash off with water. Follow this daily before taking a shower. Try for a week.
Let us know the results please. Or try buffalo milk and almond oil. Take 100 ml milk and 20 ml almond oil. Mix them. Massage your breasts in clockwise direction. You will see the size of your breasts increasing within 7 days of application of this mixture.
11 Sep 2016
dear doctor
Populus tremuloides D3, Pareira brava D4,
Hoang nan D30, Chimaphila umbellata D2.

14 Sep 2016
You may stop the medicine. This can be the side effects of the medicine . Skip this medicine for a week. And see if you feel better. I am sure you definitely will feel better. Just try Stinging Nettle. Buy it's tincture from a homeopathic store. It is known as Urtica Dioica. Take 5 drops of this tincture in a glass of water. Drink this regularly for a week and see if you feel better. If it suits you, then you may continue it for a month.
Kishore ( India )
25 Oct 2016
Can Chimaphila Umbellata 200 may help reduce breast size of 13 years old? Kindly reply.
Harshada ( India/ Maharashtra )
26 Oct 2016
Hey hiii....I'm 18year old girl...n my breast is almost flat..n dis is d reason y I fell very embarrased..so plz suggest me some medicine...n can I use sabal or chimaphila 30C for breast enlargement....is der any side effect which will arise if ill take this medicine???? Plz help me..reply fast
03 Nov 2016
No please.
The review mentioned below is the cure.
Massage is the cure for you.
Fizza ( Pakistan )
27 Oct 2016
Hey hi , i am 20 years old and my breast size is very small..what should i do for this? 1 dr suggested me to use CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA Q..is this mcdn help me to resolve this issue ??
28 Oct 2016
The best thing to do is -- Massage your breasts in upward direction , for 15 minutes. Best oil for it is grape seed oil or almond oil. you might come across answer like apply essential oils like carrot oil or fennel seed oil. But. I will suggest to not go for them as these oils are very very strong and inappropriate quantity may cause burning sensation on the skin. And yes, you can massage your breasts with prime rose oil. Do it twice a day, for best results. Flax seed is used to reduce breasts size. take the powder of the seeds with hot water. Drink it daily.
I have seen these herbs actually showing positive results.
L. A. Nathan ( India/West Bengal )
11 Jan 2017
USG report
Shows a cortical cyst in lower pole of right kidney(size-2.2*2.1cm) and upper pole of left kidney(size4.4*4.8 cm).Few internal septae seen in cortical cyst of left kidney.
Can anyone suggest homeopathic orAyurvedic medicines to shrink or reduce or dissolve the cysts.
Presently, I am asymptomatic.
I shall be very thankful.
Bhawna ( Delhi )
31 Jan 2017
I want to reduce my breast size......I am very uncomfortable for that....plus help me.....is chilaphila is best for breast reduction
03 Feb 2017
Bhawna Crush a table spoon of flax seeds. Mix them in a glass of warm water. Drink it once, everyday for a month. Guarana is a very effective remedy for breast reduction. Take one capsule, everyday for a month.
28 Feb 2020
Please take fatless food. Excercise
Jyoti ( India )
16 Feb 2017
One doctor suggested to take Chimaphila Umbellata MT for breast reduction. Please advise.
21 Feb 2017
You may try the mother tincture of this herb. 5 drops every day in a glass of water for 20 days.
But, I would suggest that you should not try anything to reduce the breast size. It is all natural and is not a disease that has to be taken care of. Rest is your wish.
Shaan ( India /Uttarpredesh )
17 Apr 2017
Dear sir i m suffering from burning on the top of my penis and it to be too much and there is pain also in my testicle and penis veins i have taken several medicine but temporary relief..now i m taking chimaphila umblletta ..its is relief from it.but i have bronchitis problem also ..
So i want to know weather chimaphila umbletta homeopathic.. will cast any side effect on bronchitis patients..? please help..
Manteesh Dogra
05 May 2017
Try a homeopathic remedy called Hepar Sulph. Buy Hepar Sulph 1 M , take one dose only. Do not repeat at all.
Share the feedback after 15 days.
Schinta ( Canada/Quebec )
19 Apr 2017
I have mild tuberous breasts. My breasts stopped growing in puberty and there is marked lack of mammary gland tissue (cushion) and constriction at the base. There seems no hope on forums except for surgery, which I really don't want. I am an adult biological female. I wish to reactivate puberty or release the constriction and grow healthy breast tissue. Is it possible? If yes, please tell me how?
Garima Sen ( India )
24 Apr 2017
The herbs for you are Fenugreek. Apply Fenugreek paste on the breast and massage with it daily for 15 minutes. Then wash it off. Saw Palmetto capsules daily. Eat one, everyday. Also start taking Dong Quai, once a day for one month.
Regular massage with Grapeseed oil in circular motion is also of great help in increasing the breast size.
Share the feedback after a month please. I was really benefited from all these herbs.
08 Dec 2017
Dear Garima Sen, thank you for your help. May you kindly explain the Fenugreek paste and what else is included other than fenugreek powder? Also, what is the correct dosage (per capsule) of the saw palmetto and dong quai?
Thank you ??
Abby ( Pakistan )
25 May 2017
I am diagnosed with prostatitis and im on tamsolosin and thinking of using chimaphilla umbellata q can i use both
I need somthing for the flareups
30 May 2017
I wish to know the most effective way to reduce breast size with medicines that are available in USA ( even if its homeopathic that I can get online its fine! ) thank you!
Dora ( Jakarta)
08 Jun 2017
The only way to reduce breast size by doing regular exercise. As, your over all body weight will be reduced, the size will also reduce.
I will not suggest to use any herb or medicine to be tried for reducing breast size.
Sweety ( Odisha )
14 Sep 2017
Dear sir,
I m 19 years old and my size is 36 . i want to reduce my size to 32. How can i do this please help me.
Roar JohannessenT ( Norway )
10 Nov 2017
I've used chimp?ila umbellata d6 for about 40 years, it works for me.
Now it's no longer possible to buy chimapila in Norway. It' out of sortiment.
Can you give me information about where I can buy cnimapila umbellata D6,
I would be very greatful. thank you

Roar Johannessen, Norway
Riya ( Delhi )
27 Dec 2017
Mam,i am 18years old .But,my breast size is too big .please mam suggest me homeopathic medicine for breast reduce .is chimaphila umbelleta q best medicine for breast reduction.can i use
Sonam ( India )
11 Jan 2018
I am 18years old .my breast size is so big .please suggest me some homeopathic medicine for breast reduction.
12 Jan 2018
You should not be taking any remedy, instead do exercises, cardios that will help to reduce the breast size. Let me tell you exercising these muscles is the best way to tone and reduce the Breasts size..
27 Feb 2018
Sir,my doctor suggest me chimaphila umbelleta q medicine for breast reduction
B.K.Dhaon ( Delhi,India )
29 Mar 2018
What are the indications of the use of Chimaphila Umbellata,
Side effects, how long can it be taken safely
Rajinder Garg
18 Jan 2019
How much does should I take for large prostate
Kashif ( Pakistan )
11 Jun 2018
Sir i went through urethral bulbar stricture surgery in august 2016.. but i am not fully recoverd.. my urine flow is not good and also feeling burning sensation after 2 or 3 hours after passing urine and feel urge for urination again. But pass only 100 or 200 ml of urine.. if there is any treatmnt plz tell me
Sowmya ( India Karnataka )
28 Jun 2018
Iam 24 year married no baby but my breast size is 36dd Iam suffering very severely can please suggest me to reduce the the size
Sonal ( Delhi )
03 Oct 2018
Sir,i want to know that ,chimaphilla umbelleta q is breast reduction homeopathic medicine please reply me sir
Pramod singh ( Tamil nadu khushiraja.72@gmail.com )
08 May 2020
Hii sir may age 24 urethral strictures
Chimaphila umbellata 200
Cantharis 200
Clematis erecta 200
Prostonum drops
I am use this medicine. Right or wrong sir please help me sir
26 Aug 2020
i want to reduce my breast size and also want to tight my breasts which are very saggy .
Aparnita Das ( India/West Bangal )
29 Aug 2020
Does chimaphella mother tincture cause sodium level low?
22 Feb 2021
I am 29 waist 26 height 5.6 .. I am underweight according to my nutritionist but me chest size is 30D .. Its really getting embarrassing for me as i am thin so my chest area is really getting prominent. I have tried every ayurvedic cream ,medicines and also I do yoga every day but nothing seems to be effective in reducing me breast ... Huge size is one problem other is uneven breast.. one is size d and one is C .. I don't know what to take now . Please help if I can take chimaphola umbellata. I am unmarried.
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