Proteinuria is a disease of the Kidneys.
The release of excessive Albumin in the urine is Proteinuria. It is not a disease per se. It is a sign of damaged kidneys.
Albumin is a kind of Protein. Proteins are the building blocks of the human body. The functions of proteins in the body are
To build nails, hair, muscles and the bones
To improve the blood circulation
To prevent the formation of the Blood clots
To nourish the tissues
To circulate essential vitamins, hormones and other fluids through out the body
Albumin regulates the osmotic pressure of the blood. The excessive accumulation of albumin causes problems. How does it accumulate? Bad Kidneys.
Kidneys are the filtering plants of the body. The glomeruli (capillaries) present in the kidneys are the actual filters. They filter the blood and prevent the large molecules to pass through into the urine. Normally the healthy kidneys do not allow Red blood Cells or Albumin or Protein through. However, in case of damaged kidneys, the protein and other large molecules pass into the urine.
Diabetes and High Blood Pressure may damage Kidneys. Too much sugar in the blood. Kidneys have to work over time to maintain optimum level. Prolonged overuse damages them. Prolonged means years. They allow larger molecules to leak through.
Abumin are small size proteins. They pass through the filters easily. Call it Microalbuminuria. When there is more damage, large molecules leak through. Call it Macroalbuminuria or Proteinuria or Albuminurina.
When Kidney disease is detected early during the microalbuminuria, kidneys respond well to treatment. In advanced stages treatment is very difficult.
Causes of Proteinuria
High Blood Pressure
Permanent Damage to the Kidneys
If not treated properly, Proteinuria may cause
Heart Diseases
Kidney Failure
Venous Thrombosis
Chronic Kidney Diseases
Early Diagnosis :
Dip Stick. Proteinuria may be detected by dipsticks. Dip stick in the urine. If the color is yellow, no albumin. If it turns green, well, well, well, you got Proteinuria.
Foamy Urine is another indication of Proteinuria.