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Skin Graft Rejection Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Skin Graft Rejection
Medical Name
Skin Graft Rejection
Skin Graft Rejection Symptoms
Skin Graft Rejection

Skin Graft Rejection Cured By

Super Effective

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Skin Graft Rejection is a disease of the Skin.

It is a surgical treatment, which is done to cover the damaged Skin associated with an open wound, burn , an injury or some other Disorders.
Normally, the Skin protects the body from viral or bacterial infections, Regulates the Body temperature and fluid loss. But the damaged skin fails to perform its regular functions. Therefore, Skin graft is a temporary treatment which is done to cover the wound. But sometimes, the immune system do not accepts the donor cells and causes rejection, it is termed as Skin Graft Rejection.

Common Names

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Skin Graft Rejection

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