Dengue is a disease of the Blood which affects the Whole Body.
It is a debilitating viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes.
This virus is transmitted to Human Body by Aedes Aegypti Mosquito bite.
It is an Infectious disease causes sudden fever. It causes an acute pain in the joints, hence, known as break bone disease or Classical Dengue Fever.
This virus may be transmitted through Infected Blood and Organ Transplantation.
Blood tests reveal that Platelet count is dropping. Platelets die within 5 to 10 days. They need to be replenished. Dengue affects the metabolism and stops the production of Platelets. The virus impairs the ability of the body to produce these Platelets.
The normal Platelet count varies between 150,000 to 250,000 in one micro litre of blood.
When Platelets diminish and are not replaced, the count begins to fall.
100,000 or below. Situation is Alarming.
50,000 or below. May be Fatal.
Platelets form clots and save lives from bleeding or Haemorrages, ( Internal or External ).
When the count drops below 50,000 the patient may just bleed to death from a minor cut.
Causes of DengueMosquito Bite
Infected Blood
Hemorrhagic Fever
Severe Dehydration
Febrile convulsions
Spontaneous Bleeding
Dengue Shock Syndrome
Unhygienic environment
Organ transplantation
If not treated properly, Dengue may cause death Your best bet is a combination of the following herbs:- Night Jasmine (Harshingar) controls the destruction of the platelets.
Yarrow to stop Internal Bleeding.
Boneset for Bone, joint and body pains and Vomiting.
Aconitum to bring down the fever.
Redroot to stimulate the spleen.
All of the above are available at a homeopathic shop in tincture form. 10 drops of the tincture in some water is one dose.
Administer remedies as follows:-
Eupatorium-Perfoliatum. Thrice daily till the patient recovers completely.
Aconitum. Thrice daily till the fever is present.
Nyctanthes. If the platelets have fallen below 50,000 give 10 drops every one hour or sooner if they are falling. Reduce dose as they rise.
Millefolium. Three times a day. Reduce after three days to twice a day then after 3 more days once a day for three days, then stop.
Ceanothus Americanus. Thrice daily for 7 days.
The homeopathic names of the Herbs are:
Night Jasmine (
Yarrow (
Boneset (
Eupatorium perfoliatum)
Aconitum (
Aconitum napellus)
Redroot (
Ceanothus americanus)
A visit to the Doctor is a must.
Note: Drink as much water as you can, to make your body hydrated. In Dengue, one of the most common symptom is Excessive Sweating. To combat that, drink a lot of water, so that your body is able to flush more toxins. It will also help in easing symptoms like Headache, Muscle Cramps, Body ache and Dehydration.