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Ceanothus Americanus Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Ceanothus Americanus
Homeopathic Name
Ceanothus Americanus   -   Mother Tincture

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Ceanothus Americanus Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Ceanothus Americanus

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Ceanothus Americanus

Ceanothus Americanus
Combines With

Taste of
Ceanothus Americanus

Parts Used

Root, Bark, Leaves

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Ceanothus Americanus

Avoid use during Pregnency and breastfeeding .
High doses may cause Arrhythmia, Insomnia and Dizziness.
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Redroot is a shrub.
It is perennial.
It grows in a temperate climate.
It grows up to 1.5 M.
Best used for Blood Impurity.
Note : Please note that Redroot herb is different from Red Root. Please check the botanical names of these two.

Grown In

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Materia Medica for Ceanothus Americanus

Single Herb

Redroot for Tonsillitis

Boil Redroot bark in some water for 15 minutes. Gargle with this water at least twice a day.

Redroot for Skin Diseases

Tea made from the whole plant of Redroot is good for almost all kinds of skin diseases.
Queries on Ceanothus Americanus
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Kevin Benjamin ( United States )
02 Feb 2017
My 8 year old niece has sickle cell and has very painful episodes can you please help me with the right herbs to help her, the doctors are just treating symptoms and she just continues to suffer.
Rubina garg
06 Feb 2017
Give her Spinach, Beets, Pomegranate and Lentils. This food will improve the blood cells.
Avoid Aspartame and fried or fatty foods. Take Food rich in zinc and copper. Give her lots of chlorophyll. Do include turmeric in her daily diet. You may give her turmeric lehyam.
Khamsin J.
28 Apr 2017
Thank you! I have sickle cell disease as well. I've been using red root for a few months. It does seem to help me.
10 May 2017
Enter your reply here...what is its urdu name...i mean wat do we call it in India..
13 Sep 2017
how i can get red root plant in india.what is its name in india.
or its alternate supplement.
my wife is suffering from fluid retention in body. swelling and pain.
Shirley Long ( US/Texas )
19 Mar 2020
My granddaughter has Sickle C. She has had a pain right under her ribcage (just below the breast area - mostly right but radiates to both sides). She is constantly constipated and her Gallbladder was ruled out. She was to have a Endoscopy and Coloy, but the Coronovirus has halted non emergency procedures. Her mother had Herpes and wonder if she was effected. Tests have not shown positive, but maybe dormant in an organ?
Is this redroot applicable? And where is it sold?
20 Mar 2020
Dear Shirley
You can give you granddaughter Redroot and Terminalia Cattapa. You can get these easily online. Have 1 Redroot capsule every day for a month.
The leaf extract of Terminalia Cattapa is also effective to treat Sickle Cell Anemia. For Constipation, Take Triphala. Soak 2 teaspoons of Triphala in water. Leave it overnight. Next morning, strain and have that water. Take it for 1 week and see the results.
For more check the page on Constipation in Herbpathy, multiple herbs are listed that can be used. Follow any of the procedure that is easily accessible to you. Write back for further assistance.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Saheedat ( Nigeria/Ogun state )
18 Apr 2020
Pls what is redroot in yoruba
Amelia ( USA/CA )
12 Sep 2020
What is the best source for Red Root tincture in US? I'm looking for medicinal use in spleen enlargement.
Narvinderjit Singh ( Canada )
21 Jan 2021
Hi I have enlarged spleen its causing me to get blood clots so I have to take warfrin to prevent it. It started in from 2009 2010 when I gained weight from 220 to 320 lbs I have reduced it to 230lbs

. But spleen only mildy large. Liver has minor cirrhosis and I am 29 years old. I exercise a lot I am almost vegan but vegetarian I use to eat so much meat in every meal;now I don't.

When I train in martial arts I took myself off warfrin almost one year I was fine but got clot again because spleen making too many platelets.

What can I do to fix it
What can I take to fix the enlarged spleen and liver.
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