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Sarcoma Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
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Sarcoma Symptoms
A noticeable lump or swelling
Pain, if a tumor presses on the Nerves or Muscles

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Sarcoma is a disease of the whole body.

The type of malignant tumor which begins in the soft connective tissues and nonepithelial cells is termed as Sarcoma. The connective tissues support the other tissues and nonepithelial cells cover the lining of the cavities.
This type of tumor is common in Bone, Muscles, tendons, Nerves and Blood Vessels.

The cancer cells develop when there is some mutation in the DNA of the cells. The cells begins to replicate in an uncontrolled manner. This causes distortion in the shape of the Organ.

Types of Sarcoma

Soft tissue Sarcomas : The cancerous growth begins in the soft tissues of the Skin. The soft tissues in the body are Muscle, Fat, Nerves, Blood Vessels, Tendons and the Joint lining. More than eight percent of Sarcoma begin in the soft tissues.

Bone Cancer : It is a rare type of Cancer. It begins in the Bones. The tumor grows and destroys the surrounding healthy tissues. It may even arise as a secondary Cancer which spreads from some other location.

If you find any kind of lump that is growing day by day on your body, then visit to a Doctor is must.

Causes of Sarcoma
Mutation in the DNA of the Cells

If not treated properly, Sarcoma may cause
Distortion of the Organs

Body Part(s)

Whole Body

Whole Body Diseases

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Zae k kim ( CA. )
15 Oct 2017
hi !
Please help and advise .! I have friend of mine's daughter age 44 year old ,Korean, residing presently in Seoul ,Korea. She was found to have a cancer of synovial sarcoma at left lung tissue about one month ago .
She has underwent and treated with chemo and radiation x 1 . At this point, we would like to seek your help earnestly for her the re: Best treatment of natural remedies. We'd appreciate greatly for your kindly advice and helping.

23 Nov 2017
Dear zae k kim
She may try the following.
1. Buy Pulmonary Officinalis mother tincture and have 10 drops in a glass of water 2 times in a day. This remedy will support her Lungs.
2. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day. take it for 1 week only.
3. Buy Echinacea and Goldenseal capsules and have 1 every day. It is available in a combo form too.
4. Add half a tablespoon of Turmeric powder, a pinch of Black Pepper powder and half a tablespoon of Clarified butter in a pan. Heat all on low flames for 5 to 7 min. You may also add sugar candy in it. Have half a tablespoon of it every day.
5. Take fresh carrots, beetroots, celery and have them in daily salads or take out fresh glass of juice and have it 2 times in a day. You may also spread a few drops of Hemp oil on your salad.
6. Have a massive dose of Vitamin C every day.
Try to follow this regimen at least for a month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Parul singh ( India )
26 Apr 2018
My brother in law is suffering from DSRCT , a type of soft tissue sarcoma , a very rare and Aggresive type of cancer.
Doctor suggested chemo and not taking guarantee for further treatment.
Plz help me out
Komal saxena ( India )
27 Oct 2018
My brother is suffering from synovial sarcoma in left lung and it is damaging right lung too he's underwent chemo .. could you please suggest some natural remedies to sink that tumor
Please help me out ...
Zaheer ( Haripur/ Pakistan )
02 Feb 2019
I have spindle cells sarcoma in my leg .2 x operation is done and 6 cycles of chemo therapy also but still no any positive result.

Pls help me
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