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Carcinoma Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Carcinoma Symptoms
Weight Loss
Night Sweats
Loss of Appetite

Carcinoma Cured By

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Carcinoma is a disease of the Whole Body.
The Cancer which develops in the epithelial tissues of the skin is called Carcinoma.
It affects the internal organs and internal layers of the skin. It may damage the mucus membranes and other vital organs of the body.

Types of Carcinoma :
Squamous Cell Carcinoma : It is a type of Skin cancer that affects the internal lining of the Skin, called Epidermis. It indicates it begins with Squamous Cells, which are present on the top most layer of the Epidermis. It may develop in the Skin, Lips, Mouth, Esophagus, Lungs, Urinary Bladder, Digestive System, Cervix and Vagina.
Basal Cell Carcinoma : In this, the mutation occurs in the Basal Cells. Basal cells are present next to the Squamous Cells. It occurs due to long term exposure of Skin to the UV Radiations. This may lead to mutation in the DNA of the Basal Cells, as a result chances of development of Cancer Cells increase.
Renal Cell Carcinoma : It is a type of Kidney Cancer. It begins in the lining of the renal tubules. The renal tubules are responsible for waste transportation from the blood to the Urine.

Causes of Carcinoma
Long term Exposure to Chemicals
Mutation in the DNA of the Cells

If not treated properly, Carcinoma may cause

Note: Precaution is the Prevention.
To prevent Carcinoma avoid Smoking and Long term exposure to the UV Rays or Industrial Chemicals.

Note : Find more information on Cancer by visiting the Cancer webpage on this website. Clink here to visit the Cancer webpage now.

Common Names

Body Part(s)

Whole Body

Whole Body Diseases

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Materia Medica for Carcinoma

Single Herb

Apple Cider Vinegar for Carcinoma

Take Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and soak a cotton ball in it. Place the soaked cotton ball over the affected area and wrap it using a tape. Leave it overnight. Do this daily for 2 months.
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