Non Hodgkin Lymphoma is a disease of the Whole Body.
It is a type of Cancer that begins with blood cells known as Lymphocytes or White Blood Cells.
The Lymphocytes are a part of the Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic System contains tissues such as Lymph Nodes, Bone Marrow and Spleen. They all are a part of the Immune system, which fights with Germs and other threats in the Body.
Normally, our body produces new cells and the old cells die. In Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma some thing goes wrong with the White Blood Cells. The old Lymphocytes do not die and the body keeps on producing the new one. This causes an over production of the White Blood Cells. This causes swelling or formation of a lump on the affected area. This may be sign of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
The symptoms may vary depending upon the location of the Disease. If the Non Hodkin's Lymphoma occurs in the Chest, the person may feel Chest Congestion or a Shortness of Breath. If it occurs in the Abdomen, the person may feel Abdominal Pain or a Feeling of Fullness.
The Lymph Nodes may get swollen due to some other Infectious Diseases also, such as, Cold and Sore Throat. When these disorders get treated, the Lymph Nodes return back to normal.
Types of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma
B Cells Lymphoma : It is more common.
T Cells Lymphoma : It is less common.
A person with a weak immune system or having exposure to fertilizers for long is at a higher risk of getting Non Hodgkin's Disease.
Causes of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma
The actual cause is not known. But it is believed that it occurs due to the mutation in the DNA of the B cells. This results in an over production of the Lymphocytes and gives rise to Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
Following increase the risk of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
Old Age
Autoimmune Syndrome
Chemicals or Fertilizers
Bacterial or Viral Infection
Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
Single Herb Have Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) extract, 250 mg per day.
Prepare a tea, made of one teaspoon of powdered Parsley ( Ajmood ) leaves and one cup of water. Drink it twice daily.
Prepare a decoction, made of one teaspoon of powdered Liquorice ( Mulethi ) root and one cup of water. Drink it twice daily.
Have Ganoderma ( Reishi Mushroom ) extract, 250 mg per day.
Consume Milk Thistle seed extract, 160 mg 2 times a day.
Olive for Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
Take Olive leaf extract, 250 mg per day.