Vitex Altissima Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
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General Name
Vitex Altissima
Glycemic Index / Load
Peacock Chaste Tree
Botanical Name
Vitex Altissima
Vitex Altissima Cures
Highly Effective
Pruritus Vulvae
Urinary Disorders
Action of Vitex Altissima
Nutrients in Vitex Altissima
Parts Used
Young Leaves , Bark, Roots
Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Vitex Altissima
Avoid use if you are pregnant. It may counteract with Birth control pills.
It may cause High Blood Pressure for a while.
Peacock Chaste Tree is a tree.
It is deciduous.
It grows in tropical and sub tropical climates.
It grows up to 40 M.
Materia Medica : How to use Vitex Altissima - Uses and Benefits
Vitex Altissima General
The bark of the plant is used as a poultice for treating Rheumatic swellings. The leaves and roots of the plant is used as an Ayurvedic medicine. The herb pacifies vitiated Kapha and Vata. It is used to treat Inflammation, Wounds, Acne, Ulcers, Allergies, Eczema, Pruritus and Worm Infestations.
The fruit of the plant is good for women health. It is effective for women with hormonal imbalance and cyclical yeast infections.
It is good for Menopausal symptoms. It treats mood swings and depression related to Menopause.