Anhidrosis is a disease of the Anhidrosis.
When Sweat Glands fail to produce sweat, it is Anhidrosis.
Sweat Glands are distributed in the whole body. When the body is hot they secret a watery secretion called Sweat. Sweating means the air plant of the Body. When the body becomes hot, the Sweat Glands ( Eccrine Gland ) secret sweat to cool down the Body.
But in Anhidrosis, the body fails to cool itself. It may cause overheating, Heatstroke and other fatal conditions.
Types of Sweat Glands
Eccrine Glands
Apocrine glands
They are distributed through out the Whole Body. They produce transparent and odorless liquid which consists of small amount of Urea and Salt.
When these glands are not able to produce sweat it causes problems.
Causes of Anhidrosis
Genetic Factors
Nervous Disorder
Parkinson's disease
Some kind of Medication
Infection in the Sweat Glands
Absence of Sweat Glands by Birth or Some kind of Blockage in the Sweat Glands
If not treated properly, Anhidrosis may cause
Heat Stroke
Heat Exhaustion
Note : Avoid using deodorants directly on the Body or Skin. It may block the Sweat Glands that will make you sick.
Alkalize or Die:
The modern eating habits has increased the levels of toxins in our body and our body is designed to be Alkaline. The acidic nature of body give rise to many health issues. So the only need is to detoxify the Body. The Diuretic Herbs can help.
Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Anhidrosis
Single Herb Have a teaspoon of Baking soda with a glass of water after dinner.
Cucumber Juice ( Kheera juice ) for Anhidrosis
Have a glass of fresh Cucumber juice daily.
Take dried Liquorice Root and make a tea. Drink this tea 2 times in winter and once in summers. It will improve the sweating process in the Body. On the other hand it also enhances the function of Respiratory Tract.
Ginger For Anhidrosis
Ginger is known to improve the Blood Circulation and provides oxygen to each cell in the Body. It induces the perspiration process in the Body.
Drink Ginger tea 3 times in Winter and 2 times in Summer.
Make an infusion of 2-3 Bay Leaves in one cup of water. Strain and drink it.
Mustard Seed Oil for Anhidrosis
Mustard Seed oil helps in stimulating the sweat glands and opens the pores. This helps in maintaining the body temperature and is beneficial for Anhidrosis.
Apply Mustard Seeds oil or Make a paste of half a tablespoon of Mustard seeds and consume 1 teaspoon 2 times in a day.