Bitter Almonds are seed kernels inside the pips of fruits like Almonds, Apricot , Plums and Peeches.
Bitter almonds encompass all kernels that have Cyanide and or Benzaldyhide, which are actually poisons in chemical form.
They are a good herbal remedy for any type of Cancer.
If two poisons are present in Bitter Almonds, then how do they cure cancer ?
Basic remedy is Vitamin B 17 or Laetrile.
In natural form it is a part of a compound called Amagdylin
Amagdylin with its enzymes is found in the kernels of fruits like Apricot, Plums, Peeches and Almonds.
The highest concentration is in the seed kernels of Apricot.
Amagdylin is a Nitrioloside.
Nitriolisides are found in foods but are not part of the foods themselves.
The structure of a Nitrioloside, resembles the structure of a B complex. Hence termed as Vitamin B 17.
Amagdylin contains four substances.
Two Glucose,
Benzaldyhide, a poison,
Cyanide, a poison.
Cyanide and Benzaldyhide are poisons if they are released or freed as free molecules by themselves.
For them to become safe they have to be bound to other molecules like sulphur. Or they have to form part of another molecular formation. Many foods having Cyanide are safe because the cyanide remains bound as part of another molecule and therefore cannot cause harm.
Normal cells have an enzyme called Rhodanese. The task of this enzyme is to combine the poisons with sulphur and create a cyanate which is safe for the human body. The poison did no harm to the normal cells and was excreted normally through urine.
Cancer cells have a different enzyme called Beta Glucosidase. This enzyme frees Amagdylin molecules. Amagdylin frees Benzaldyhide and Cyanide molecules. The synergy of the combination of Benzaldyhide and Cyanide is greater than the sum of the two individual poisons. The cell cannot bear the onslaught. The cell has destroyed itself.
Healthy cells are untouched by the poisons. Cancer cells are destroyed by the same poisons. Mission accomplished. Cancer eliminated.
For Prevention of Cancer: 3 to 5 kernels a day.
For a patient suffering from Cancer: 15 to 20 kernels a day.
Do not consume all at the same time. It may cause unwanted effects like nausea. Spread the intake throughout the day.
Maintenance Dose after Cancer has been cured: 7 to 10 kernels a day, spread over the whole day.