Wrightia Tinctoria General
Wrightia Tinctoria is a medicinal plant. Wrightia relaxes the spoiled Tridoshas. It possesses Antiinflammatory and Antidandruff properties. The plant is used for making Hair oil.
It is the best remedy for Diarrhea and Blood Pressure. It is good for Urinary Problems, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis and Osteoarthritis.
The bark of the plant is used for treating Diarrhea, Piles and Skin diseases like Ringworm, Leprosy etc.
Seeds have Anti Dysenteric, Astringent, Carminative, Depurative, Antihelminthic and Aphrodisiac property. It is used to treat Parasitic worms. Aphrodisiac property stimulates the sexual desire. Carminative property cures Gastric problems. It detoxifies the Body and removes waste and toxins from the Body.
It is an effective Anodyne. It is used as a Painkiller.
It is Antipyretic. It is a good remedy for Fever, Toothache, Constipation and Stomachache.
Baked seeds improve Libido. Bark and seeds are used to treat Flatulence.
The root bark extract is used orally as an Antidote for Snakebite. Powdered bark is used in treatment of Kidney Stones.
The crushed leaves are used as a poultice for Burns, Boils, Wounds, rashes and Mouth Ulcers. The juice of crushed leaves is used to treat Jaundice. The oil from the leaves is good for scaly and itching scalp.