Teak General
Teak is used medicinally in India from ages. The wood is Acrid, Cooling, Laxative and Sedative in nature. It is useful in the treatment of Piles, Leucoderma and Dysentery.
The flowers of the plant are acrid, bitter and dry. It is an effective cure for Bronchitis, Biliousness and Urinary Discharges.
The leaves are Diuretic, Depurative, Purgative, Stimulant, vermifuge and Antidysenteric. The leaves treat Anemia, Asthenia, Fever, Malaria, Schistosomiasis, Amoebiasis and Tuberculosis. The leaf extracts are effective against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. It treats bleeding of Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi or Lungs and Sore Throat.
The oil extracted from the flower of Teak promotes Hair growth. The oil is also useful in treating Scabies, Eczema, Ringworms and Inflammation.
The wood is good for Headache, Burning Sensation, Pain and Liver related problems.
The roots are useful in the treatment of Urinary problems.
The bark of Teak is Astringent. It treats Bronchitis.