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Cardamom Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Ceylon Cardamom
Botanical Name
Elettaria Cardamomum
Hindi Name
Choti Ilaichi, Hari Ilaichi, Elaichi, Ilaichi,
Chinese Name
Bai Dou Kou

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Cardamom Cures

Most Effective


Action of Cardamom

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Cardamom

Nature of


Parts Used

Seeds, Oil,

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Cardamom

It may cause allergic reactions, which may include Dermatitis, Chest Pain and Breathing Difficulties.
People suffering from internal Ulcers should avoid it.
Excessive use of Cardamom may lead to Impotency.
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Cardamom is a plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in a temperate and sub-tropical climate.
It grows up to 3 M.
Best used for Indigestion.

In TCM :
Cardamom Dry Seed : Bai Dou Kou
Meridians associated : Lung, Spleen and Stomach

Common Names

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Materia Medica : How to use Cardamom - Uses and Benefits

Cardamom General

Cardamom is associated to the Zingiberaceae family. It is a spice which is popular for its taste and fragrance. It is called Illaichi in India. Besides the unique taste it is also known for its medicinal properties.
It refreshes the Mouth and cures the problem of Bad Breath. It is used in treating Mouth Ulcers and Mouth Infections. Its antibacterial action is effective in fighting against germs and preventing the formation of Cavities.
Cardamom possesses Diuretic property which cleanses the Urinary tract, Bladder and Kidneys. The detoxicant action of Cardamom is useful in removing toxins, waste and salt from the body. It improves the functioning of Kidneys and combats infections of the Urinary Tract.
It contains Manganese which prevents the damage against free radicals. It manages the metabolic activity and improves Immunity.
The Carminative action relieves Gas from Stomach and Intestine. Cardamon improves the production of bile which helps in better digestion. It cures problems like Digestive Disorders, Stomach Cramps, Bloating, Constipation, Dysentery and Indigestion. It works as a digestive tonic and improves the appetite.
It lowers Cholesterol level in the blood which helps in preventing Heart Disease. Potassium in Cardamom regulates the Heart rate and controls Blood Pressure. It modulates blood flow and prevents Blood Clots.
The Antidepressant property provides relief from Stress and Depression. Drink a cup of Cardamom tea to rejuvenate Brain cells and calm the nervous system.
It contains Vitamin C which improves Skin complexion. Its Antiseptic property inhibits Skin Allergy. It clears and tones the Skin and prevents signs of Skin Aging.
It is a good herbal remedy for treating Respiratory Problems like Asthma. It gives relief from Chest Congestion. and cures the problem of Phlegm.
Cardamom is an aphrosidiac herb. It is a cure for Impotence and Premature Ejaculation.
To get rid of Hiccups, boil a few pods of Cardamon in water and drink it.
It combats the growth of Cancer cells and prevents Colorectal Cancer.

Keywords: Bad Breath, Mouth Ulcers, Infections, Cavities, Urinary Tract Infections, Gas,Digestive Disorders, Stomach Cramps, Bloating, Constipation, Dysentery, Indigestion, Blood Clots, Heart Disease, Stress, Depression, Aging, Asthma, Chest Congestion, Respiratory Problems, Impotence, Premature Ejaculation, Hiccups, Colorectal Cancer
Single Herb

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Sore Throat

Take seeds of Green Cardamom (chhoti illaichi) . Mix 1 tablespoon honey. Lick everyday

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Bad Breath

Take Cardamom pods. Pound them. Prepare a tea from these pounded pods. Drink 2-3 times a day.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Belching

Add1 tsp of dried Car­damom to a cup of water. Boil it for 10 minutes. Drink twice a day.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Indigestion

Boil few seeds of Cardamom in One cup of water for 15 minutes. Drink lukewarm.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Bloating

Take 5-7 pods of Cardamom. Crush them finely. Boil them in water for ten minutes. Drink twice a day.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) as Aphrodisiac

Cardamom enhances Low Libido.
You may take it in tea or sprinkle 2 pinches Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) powder in soups.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for HIccups

Chew Cardamom to get rid of Hiccups.
OR : Add half tsp Cardamom powder in 1 glass of lukewarm water. Drink.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Cough

Take 2 Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) and chew.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Flatulence

Prepare a tea from Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) seeds and drink twice a day. It also stimulates digestion.

Cardamom ( Chotti Ilaichi ) for Vomiting

Make powder of roasted Cardamom. Add some honey. Have it.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Arrhythmia

Add quarter tsp Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) powder in a cup of lukewarm water. Drink once a day.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Acid Reflux

Crush two pods of Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ).
Boil the powder in a cup of water.
Let it cool and drink for instant relief.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Motion Sickness

Put a Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) in your Mouth and suck its juice while traveling.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Poor Blood Circulation

Consume Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) either in raw form ( by chewing ) or as tea.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Blemishes

Massage with Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) oil over affected areas for 5 minutes at night.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Dry Lips

Apply Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) oil over lips at night daily.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Depression

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ) bears Antidepressant property. Therefore, it is useful to treat depression and associated symptoms by improving the mood.
Crush a Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ). Put it in a cup of water. Boil on low flame. Strain. Add little Honey. Drink it lukewarm once a day.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Schizophrenia

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) helps to treat schizophrenia symptoms.
Grind Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ). Store. Boil a cup of water. Mix a teaspoon of powder in boiled water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain. Add Honey ( Shehad ). Have it twice a day.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Obesity

Boil 2-3 Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) in some water for around 10 minutes and drink like a tea. You may add some honey. It helps in loosing weight by boosting your metabolism.

Cardamom for Depression

Boil powdered Cardamom in water for 5 minutes. Add sugar to taste. Consume this tea regularly for the treatment of Depression.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Polydipsia

Boli 25 grams of Cardamom seeds in 5 litres of water until it get reduced by half. Allow it to cool and strain it off. Add sugar to taste. Drink this decoction once a day.

Cardamom for Psychosis

Mix a pinch of green Cardamom powder in one cup of any prepared tea. Have it daily.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Weak Eyesight

Consume one teaspoon of Honey mixed with a pinch of Cardamom powder. Consume it daily, once a day.
It will help to improve Eyesight.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Diarrhea

Prepare a decoction, made of Cardamom roots and leaves in one cup of water. Let it cool. Strain and drink it.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Stomach Ache

Grind Cardamom seeds and Long Pepper roots to make a fine powder. Mix it with Clarified Butter. Consume one teaspoon of this mixture.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Dizziness

Prepare a decoction of Cardamom seeds and Jaggery in one cup of water. Take one teaspoon of this mixture, three times a day.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Premature Ejaculation

Take one cup of Milk and boil it. Add a pinch of Cardamom powder and one teaspoon of Honey in it. Mix them well and drink it.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Morning Sickness

Banana when eaten with Cardamom powder provides relief from Morning Sickness and Nausea.
It also provides relief from Vomiting.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Anorexia

Mix 5 drops of Cardamom - Mother Tincture and 15 drops of Gentiana Lutea - Mother Tincture. Consume it three times a day.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Toothache

Crush dried Ginger, Liquorice and Cardamom pods to make a fine powder. Consume one teaspoon of this mixture with Honey.

Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) for Headache

Make a tea by boiling Cardamom pods in one cup of water. Strain and drink it.
You may add Honey to improve its taste.
It will provide relief from Headache due to Indigestion.
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Herbal Treatment For Stomach Ache 1

Boil 1 cup Acacia Tree bark in 1 litre water and sieve it. Add powdered Indian Pennywort in it. Also add the powder of 4 Black Peppercorns, 2 Cardamom, Cinnamon, 2 Cloves, 1/4 Nutmeg and 1/2 tablespoon Long Pepper. Mix it and leave it for a month before it is taken for medicinal use. Take One tablespoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 4

Boil 1 cup Acacia Nilotica bark in 1 litre water and sieve it. Add powdered Indian Pennywort in it. Also add the powder of 4 Black Peppercorns, 2 Cardamom, Cinnamon, 2 Cloves, 1/4 Nutmeg and 1/2 tablespoon Long Pepper. Mix it and leave it for a month before it is taken for medicinal use. Take One tablespoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Constipation 4

Grind Carom, Asafoetida, Cardamom, and Cubeb seperately. Extract one cup Bitter Apple juice. Take 1/4 teaspoon powder of each herb. Mix all in juice. Add rocksalt according to your taste. Drink half in the morning and half at night for 7 days.
Caution : Excess may cause Vomiting and Nausea.

Herbal Treatment For Epilepsy 2

Take 100 gram root of Spikenard, 5 gram Camphor and 20 gram Cardamom. Powder them. Take a pinch with honey once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Hysteria 1

Grind 100 gram root of Spikenard, 5 gram Camphor and 20 gram Cardamom together. Have it a pinch with lukewarm water or honey twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Debility 2

Take a glass of Milk. Add 4 Dates, a pinch of Saffron ( Kesar in India ), Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ) Powder and One tablespoon Honey ( Shehad in India ). Mix and drink daily before retiring.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 20

Beat 3 leaves of Adhatoda Vasica. Make its infusion by adding crushed Cardamom. Take 2 tsp thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Fever 10

Cut some leaves of Adhatoda Vasica. Soak it with crushed Cardamom. Make its infusion for 2 hours. Take 10 ml thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Phlegm 2

Take 3 leaves of Adhatoda Vasica and a crushed Cardamom. Mix 3 cups of water in it. Leave it for 2 hours. Use 30 ml thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 5

Take 10 to 15 Black Nightshade berries, one teaspoon crushed Garlic, 4 Cardamom and one tablespoon Fenugreek seeds. Roast, now Boil in a jug of water. Swish with this lukewarm water twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 28

Fry a handful of Black Nightshade berries, 10 gram crushed Garlic, 4 Cardamom and one tablespoon Fenugreek seeds. Boil in one liter water. Gargle with this lukewarm water twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Cholera 2

Grind the root and bark of Sodom ( Akra in India ) to make a fine powder. Add some Ginger ( Adrak in India ) juice and Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ). Mix properly to make a thick paste. Make pea sized pills of it. Make a decoction of Cardamom ( Choti Elaichi in India ) and Mint ( Pudina in India ) leaves. Take 1 pill with the decoction after every 2 hours. Use it for 5 days.

Herbal Treatment For Nausea 2

Take few seeds of Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ), a small piece of Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Liquorice ( Mulethi in India ), Orange peel ( Narangi in India ), Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) seeds and a pinch of Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ). Simmer in half cup of water covered for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and then add Black Tea ( Chai in India ). Steep for 2-3 minutes. Strain and drink. You can also add Milk and Honey ( Shehad in India ) to add taste.

Herbal Treatment For Acid Reflux 4

Take equal quantity of Fennel, Cardamom and Sugar. Powder them together. Put one teaspoon powder in a glass of water and drink.

Herbal Treatment For Gastric Catarrh 2

Take Fennel, Cardamom and Sugar in equal amount. Grind them together. Mix half teaspoon in one glass water and drink, whenever it is needed.

Herbal Treatment For Vomiting 2

Take 2 tablespoons Juice of Basil leaves. Add a pinch Cardamom powder and one tablespoon Sugar. Mix them and Have it.

Herbal Treatment For Impotence 3

Take the following herbs :
Long Pepper : Peepli : 10 gram
Sesame Oil : Til ka Tel : 3 to 4 tablespoons
Clarified Butter : Ghee : 2 tablespoons
Black Gram ( Dehusked ) : Uarad, dhuli hui : 100 gm
Honey : 2 tablespoons
Cardamom : Choti Ilaichi : 5 gm
Sugar Candy, Crystal sugar : 20 gms
Fry Long Pepper and Black Gram in Sesame oil and grind coarsely. Add Cardamom and grind again. Add crystal sugar and grind again. Add Clarified Butter and Honey. Take one teaspoon of the prepared powder with 250 ml of warm milk. Take once every night before going to bed.

Herbal Treatment For Asthenospermia 1

Fry 2 teaspoons Long Pepper, 4 tablespoons Black Gram in Sesame oil. Now grind Long Pepper (Fried), Black Gram (Fried) and Cardamom together. Add two tablespoons Ghee and 2 tablespoons Honey. Mix them. Have a teaspoon with lukewarm milk after dinner daily.

Herbal Treatment For Oligospermia 1

Take the following herbs as :
Wheat Flour : Genhu ka aata : 500 gm
Withania Somnifera : Ashwagandha : 125 gm
Purified Butter : Ghee : 125 gm
Sugar : Chini : 100 gm
Honey : Madhu : 125 gm
Cardamom : Illaichi : 10 gm
Water : Jal : 1 ltr
Milk : Dudh : 4 ltr

Boil Withania Somnifera powder with water and milk till it reduces to one fourth. Strain the milk to remove roughage of Withania Somnifera. Fry wheat flour in ghee for few minutes. Add boiling Withania Somnifera Milk and sugar to this . Allow it to cool. Add honey and cardamom to the cold mixture. Take it, once in a week.

Herbal Treatment For Impotence 4

Take the following herbs :
Wheat Flour : Genhu ka aata : 1 kg
Indian Ginseng : Ashwagandha : 250 gm
Clarified Butter : Ghee : 250 gm
Sugar : Chini : 200 gm
Honey : Madhu : 250 gm
Cardamom : Illaichi : 20 gm
Water : Jal : 2 ltr
Milk : Dudh : 8 ltr

Put Indian Ginseng powder with water and milk in a cooking pan. Boil it till it reduces to one fourth. Remove the roughage of Indian Ginseng from the boiling mixture. Fry wheat flour in clarified butter for five minutes. Add boiled Milk and sugar to this. Keep the mixture for 5 min. Add honey and cardamom to the cold mixture. Take it 4 times a month.

Herbal Treatment For Oligospermia 2

Take 10 Long Peppers and one cup of Black Gram. Fry in Sesame Oil and allow it to cool. Then grind coarsely. Now take a jar, put coarsely ground ingredients, 10 gram Clarified Butter, 10 gram Honey and 10 gram Cardamom. Grind them all. Have one teaspoon mixture with milk at bed time, daily for a week.

Herbal Treatment For Indigestion 8

Take equal quantity of dried Coriander, Cardamom and Black Pepper. Grind them together. Add little Ghee and crushed Sugar. Mix the mixture. Have one teaspoon daily.

Herbal Treatment For Rheumatism 9

Grind 50 grams each of Dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Long Pepper ( Pippali in India ), Cinnamon ( Dalchini in India ), Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ) and Bay Leaf ( Tejpatta in India ) together. Now boil 350 grams of Dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ), 800 grams Ghee and 1/4 Kg Sugar in 2.5 Kg Cow's Milk. Mix both the preparations and store in a glass pot. Take One tablespoon twice a day regularly to get rid of Rheumatism. It also enhances body glow and power and is very useful specially for women.

Herbal Treatment For Peptic Ulcer 1

Grind Cardamom, Cinnamon and Garlic together. Take 1/4 teaspoon thrice daily.

Herbal Treatment For Acid Reflux 7

Put one Clove and one Cardamom in your mouth. Suck its juice.

Herbal Treatment For Fever 16

Prepare a decoction of Basil leaves. Add some sugar and Cardamom powder in it. Have this decoction twice a day with milk.

Herbal Treatment For Flatulence 15

Take 50 g Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ), 30 g Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ) and 20 g dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ). Grind to make powder. Have quarter tsp after every meal with lukewarm water.

Herbal Treatment For Indigestion 18

Take a Clove ( Laung in India ), Cardamom ( Choti ilaichi in India ), a small piece of Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and 4 Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) leaves. Chew after your meal.

Herbal Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome 2

Grind 20 g dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ), half teaspoon of Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ) seeds and 1 teaspoon Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ) together. Add half teaspoon of the powder in a glass of water. Drink after every meal.

Herbal Treatment For Indigestion 19

Crush 10-12 seeds of Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ) in half cup of hot water. Add 2 tablespoons of fresh Ginger ( Adrak in India )root and a small Cinnamon ( Dalchini in India ) stick. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Add half cup of Milk and simmer for 10 more minutes. Add some drops of Vanilla. Now sweeten with Honey ( Shehad in India ) and drink 1-2 cups daily.

Herbal Treatment For Bronchitis 15

Grind leaves of Indian Thorny Bamboo to obtain juice. Add quarter tsp powder of each Long Pepper, Cardamom, Jaggery and Clove in 1 glass of obtained juice. Drink 4 ml of the mixture once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Abdominal Disease 3

Take 50 g True Cinnamon bark, 30 g dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and 20 g Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ). Grind them to make powder. Take 1 g of it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome 5

Take 20 gram Clove , 10 gram Cinnamon powder, 5 gram Cardamom and 6 gram Asafoetida powder. Grind to make powder. Take 1 teaspoon with warm water.

Herbal Treatment For Blocked Nose 2

Prepare a tea by adding Cinnamon ( Dalchini in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ). Have two cups two times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Acid Reflux 13

Crush some Cloves ( Laung ) and Cardamoms ( Choti Illachi ) together.
Take it as a mouth freshener after every meal.
It also prevents Bad Breath.

Herbal Treatment For Chest Congestion 4

Take a bowl of boiling water.
Add 4-5 drops of each-
Aniseed Oil ( Choti Saunf ), Eucalyptus Oil ( Safeda ), Fennel Oil ( Saunf ), Cardamom Oil ( Choti Ilaichi ), Peppermint Oil( Vilayati Pudina ), Angelica Oil ( Choraka Bheda ), Juniper Oil ( Aaraar ) and Hyssop Oil ( Jufa ).
Inhale the aromatic smell.
OR : Make a blend of all these oil with any massage oil and rub on the chest.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 23

Take following herbs in mentioned quantity
20 g Poppy Seeds
40 g Sugar
10 g Cardamom
10 g Nutmeg
20 g Tragacanth Gum
Grind them to make powder. Take 3 g of the powder after every 3 hours with lukewarm water.

Herbal Treatment For Spleen Diseases 1

Take 1 cup of Eclipta Alba juice. Add half tsp each of Cinnamon and Cardamom powder. Take 1 tsp of the syrup twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Hoarseness 5

Take the following herbs :
Cardamom : Choti Ilaichi : 2
Fennel : Saunf : 1/2 teaspoon
Mint : Pudina : Leaves : 10
Lemon : Nimbo : juice : quarter teaspoon
Boil first three ingredients in a glass of water. Add Lemon ( Nimbo ) juice and one teaspoon of Honey ( Shehad ). Have 2 tablespoons after every 4 hours.

Herbal Treatment For Fatigue 8

Take a small stick of Liquorice ( Mulethi in India ) and 2-3 slices of Ginger ( Adrak in India ).
Add One tablespoon chopped Reishi Mushroom and half tablespoon powdered Cloves ( Laung in India ), Cardamom ( Elaichi in India ) and Cinnamon ( Dalchini in India ).
Put all the ingredients in 6-7 cups of water and bring to a boil.
Simmer for 5-10 minutes.
Cool and refrigerate. Do not strain.
Take Once early in a day for 2 -3 weeks.

Herbal Treatment For Jaundice 12

Grind dried plant of Land Caltrops to make powder. Take 20 g of the powder. Add 5 g powder of each Cinnamon and Cardamom with 10 g Sugar in it. Take half tsp of the mixture thrice a day with lukewarm water.

Herbal Treatment For Flatulence 25

Mix a few drops of the Essential Oils of Cardamom ( Elaichi ), Angelica ( Choraka Bheda ) and Chamomile ( Babunah ).
Massage the abdomen in a clockwise motion.

Herbal Treatment For Insomnia 16

Take one Walnut ( Akhrot ) and 2 Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ). Chew them together with a small piece of Jaggery ( Gur ). Have it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Snoring 2

Take a Walnut ( Akhrot ) and 2 Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ). Chew them today in day time daily.

Herbal Treatment For Health tea

Sometimes we need to make a wall around us. Not like a brick wall, its just to secure ourselves from various bacterias or viruses. As it is commonly said that, "All big things come in small packages". Similarly, the same thing happens with this formula. A small formula cures almost all the diseases and makes you healthy. It builds up strong immunity to fight against the invaders. Make sure you follow the same as we mentioned below :
Ingredients you need :
Turmeric ( Haldi in India ) Powdered 2 teaspoons
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Dried and Powdered 1 teaspoon
Clove ( Laung in India ) Powdered 1/2 teaspoon
Cinnamon (Dalchini in India ) Powdered 1 teaspoon
Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ) Powdered 1 teaspoon
Take one liter of water in a pan. Add all the above mentioned ingredients. Put on a low flame. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Now the tea is ready to drink. Have a cup of this tea daily.
Note : In order to get rid of bitterness add 2 tablespoons of Almond ( Badam in India ) milk.

Herbal Treatment For Insomnia 17

The Sedative property of Indian Snakeroot ( Sarpagandha in India ) helps to calm the mind. Indian Snakeroot provides relief from Stress and induces Sleep.
Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ) has Aromatic property. It soothes the Nervous system and relaxes the body.
Mix 1 to 2 pinches of Indian Snakeroot powder and Cardamom powder. Take it two times a day. Continue taking it for 2 weeks.

Herbal Treatment For Blocked Nose 6

Add same quantities of Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Cumin and Cardamom seeds. Grind them together and inhale this powder, three to four times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Diabetes 21

Prepare a powder of 35 grams dried Black Plum seeds, 12 gm of Bamboo Silica, 12 gm Green Cardamoms seeds and collect in a vessel. Take 1 tsp powder with water two times a day for 3 weeks. This is one of the best and instant natural remedy to cure Diabetes.

Herbal Treatment For Lower back pain 17

Ingredients :
Coarse Sooji ( Semolina ) - 4 Cups
Ghee ( Clarified Butter ) - 2 Cups
Coconut ( Dry sliced ) - 1/2 Cup
Pistachio Nuts ( Sweet ) - 1/2 Cup
Almonds ( Unpeeled ) - 2 Cups
Munakka ( Big raisins ) - 1/2 Cup
Crystal Sugar ( Mishri ) - 3 Cups
Green Cardamom Seeds - 10
Katira Gond ( Tragacanth gum ) - 1/2 Cup
KamarKas ( Bastard Teak ) - 1/2 Cup
Char Maghaz - 1/2 Cup
( Combination of Almonds, Pumpkin seeds, Cantaloupe Seeds and Watermelon seeds )
Makhanay ( Euryale Ferox ) - 1/2 Cup
Raisins - 1/2 Cup

Step 1:
Take 1/2 cup of Ghee in a broad pan and heat. Add Coconut , Pistachio , Almonds , Munakka , Katira Gond , Char Maghaz , Makhanay and Raisins to it . Fry on a low heat until it turns light brown. Spread them separately on a paper till all the Ghee is absorbed.
Step 2:
Crush all the nuts coarsely.
Step 3:
Take a pan and fry Kamarkas and lay it separately on a paper.
Step 4:
Take 2 cups of Ghee and heat it. Add Green Cardamom Seeds and let them splutter and then add Sooji and mix well till Sooji turns light brown. Do not let Sooji burn.
Step 5:
Add all the crushed nuts and Crystal Sugar to the mixture and keep mixing on a low heat. Sugar should stay a bit crunchy.
Step 6:
Add Kamarkas in it and mix again. Let it cool.
Step 7:
Consume one large table spoon every day with warm milk. Preserve it in an air-tight container. It stays fresh up to 2 months.

Herbal Treatment For Dizziness 6

Take 3 tablespoon of Sesame oil and heat it. Add one teaspoon each of finely powdered Cardamom and Cinnamon in it. Apply this on head.

Herbal Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction 1

Take 1 teaspoon each of Saffron, Cardamom, Dry Coconut Gratings, Raisins and Powdered Rock Sugar ( Mishri ). Mix and wrap all the herbs in a Betel leaf. Chew it after meals.

Herbal Treatment For Curing Spleen Diseases

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for Spleen nourishment and cure Spleen Disorders, if any. Even if you do not suffer from any disease, it is recommended that you take the combination for 15 days every year. This acts as a tonic for Spleen.

Atractylodes Rhizome
Dong Quai
Indian Gooseberry
White Peony
Common Marshmallow

You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form, is readily available. Consume one capsule everyday , for 15 days.

Herbal Treatment For For Asthma

Ground Celastrus Paniculatus seeds with equal amount of Cardamom. Take half spoon of this powder with one teaspoon of honey twice a day. This will cure Asthma and other Breathing Disorders.
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Rakesh Sachdev ( India )
22 Aug 2017
Can we take Almond,Cardamom,Black pepper along with caromseed if some one suffering with jaundice
Preetham ( Karnataka )
17 Nov 2017
I'm 27yrs old, I am eating cardamom seeds from past 1yr...if digestion doesn't happen properly I use to take this in large amounts....does it causes impotence
Preetham ( Karanataka )
17 Nov 2017
I'm 27yrs old, I am cardamom seeds from past 1yr...if digestion doesn't happen properly I use to take this in large amounts..does it causes infertility
Visita naik ( India/goa )
09 Apr 2018
How many cardamom you should have per day to get rid of asthma or other respiratory illness???
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