Temulawak General
Temulawak is a Liver protector herb. It heals Inflammation and boosts Longevity. It cures a range of Body ailments. It aids good health and healthy living. It possesses powerful Antioxidant and Antiinflammtory action. It is used as an Energizing drink. The root or rhizome of the herb is widely used for medicinal purpose.
Curcuma in Temulawak is Diuretic, Anticancer, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antihypertensive, Antirheumatic, Antihepatotoxic, Antispasmodic and Antifungal in nature. It is very effective in treating a number of diseases.
It is good for the health of Heart and Liver. It contains Katagoga. It helps the Liver to produce Bile.
It is a very effective remedy for Arthritis, Gastrointestinal problems and Kidney disorders.
It reduces the Blood fat. It lowers the Cholesterol level in the Body.
It inhibits the growth of Prostate Cancer.
It increases flow of milk during Breast feeding.
It fights Premature Aging.
It treats Constipation.