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Yellow Dock Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Yellow Dock
Glycemic Index / Load
Yellow Dock
Botanical Name
Rumex Crispus
Hindi Name
Chinese Name
Chin Choa Mai
Homeopathic Name
Rumex Crispus   -   Mother Tincture

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Yellow Dock Cures

Super Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Yellow Dock

Most Effective

Nutrients in Yellow Dock

Taste of
Yellow Dock

Parts Used

Roots, Seeds, Leaves

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Yellow Dock

Avoid use during Pregnancy, Breast feeding.
Excess may cause Gastric Problems, Nausea, Skin Problems Cramping and Diarrhea.
Its leaves should not be used for preparing Soups or Salads. It might be Toxic.
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Yellow Dock is a plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in a Humid climate.
It grows up to 1.5 M.
Best used for Liver Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
The Alterative action of Yellow Dock is most suited to the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract.
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Materia Medica : How to use Yellow Dock - Uses and Benefits

Yellow Dock General

Yellow Dock root is used medicinally. The leaf stalks are used in salads. It is a Laxative and Tonic. It is a Blood purifier and Liver Detoxifier.
It is a powerful Blood cleanser and Lymph cleanser. It stimulates the Bile production and eases Digestion. It stimulates the Bowel movement.
It treats the problem of Constipation. It stimulates peristalsis and increases the mucous production in the Body.
Being Diuretic, it is a natural remedy for water retention, Inflammation of the Bladder and Urinary Stones.
It is an Antioxidant. It slows down the oxidative damage and prevents free radical damaging.
It is a Digestive aid. It alleviates Stomach Acid, Heartburn and Indigestion.
It increases the frequency of Urination and remove the toxins from the Body.
It cures pain and inflammation of Nasal passages and Respiratory Tract.
It is also treats Bacterial Infections and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Dock leaves are rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron and Potassium.
It is used for treating Anemia, Diarrhea. Large doses may also cause Diarrhea.
Yellow Dock is used to cure Skin diseases.
Single Herb

Yellow Dock ( Churka ) for Skin Diseases

Roots of Yellow Dock ( Churka in India ) are useful in the treatment of Skin Problems.
Take the fresh roots of Yellow Dock ( Churka in India ). Coarsely grind the roots. Squeeze the roots to extract juice. Apply fresh juice over the affected area. Leave it for 2 to 3 hours and wash with normal water.

Yellow Dock ( Churka ) for Menstrual Disorders

Yellow Dock ( Churka in India ) has Emmenagogue attribute which cures the Menstrual Disorders.
Crush the fresh roots of Yellow Dock ( Churka in India ). Squeeze them to extract the juice. Take one tablespoon of juice daily.
Note : Do not take the juice during periods. As, it may disturb the natural process.

Yellow Dock ( Churka) for Anemia

The root of Yellow Dock ( Churka in India ) is a natural source of Iron. Iron is responsible for the formation of red blood cells.
Add one tablespoon of coarsely grind roots in a cup of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Have a cup of decoction once in a day.
Or : Purchase capsules from the market. Have one Capsule every day.

Yellow Dock as an Alterative

Yellow Dock has an affinity for the Gastrointestinal Tract.

Yellow Dock ( Churka ) for Constipation

Yellow Dock ( Churka in India ) bears Laxative effect which helps to cure the Constipation.
Take fresh or dried leaves of Yellow Dock ( Churka in India ). Boil 2 to 3 leaves in a cup of water. Have it 3 to 4 times a day. You may add Honey ( Shehad ) for taste.

Yellow Dock ( Churka ) for Indigestion

Take the chopped roots of Yellow Dock ( Churka ) in a cup.
Pour over some boiling water.
Cover it and let steep for half an hour.
Now filter and reheat.
Drink according to your need.

Yellow Dock ( Churka ) as Detoxidant

Boil few roots of Yellow Dock ( Churka ) in 100 ml of hot boiling water. Boil it for 10 minutes. Strain it off. Drink this decoction daily to remove bad toxins and bacteria from the body.

Yellow Dock for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Take 10 drops of Mother tincture 2 times in a day.
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Herbal Treatment For Elephantiasis 1

Make a concoction of Cleavers leaves, Yellow Dock root, Pokeweed root, Echinacea root, Blue Flag root and Marigold ( Gendha ) flower. Take twice a day.
Caution :
Excess use may cause toxicity.

Herbal Treatment For Skin Diseases 3

Make a fine paste of Cleavers, Yellow Dock and Burdock. Apply topically.

Herbal Treatment For Heavy Metal Poisoning 1

Take a handful of each of the following herbs :
Garlic ( Lehsun in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) and Yellow Dock ( Churka in India ). Coarsely grind them. Mix in 2 bottles of Apple Cider Vinegar ( Seb Ka Sirka in India ). Keep for one month. Strain. Drink 30 ml every day. Drink for 15 days every 6 months.

Herbal Treatment For Chicken Pox 4

Prepare a decoction by taking equal quantity of the roots of below mentioned herbs:
Golden Seal
Yellow Dock
Sponge the whole body with this water.

Herbal Treatment For Small Pox 1

Take Burdock root, Yellow Dock root and Golden seal in equal quantity. Prepare a tea. Have bath with this tea.

Herbal Treatment For Liver Diseases 10

Herbal formula for Liver Detoxification
Take 1 to 2 g powder of Yellow Dock root, Dandelion root, Red sage, Sarsaparilla, and Pau de Arco. Mix each Herb into a wide mouth jar. Shake it up and your perfect formula for liver detoxification is ready. Prepare the tea and add 2-3 full drops of the Milk Thistle Seed extract to the tea. Let it cool and drink. Take this tea twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Nickel Allergy

Prepare a concoction, made of Yellow Dock root, Burdock root, Goldenseal root. Wash the affected area with it.
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Catherine burton
23 Aug 2018
I read Bladderwack was not to be ingested. I have it in pill form, is it safe to take in that form? I have yellow dock, bladderwack and burdock in pill form, can i take them together daily? Thank you
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