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Warm Water Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Warm Water
Glycemic Index / Load
Warm Water

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Warm Water Cures

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Warm Water

Highly Effective


Nutrients in Warm Water

Highly Effective

Warm Water
Combines With

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Warm Water

Do not drink hot water as it damages the tissues of mouth and esophagus.
Avoid drinking hot water after exercising, as the body's temperature is already high.
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Water is a colorless, transparent and odorless liquid.
It is not a herb per se. But it is a very important component for the body. Hence, it is listed as a herb. It forms the basis of the fluids in all the living organisms.
Our body consists of approximately 73% water.

Common Names

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Materia Medica for Warm Water

Warm Water General

Drinking Warm Water throughout the day provides many health benefits. It is a natural body regulator.
Taking one glass of Warm Water in the morning on an empty stomach help to flush out the toxins from the body and cures Constipation.
It stimulates the stomach organ and cures Bloating. Drinking Warm Water before and after meal aids Digestion.
It is a zero calorie liquid and taking it before bed helps the body to rehydrate and replenish the liquids lost. It relaxes your muscles and soothes your nerves, thus, helps to deal with Insomnia.
Regularly drinking Warm Water in the morning promotes Weight Loss. This is because it increases the core body temperature, which in turn increases the metabolic rate and help to burn the calories. If mixed with one teaspoon of Lemon juice, it helps to regulate Blood Glucose levels and stomach acids.
Warm Water in combination with Honey soothes Sore throat and with Lemon juice added in it help to boost the immune system.
It also improves Blood Circulation and prevents premature Aging. It detoxifies and rejuvenate your skin.
Warm Water relaxes the muscles in the Uterus and provide relief from Menstrual Cramps due to Bloating.
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