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Teucrium Montanum Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Teucrium Montanum
Glycemic Index / Load
Mountain Germander
Botanical Name
Teucrium Montanum

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Teucrium Montanum Cures

Most Effective


Action of Teucrium Montanum

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Teucrium Montanum

Taste of
Teucrium Montanum

Parts Used

Arial Parts
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Teucrium Montanum is a sub shrub.
It is an annual.
It grows in a cold climate.
It grows up to One Meter.
Best used for Fatigue.


Grown In

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Materia Medica for Teucrium Montanum

Teucrium Montanum General

Teucrium Montanum is considered the most effective herb for healing purposes. It aids in mental and physical recovery after long illness or physical and mental exhaustion. It is believed to cure all diseases. An old saying for the herb is : "It can raise the dead." It strengthens the Immune System.
It is effective in the treatment of diseases related to Digestive and Respiratory organs. It is good for treating long Tuberculosis.
Teucrium Montanum is an Antiseptic. It destroys the pathogenic microorganisms. It removes harmful substances from the Intestines and Stomach.
It is bitter in taste. Bitter substances help in the treatment of stomach diseases. It alleviates Bloating.
It is effective for treating Mouth and Throat diseases. It treats infections, fungi and Aphthous Ulcers.
It purifies the Blood. It is very beneficial for the Skin. It is good for Wounds and Skin changes.
It is a good remedy for Depression and Stress. It alleviates mood swings and stress.
It is used as a balm for Rheumatism Mitigation.
It treats Herpes. It aids in the treatment of Diabetes.
Teucrium Montanum or Mountain Germander tea cures Cramps.
Mountain Germander tincture is good for the treatment of Piles.
It helps in bile creation and flow. It helps in treating Liver and Bile diseases.
Queries on Teucrium Montanum
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Narinder Kaur ( Melbourne Victoria )
10 May 2020
My query is this tea is beneficial to remove ovary cyst
Dr. Adz
20 May 2020
Dear Narinder Kaur for ovarium cyst you can use St. John's Wort flower.
2 tbsp on 1 l of water. Boiled it leave it for 10 min , remove plants and drink slowly during all day, for next 30 days. Any kind of cyst in your system should be removed with this tea. During drinking it, don't drink any alcohol..
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