Parts Used
Whole Plant, Root , Stem, Flower, Seed
Balsam Weed is a plant.
It is an annual plant.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 75 Cm.
Best used for Skin Problems and Inflammation.
In TCM :
Balsam Weed : Tou Gu Cao
Balsam Weed Seed : Ji Xing Zi
Meridians associated : Liver, Kidney and Spleen
Single HerbTie flowers of Balsam Weed over Burns.
Apply juice of leaves or flowers of Balsam Weed on the bite of snake.
Crush leaves of Balsam Weed to obtain juice. Apply it over Warts.
Balsam Weed for Labour Pain
Grind seeds of Balsam Weed to make powder. Give 2 g of the powder to the pregnant women during labour pain. It give strength to the female during delivery.
Balsam Weed as Tonic
Boil few flowers of Balsam Weed. Filter. Take 2 tsp daily.
Apply crushed flowers of Balsam Weed over painful Joints.
Make a decoction with flowers of Balsam Weed. Drink 20 ml of it twice a day.