Figwort General
Figwort is associated to the Scrophulariaceae family. It is also familiar as Woodland Figwort. It is an aborigine of Europe and Asia.
It removes Dandruff.
It helps in combating Fever.
It is beneficial in treating puffiness of Tonsils and Throat irritation.
It is an efficient Cardio Tonic.
Figwort is a good herbal remedy for curing Skin disorders like Itch, Abscesses, Burns, Eczema, Wounds, Cuts, Boils, Psoriasis, Ulcers, Rashes, Scabies and Ringworm. It helps in curbing Age spots and Freckles. It treats Leprosy.
Its leaves are valuable in treating Gangrene.
It is favourable in arresting Digestive disorders.
Its roots and leaves effectively cure Cancer and Tumours.
It removes Body toxins and refines Kidney functioning.
Figwort is a good herbal cure for Joint disorders namely, Gout, Arthritis and Rheumatism.
It alleviates discomfort caused due to Varicose veins.
It curbs Condyloma.
It eases Constipation.
It provides relief from Piles.
Figwort arrests Edema.
Caution : Consult a doctor before consuming it.
Keywords : Dandruff, Fever, Tonsils, Cardio Tonic, Skin Problems, Gangrene, Digestion Problems, Cancer, Tumours, Kidney Problems, Joint Problems, Varicose veins, Condyloma, Constipation, Piles, Edema.
Single Herb
Figwort for Wounds, Bruises
Crush the leaves and apply as a poultice.
Use One tablespoon Figwort with One cup water.
Take One cup a day.
You can add some Honey to improve the taste.