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Vettiver Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Plectranthus Vettiveroides, Coleus Vettiveroides
Hindi Name

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Vettiver Cures

Most Effective


Action of Vettiver

Most Effective

Nutrients in Vettiver

Taste of

Parts Used

Whole Plant

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Vettiver

Avoid use during Pregnancy.
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Vettiver is a shrub.
It is perennial.
It grows in a warm climate.
It grows up to 60 Cm.
Best used for Ulcers.


Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Vettiver - Uses and Benefits

Queries on Vettiver
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Actual users may approach us through emails. Please write an email to info@herbpathy.com.
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23 Mar 2015
I am going to grow Vetiver in my land of 5 acers. So, I need details where I want to sale the plant.
22 Jun 2016
Balakumaran please share your contact number
28 Jun 2016
Please share your details
24 Mar 2015
Thank you for staying connected with herbpathy.com .
We appreciate the fact that you are growing this plant. We also grow medicinal plants but not for commercial purpose.
As of now, Herbpathy.com provides the information only and not involved in any kind of promotion or sales of any herb or herbal product.So, we would be unable to suggest you about the sales of the mentioned plant. However, if in future we come across any information regarding sales or purchase of the plant will inform you.
We hope that you are aware of the fact that Vittever (Plectranthus vettiveroides) and Vitver ( Chrysopogon zizanioides ) Khas Khas in hindi are two different plants. And, you are sure about which one of these you are growing and for what all benefits.
Your queries and suggestions are always welcome.

With Regards
Herbpathy Team
Herbpathy.com ( Make Life Healthy )
16 Dec 2015
vettiveru / vetiver Chrysopogon zizanioides ??????????
vettiveru / vetiver plant available in large quantities
Available in Trichy, Airport area.
19 Dec 2015
HI Frnds,,
I have plants for vetiveru....Give some tips for
1.How to sale ?
2. How to find Whom wants bulk quantity ?
I dont have idea for how to sel...Bt i have product ....Pls help me...Any one wants bulk quntity for product na pls call to 8870067497
Herbpathy Admin
22 Dec 2015
Dear Guru

Thanks for sharing your details. We have moved your review to Buy/ Sell Herbs portal on this website. There you may find the buyers. If anyone who is interested to buy your Herb , he/she may contact you .

Herbpathy Admin
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sony ( India )
21 Apr 2016
Dear Guru,

I am suffering with rheumatoid arthritis my hands and legs having pain,any solution to reduce the pain.

Ramamoorthy N ( India )
12 Sep 2016
I am having kidney problem for the past 12 years. Recently I got the news from TV channel,one of the temple located viz. Oottathur near Padalur in Chennai - Trichy national highway in which they offered vettiver and brahma there than as a Prasad. If one who take for 48 days, all types of kidney disease will be cured. My doubt is the people who are having kidney problem they should not take potassium content. What is the percentage of potassium is there in vettiver? Kindly help me.
S Nagarajan ( India / Tamilnad )
30 Apr 2017
where is vetti ver available
02 Sep 2020
Sir my land 3 acer for vettiver how to sale sir my
Number 9047447302
B.Bhargavaram ( Karnataka )
25 Sep 2017
Sir / Madam ; Presume this vetiver is called as USHIRA in Sanskrit and LAVANCHA in kannada . If so: Is it useful to retrieve loss of hearing in one or other way. What is the amount of dosage per day ? or it has to be consumed as we drink water in our daily life. Are there any specific quantum about roots which has to be kept in to soak in water for certain period and drink.
Thanking you
Vasu ( Tamilnadu )
11 Feb 2019
Hi Friends,
Soak the Vetti ver in water overnight and drink the filtered water in empty stomach in the morning. Do not eat / drink for 30 minutes. Do not consume Alcohol or Non-vegetarian (Meat, Egg, Fish - Not allowed).
Wishes for a healthy life.
Manikandan ( India / Tamilmadu )
02 Sep 2020
Hi l am plant for 3 acer vettiver
How. To sale.
Mt ct no: 9047447302
Sudharani ( India/ telangana )
08 Sep 2020
Hi. Am sudha. My daughter is of 16 years old and she is having irregular periods . She get her periods for every three months. And she is gaining her weight. Please suggest for her.
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