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Green Tea Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Camellia Sinensis
Glycemic Index / Load
Camellia Sinensis
Botanical Name
Camellia Sinensis, Theaceae family
Hindi Name
Chinese Name
Cha Yei
Homeopathic Name
Camellia Sinensis   -   Mother Tincture

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Green Tea Cures

Super Effective

Most Effective


Action of Green Tea

Most Effective

Nutrients in Green Tea

Highly Effective

Taste of
Green Tea

Nature of
Green Tea


Parts Used

Leaves, Flowers

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Green Tea

Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding.
Do not exceed 2 cups a day, if suffering from Anxiety disorder or Irregular Heart rate.
In some cases it may cause Constipation also.
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Green Tea is a tea bush.
It is an evergreen bush.
It grows in tropical, subtropical climates.
It grows up to One Meter.
Best used for Obesity.

Note: While drinking Green Tea try to inhale the steam. It opens up the blocked nose and relieves from congestion.

In TCM :
Green Tea Leaves : Cha Ye, Lv Cha, Lu Cha
Green Tea Seed Oil : Cha You

Meridians Associated : Liver.
Cancer Treatment : It is useful in treating all types of Cancer.

Dose : Two cups daily.

Why is Green Tea better than Coffee?
More anticancer and antioxidant compounds in Green Tea.
Low in calorie, boosts the Metabolism and fights Obesity.
Hydrates the body faster, than Coffee.
Calms the Nerves and relaxes the Brain. It is an ideal antistress remedy.
Green Tea builds the Immunity against Infections, Viruses and Germs.
The energy provided by Green Tea lasts longer.
Green Tea contains Catechin a compound known for Bone health. It promotes Bone formation and reduces the risk of Osteoporosis.

Difference between Green Tea and Tea ( Normal Tea or Milk Tea )
1. Preparation Method : Green Tea is prepared by minimal oxidation of the Camellia Sinensis leaves. Tea is made by complete oxidation of Camellia Sinensis leaves.
2. Variety : Green Tea is made from Camellia Sinensis Sinensis leaves. Tea is made from Camellia Sinensis Assamica leaves.

Varities of Camellia Sinensis
Camellia Sinensis Sinensis is native to China. The leaves are small and narrow in shape. It is used in making Green Tea and White tea.
Camellia Sinensis Assamica belongs to Assam ( India ). The leaves are larger than of Camellia Sinensis Sinensis. It may grow upto a height of 17 m. It is used in making Black Tea and Milk Tea.


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Materia Medica for Green Tea

Single Herb

Green Tea for Hepatitis

Boil the roots of Camellia Sinensis. (Green Tea). Strain. Drink two times a day.

Green Tea for Obesity

Take 5 to 6 leaves of Green tea. Wash and boil in one cup water. Drink twice a day.

Green Tea for Cataract

Have a cup of Green tea twice a day.

Green Tea for Blood Clots

Have Green Tea extract (EGCG) twice a day.

Green Tea for Breast Cancer

Drink 2-3 cups of Green tea everyday.

Green Tea for Hypothermia

Prepare a tea made from the leaves of Green Tea . Take two times a day.

Green Tea for Cholesterol

Take roots. Prepare a decoction. Have once a day. Repeat for a week.

Green Tea for Dental Diseases

Swish with lukewarm root decoction twice a day.
Or boil leaves for 10 minutes. Strain. Cool it down. Swish with it twice a day

Green Tea for Caries

Prepare root decoction of Green Tea. Swish with lukewarm decoction twice a day.

Green Tea for Gum Diseases

Swish with a decoction of the roots twice a day.

Green Tea for Wounds

Wash the wounds thrice a day with Green Tea root's decoction.

Green Tea for Dysentery

Drink Green Tea root's decoction twice a day.

Green Tea for Angina

Drink Green tea twice a day.

Green Tea for Aphthous Ulcers

Place a used Tea bag on your Mouth Ulcer for 5-7 minutes. Repeat thrice a day.

Green Tea for Hand Palms Sweating

Boil 250 ml of water. Put 5 teabags in it. When it gets cool, Soak hand palms on it for 15-20 minutes.

Green Tea ( Chai ) for Blood Cancer

Have 2 cups of Green Tea ( Chai ) daily.

Green Tea ( Chai ) for Anxiety

Boil half teaspoon Green Tea ( Chai ) in one cup of water. Take it once a day.

Green Tea ( Chai ) for Alopecia Areata

Prepare Green Tea ( Chai ) at home. Take one cup twice a day.

Green Tea ( Chai ) for Glomerulonephritis

Take one teaspoon of Green Tea ( Chai ). Boil in one cup of water. Strain and consume thrice a day.

Green Tea ( Chai ) for Anthrax

Green Tea ( Chai ) is a good Antioxidant, So it is used to expel bacteria and toxins from body.
It boosts up the immunity.
Drink a cup of Green Tea ( Chai ) thrice a day. It gives you quick result.

Green Tea ( Chai ) for Wrinkles

Boil one teaspoon Green Tea ( Chai ) in a cup of water until it remains half. Cool and strain. Apply it over your face with the help of cotton pad.

Green Tea for Sleep Apnea

Drink 2-3 cups of Green tea every day.

Green Tea as Immunity Booster

Prepare a Cup of Green Tea. Have a cup daily in the morning and in the evening too to make immune system strong.

Green Tea ( Chai ) for Numbness

Add a teaspoon of Honey ( Shehad ) in a cup of Green Tea ( Chai ). Have it like tea.

Green Tea ( Chai ) for Baldness

Drink a cup of Green Tea ( Chai ) thrice a day. It cures the hair problems specially male baldness.
OR : Purchase Green Tea ( Chai ) capsules from market. Have a capsule twice a day.

Green Tea ( Chai ) as Detoxicant

Drink a cup of Green Tea ( Chai ) on an empty stomach.

Green Tea for Dark Circles

Boil 2 Green Tea bags in a cup of water for 10-12 minutes. Let them cool and then refrigerate for 30 minutes. Place them on your eyes for 15 minutes. Use twice a day for 2 weeks.

Green Tea for Sunburn

Catechin present in Green Tea, fights against harmful radiation of the Sun. On the other hand, Tannic Acid of Green Tea gives soothing effect to the affected area.
Boil a teaspoon of Green Tea in half a cup of water until it remains 1/4th. Apply it over the affected area. Let it dry. Wash with normal water. In addition, having a cup or two of Green Tea may add to the process.

Green Tea for Acne

Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant actions of Green Tea help to get rid of Acne. Green Tea keeps the skin hydrated by expelling the toxins.
Green Tea may be used internally and externally. Both are the effective ways to treat Acne. It is suggested to follow the both together for the best and quick results.
Dip a bag of Green Tea in a cup of hot water. Have it 2 to 3 times a day. Also, dab the dipped bag over the affected skin, when it gets cool.
OR : Put a bag of Green Tea in half cup of water. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Take out the bag and place the tea in to the freezer. Let it freeze. Use the green Tea ice cubes to dab the Acne.

Camellia Sinensis for Macromastia

Boil a cup of water with 1 teaspoon of Camellia Sinensis leaves for 10 minutes. Strain it. Add half teaspoon of Honey ( Shehad ) to the decoction. Drink 3 cups of this green tea daily

Camellia Sinensis ( Chai ) for Joint Pain

Drink a cup of Camellia Sinensis ( Chai ) thrice a day to get relief from joint pain.

Green Tea as Liver Tonic

Daily consumption of Green tea flushes out the toxins and fat deposits present in Liver. Drink 3 cups of Green tea daily. You can add Honey to taste.
Note Avoid excessive Green Tea consumption.

Camellia Sinensis ( Chai ) for Menopause

Boil fresh leaves of Camellia Sinensis ( Chai ) for 10 minutes. Strain off this decoction. Drink it warm for daily to alleviate the symptoms of Menopause.

Camellia Sinensis ( Chai ) for Night Sweat

Drink a cup of tea twice daily to get treated from night sweats.

Camellia Sinensis for Avian Flu

Drink 3-4 cups of Green Tea everyday.

Camellia Sinensis for Colon Polyps

Add 1 teaspoon of Organic Green tea ( Camellia Sinensis ) in one cup of water. Boil it. Simmer for 10 minutes. Strain it and drink twice daily.

Camellia Sinensis for Drowsiness

Steep 1 teaspoon of Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) in one cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Strain it and add half teaspoon of Honey in it. Drink it in the morning.

Camellia Sinensis for Dust Allergy

Steep 1 teaspoon of Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) in one cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink it.
You can also apply the drained Green Tea teabag over the skin rashes.

Camelia Sinensis for Arthritis

Regularly drink 2 cups of Camelia Sinensis tea to reduce pain in Arthritis.

Camellia Sinensis for Leucopenia

Drink 2 cups of organic Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) daily in the morning and evening.

Camellia Sinensis for Lung Cancer

Put 1 teaspoon of organic Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) in one cup of hot water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and add half teaspoon of Honey in it. Drink it twice daily.

Camellia Sinensis for Metabolic Syndrome

Prepare a tea, made of organic Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) and one cup of hot water. Drink it twice daily.

Camellia Sinensis for Myocarditis

Steep 1 teaspoon of crushed Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) leaves in one cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink it sip by sip.

Camellia Sinensis for Non Hodgkin Lymphoma

Have Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) extract, 250 mg per day.

Camellia Sinensis for Pancreatic Cancer

Prepare a tea, made of organic Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) and one cup of water. Drink it once a day.

Camellia Sinensis for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Drink a cup of tea by boiling 1 teaspoon of dried Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) leaves in one cup of water, twice daily.

Camellia Sinensis For Heart Enlarged

Camellia Sinensis is commonly known as Green Tea. It has a number of medicinal values. It comes in many flavors.
Just have two to three cups of Green Tea daily.

Camellia Sinensis as an Aphrodisiac

Camellia Sinensis leaves contains Purines, Caffeine, Theobromine and Theophylline which stimulates the central nervous system.
Steep Camellia Sinensis leaves in one cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Strain and drink it.
The shorter time the tea is steeped, the stronger is the Aphrodisiac effect.
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Herbal Treatment For Headache 13

Put a bag of Green Tea in a cup of warm water. Add some Lemon juice ( Nimboo ) and drink to have some relief.

Herbal Treatment For Joint Pain 9

Prepare a cup of Camellia Sinensis ( Chai ) tea. Add a teaspoon of Lemon ( Nimbo ) juice. Stir it well. Drink this tea thrice a day to get best results.
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Saurabh Yadav ( India )
24 Jul 2016
Taking black tea thrice a day for 2 weeks can maximize my immune system?
25 Jul 2016
Dear Saurabh
Take green tea instead of Black Tea. It will revitalize your energy and will increase the metabolic system of your body. Take 2 cups of Ginger and lemon flavor in Green tea.
Ray ( Australia )
06 Sep 2016
how useful is camellia sinensis tea for reducing an enlarged prostrate also what is the effect on high blood pressue please.
09 Sep 2016
This herb is an effective treatment to cure Cancer and is very effective for high bp. So, you may have this tea every day . Try for a week and keep a check on your Bp. But not for prostate enlargement. Take Stinging Nettle capsules for it. One every day . or you can buy the homeopathic tincture of this herb. It is known as Urtica Dioica. Add 5 drops of this in a glass of water. Drink every day for a month.
Consult your health care provider before trying any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
10 Dec 2017
can i mix black tea with damiana?
Oke Memunat Adedigba ( Nigeria/ Kwara state )
17 Jun 2018
I will like to know if camellia sinesis work for reducing stomach fat and general body weight loss. If yes, what are the quantity to be consumer at a time, where in Nigeria can one get the plant. I live in Ilorin, Kwara state. Thanks.
Pankaj ( Gujarat )
02 Nov 2020
green coffee ?? i want to know its action and other detail
Ikokwu Christian
29 Aug 2021
I love taking green tea on daily bases.
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