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Infections Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Infections Symptoms
Food Poisoning

Infections Cured By


Aglaia Odorata
American linden
Andrachne Asper...
Balsamorhiza Sa...
Berberis Asiati...
Bird Flower
Blepharis Sindi...
Canadian Aspen
Canarium Madaga...
Centipeda Cunni...
Ceylon Gooseber...
Chanterelle Mus...
Combretum Mossa...
Cordia Monoica
Cordyline Fruti...
Croton Aubrevil...
Dioscorea Hispi...
Elatostema Papi...
Filipendula Vul...
Gaillardia Pinn...
Helichrysum Pet...
Heliotropium St...
Himalayan May A...
Hydrogen Peroxi...
Ludwigia Hyssop...
Merremia Peltat...
Mother Of Thous...
Mysore Fig
Narrow Leaf Cot...
Persicaria Macu...
Phyllanthus Lie...
Pitcher Sage
Portulaca Pilos...
Premna Esculent...
Pyrrosia Pilose...
Sow Thistle
Squaw Root
Texas Barberry
Velvet Burr
Water Morning G...
Yellow Rattle
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Infection is a disease of the Body.
An illness caused by a bacteria or a virus is an Infection.
Human body fight against germs or foreign bodies.
Skin, Tiny hair or mucous membrane of nose, Throat, Peeing, Sweating or Bleeding are the primary defense systems of the body. They are the protectors. They block the foreign bodies to enter the body.
The secondary defense system of the body is the Immune System. If the germs cross the first defense system, they enter the Blood. The white blood cells in the blood attack the germs and wash them away.

But if the immune system is also impaired then it is not able to fight the germs. This leads to bacterial or viral infections.

The infections may spread through
Sexual Contact
If the infected person sneezes on you

The bacteria or virus may enter the body through
Contaminated Food
Direct or indirect contact of infected person

Your best bet is, Miracle Leaf and Skullcap.
A visit to the Doctor is a must.

Common Names

Body Part(s)

Immune System
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Materia Medica for Infections

Single Herb

Sweet Flag for Infection

Chew or lick small pieces of root.

Garlic ( Lehsun ) for Infections

Chew 4-5 cloves of Garlic everyday.

Ginger ( Adrak ) for Infections

Add Ginger in your daily meals.
OR: Chew raw Ginger 2-3 times a day.

Basil ( Tulsi ) for Infections

Drink Basil tea prepared from fresh leaves 2-3 times a day.
OR: Chew 2-3 fresh leaves of Basil thrice a day.
OR Fresh leaf juice can be used externally to treat fungal Infections.

Golden Seal for Infections

Prepare a tea from dried herb. Drink twice a day.

Berberis Aristata for Infection

Take root powder of Berberis Aristata. Mix it with milk to make a thick paste. Apply and wash it after 15-20 Minutes.

Alfalfa Sap for Infection

Use the sap of Alfalfa as an ointment over any kind of Bacterial, Fungal or Yeast Infection. Use it externally.

Rosa Rugosa for Skin

To make a soothing face wash boil fresh petals in a cup of water for 5-7 minutes.
Let it cool and use for Acne or Infected Skin.
OR : An infusion with oil can be used as a good moisturizer.

Drumstick Leaf for Infections

Drumstick Leaves are atniinflammatory in nature. It contains a number of antioxidants. It is helpful in treating bacterial or fungal infections.
Fresh juice of Drumstick Leaves are helpful in treating Ear Infection, Eye Infection and Scurvy.

Benzoin Essential Oil for Infections

Apply Benzoin Essential Oil on infected areas to protect your body from Infections.

Albizia Lebbeck ( Siris ) for Infections

Grind few Albizia Lebbeck ( Siris ) leaves to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area. Repeat this treatment daily to cure Infections.

Lemon ( Nimbo ) for Infections

Lemons contain antibacterial properties. They treat many kinds of bacterial and viral infections.
Have 2 glasses of warm Lemon water every day.

Clove Essential Oil for Infections

Due to its Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal property Clove Essential Oil numbs Pain. Apply it over the affected areas. Repeat the process after every two hours.

Basil Essential Oil for Infections

Due to its Antibacterial and Antiviral property Basil Essential Oil treat infection. Apply it over the affected areas. Repeat the process after every two hours.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Infections Combo1

Take Wild Indigo, Echinacea and Myrrh in equal quantity. Prepare a decoction. Take twice a day.
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Leigh ( California, usa )
01 Mar 2016
I have a bacterial infection from my foot that has gone into the bone. Can it be cured ?
01 Mar 2016
Dear Leigh
We advise you to take the following Herbs.
1. Echinacea : It will enhance your immune system, that may decrease the chances of infection in your Body. 2. Goldenseal : It has antibacterial properties and strengthen the Immune system.
3. Hadjod ( Winged Treebine ) : It is one of the best remedies for Bone Infections. Take these Herbs for a week and study the results. Check out the ways, how to take these herbs in this website.
For more information Herbpathy is there to help you out.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
25 Nov 2018
I have a weakened immune system due to lyme & co-infections. I am dealing with a upper respiratory infection that has gone into my eustachian tube. What do you recommend taking?
Richard Kyser ( United States )
25 Feb 2021
How would you use the herb Cryptolepis sanguinolenta to heal Cellulitis on legs?
Kanton Levine
10 Mar 2023
I am damaged from taking 7 medications for 7 years from 2003 to 2011 that had antibiotic properties and damaged my immune system then exposed to black mold
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