Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Tormentil
Avoid use during Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.
It may cause Abdominal pain if consumed in large quantity. It may also cause Nausea, Vomiting, Constipation and Liver damage.
Tormentil General
The whole plant parts are Antibiotic, Astringent, Haemostatic and Hypoglycemic in nature. It is rich in tannin content.
The rhizome of Tormentil is used as an Astringent in Diarrhea. It supports Bowel movement. It is the most effective remedy for Toothache.
It is used as a gargle for Sore Throat. It is used as an Injection for Leucorrhea.
The fluid extract of the plant acts as Styptic to Cuts and Wounds.
Extract of the plant is used to treat chapping Anus and cracked nipples.