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Vanilla Essential Oil Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Vanilla Essential Oil
Glycemic Index / Load
Vanilla Essential Oil

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Vanilla Essential Oil Cures


Action of Vanilla Essential Oil

Nutrients in Vanilla Essential Oil

Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Vanilla Essential Oil

It may cause Headache, Nausea.
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Vanilla Essential Oil is extracted from fermented beans of Vanilla.
It is made by Solvent Extraction.
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Materia Medica for Vanilla Essential Oil

Vanilla Essential Oil General

Vanilla Essential Oil is processed from Vanilla fermented beans. It can be used topically and aromatically.
The Calming property helps to deal with Depression and Anxiety. It promotes a feeling of relaxation and induces a sound sleep.
Its Sedative property soothes the nerves. It eases the tension and uplifts the mood.
The Antioxidant action fights against free radicals. It repairs the damage done to the body. It protects the body from Infections.
It enhances the sexual potency and stimulates the secretion of hormones, thus, acting as an Aphrodisiac. It cures Impotence, Libido Loss, and Sexual Debility.
The Eugenol and Vanillin Hydroxybenzaldehyde components support the body to fight against Infections.
Its Relaxant property provides relief from Restlessness.
It helps stimulate and normalize the menstrual flow.
The powerful aroma of Vanilla Oil eases the feeling of Nausea.
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