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Di Gu Pi Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Goji Berry
Glycemic Index / Load
Goji Berry
Botanical Name
Lycium Barbarum, Solanaceae family
Chinese Name
Qou Qi Zi, Ning Xia Gou Qi

Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here.

Di Gu Pi Cures


Action of Di Gu Pi

Nutrients in Di Gu Pi

Most Effective

Nature of
Di Gu Pi


Parts Used

Ripe Fruit, Bark, Leaves, Flowers, Root Bark

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Di Gu Pi

According to TCM : Person having Spleen deficiency should avoid Goji Berries.
Anticoagulants : Goji Berry can interact with anticoagulant medications like warfarin and increase their effects.
Hypertension : The excessive intake of Goji berries may cause a rise in the blood pressure and lead to Hypertension.
Sleep disturbance : Goji Berries should be eaten during the day. Best, if eaten in the morning. Why?? Goji Berries may interfere with the normal sleep pattern. Eating Goji Berries in the night may result into a sleepless night.
Atropine Side Effects Atropine is a compound. It is poisonous. It is present in Goji Berries. It may cause :
Eye Irritation
Blurred Vision
Stomach Pain
Shortness of Breath
Breathing Troubles
Anorexia ( Loss of Appetite )
Tachycardia ( Rapid Heartbeat )

Pregnancy : Avoid taking Goji Berries during Pregnancy. Goji Berries contain Selenium. Selenium hinders the development of the fetus. Serious Birth defects may occur.

Pollen Allergies : Do not eat Goji Berries if you are allergic to pollen. Following complications may occur :
Itchy Skin
Itchy Eyes
Nasal Congestion

Digestive Troubles : People with a weak digestive system should avoid taking Goji Berries. It may cause :

Avoid taking this herb if suffering from fever, caused because of any sort of infection.
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Goji Berry is a shrub.
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 3 M.
Best used for Aging.
The Goji Berry fruit is bright red in color. The fruit is oblong shaped. It contains 20 to 30 seeds in it. The dried fruit looks like a raisin.
Best used for curing Eye problems.

In TCM :
Goji Berry Fruit : Gou Qi Zi
Goji Berry Bark : Di Feng Pi
Goji Berry Root Bark : Di Gu Pi

Meridians Associated : Liver, Lungs and Kidneys.
Cancer Treatment : Useful in the treatment of Liver Cancer.
Note : Lycium Barbarum and Lycium Chinense are two related species. Goji Berries are harvested from both these plants.


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Materia Medica for Di Gu Pi

Goji Berry General

Goji Berry is known as Lycium Barbarum or Fructus Lycii. It is a member of Solanaceae family. It is native to China. It is harvested when the fruit turns bright red during summer and autumn season.
The Chinese herbalists knew the importance of Goji Berries since ages.
The Goji Berry fruit generally looks like a raisin. The fruit is sweet in taste, "Chi" enhancer and immunity booster. The berries work on the meridians of the Liver, Lungs and Kidneys. The berries can be utilized in a number of ways for medicinal benefits. They can be eaten raw, made into a juice, tincture or a tea. The berries taste sweet, they contain 20 to 30 small seeds in them.
The presence of Polysaccharides in Goji Berry makes it a powerful antioxidant fruit. Polysaccharides play a role in boosting the immunity. Consuming Goji Berry regularly makes the body resistant against infections. Goji Berries are good for a diabetic person. Polysaccharides keep the blood sugar levels under control.
One of the best vision improving antioxidant is Zeaxanthin. It accumulates in the Macula and is responsible for a clear vision. With aging Zeaxanthin decreases and may lead to diseases like Macular Degeneration. The body is unable to produce Zeaxanthin on its own. Zeaxanthin has to be taken from food sources. Goji Berry being rich in Zeaxanthin promotes vision and reduces the occurrence of Macular Degeneration.
Beta Carotene is available in abundance in Goji Berries. Beta Carotene is needed for health skin, teeth and bones. It is responsible for the production of Vitamin A.
Goji Berries are a good source of Betaine. Betaine is a compound used for producing a liver protective compound called Choline. Choline is also useful in improving the memory development of the muscles.
The presence of Physalin makes Goji Berries one of the top fruits in combating Hepatitis B and Blood Cancer.
Solavetivone is a strong antifungal and antibacterial compound found in Goji Berries.
Goji Berry is packed with an antiinflammatory agent called, Beta Sitoserol. It is a cure for problems like Impotence, Enlarged Prostate and High Cholesterol.
A cervical cancer fighting compound called Cyperone is available in Goji Berries. Cyperone is even good for a person with High Blood Pressure. It normalizes the level of blood pressure in the body.

It is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Iron. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it prevents against free radical damage, builds immunity, slows down the aging process, reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases. Vitamin A is needed for reproduction and maintenance of body tissues, it promotes good eyesight and keeps the mucous membranes healthy. Zeaxanthin is a nutrient found in Goji Berries, it is known for promoting vision. It is even effective for curing age related Eye diseases. It prevents the occurrence of Macular Degeneration. It enhances eyesight and cures Blurred Vision. Iron is needed for growth and development of the body. It is needed for making body cells, hemoglobin and myoglobin. It cures Anemia, Tiredness and Insomnia and improves Appetite.
Goji Berries contain amino acids, these are the building blocks of protein. Goji Berry is one of those few plant based foods that provide protein. Vegetarians those were dependent on Beans or Grains for protein can now rely on Goji Berries.
It is beneficial in curing Diabetes and maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.
Goji Berry is known to increase the count and vitality of sperms. It is useful in treating Infertility.
Goji Berries enhance the levels of testosterone in the blood thereby, increasing sexual drive in both men and women. Goji berries help in maintaining libidos in old age.
It relieves Stress and relaxes the Mind. Being adaptogenic it makes the body fight stress.
It enhances memory and prevents the risk of Alzhemier . It improves mental capacity of recalling and recollecting the things.
Goji berry is useful in maintaining good cholesterol. It lowers the risk of Heart Attack and keeps the heart healthy.
It promotes the movement of blood through the body. It is effective in curing Poor Blood Circulation.
It reduces the risk of Obesity as it is low in calories. and is a famous antiobesity medicine.
It slows down the effects of Aging and helps to look young.
Goji Berry provides strength to legs, muscles and bones. It helps to reduce the Pain associated to Arthritis. Goji Berry provides relief from Inflammation and Joint Pain.
It is used to treat Liver Diseases and prevents Liver Cancer.
It promotes Longevity.

Caution: Avoid excessive consumption.
Keywords: Eye Diseases, Blurred Vision, Diabetes, Infertility, Stress, Insomnia, Heart Attack, Alzhemier, Poor Blood Circulation, Obesity, Liver Diseases, Liver Cancer, Aging

Methods of Administration. How to Take
Tincture. The best and the most potent method of consuming Goji berry is to Tincture it.
To learn how to make your own Tinctures Click here
Decoction: Make a tea.
Put 2 teaspoons of dried Goji berry fruits in 1.5 cups of water. Boil it. Simmer for 15 minutes and then remove from the heat. Steep for 40 minutes. Drink one cup of this decoction, three times a day.
Single Herb

Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) for Macular Degeneration

Eat a handful of Goji Berries ( Kad Mool ) daily. They are very good source of Beta-Cartene and Antioxidants.

Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) for Weak Eyesight

Consume 12 to 14 gm dried fruits of Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) every day to improve your eyesight. Consume it once a day.

Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) for Eye Diseases

Daily intake of 30 ml Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) juice is beneficial to keep eyes protected from diseases.

Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) for Obesity

Drink 100 ml Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) juice in the morning on an empty stomach and 30 to 40 ml at night before sleep. Consume it every day for 2 to 3 weeks to get the best results.

Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) for Sunburn

Drink 20 to 30 ml Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) juice daily. It reduces the effect of harmful sun rays and protect your skin from burning naturally.

Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) for Aging

Consume 50 ml of Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) juice once a day. It aids in to reduce aging signs and symptoms.

Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) for Hert Diseases

Consuming 30 ml juice of Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) is helpful in to improve the circulatory system of the body. It is useful for treating Heart Diseases.

Goji Berry for Brain Tumor

Consume five Goji Berries in your daily meals for six months.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Debility 5

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for Energy, Stamina and improves overall feeling of well-being. It is the perfect daily Energy supplement.
Ginseng Korean
Chinese Knotweed
Dong Quai
Wild Yam
Chinese Liquorice
Goji Berry
White Peony
Cornus Officinalis
Paeonia Suffruticosa
Red Sage
You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form is readily available. Consume 1 capsule per day.

Herbal Treatment For Reproductive Problems of Males 1

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for Reproductive Problems of Males and act as a powerful Kidney tonic. It is also useful in increasing low levels of Libido.
Ginseng Korean
Dong Quai
Chinese Liquorice
Atractylodes Macrocephala
Black Musli
Dipsacus Fullonum
Morinda Officinalis
Cynomorium Songaricum
Horny Goat Weed
Mondo Grass
Chinese Raspberry
Achyranthes Aspera
Cistanche Deserticola
Goji Berry
Paeonia Suffruticosa
You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form is readily available. Consume 2 capsules per day.

Herbal Treatment For Sexual Health 2

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for male and female Sexual energy. It increases vitality and stamina.
Morinda Officinalis
Dong Quai
Aconitum Carmichaelii
Goji Berry
Garlic Chives
Ginseng Korean
Yam Rhizome
Cornus Officinalis
Cynomorium Songaricum
Cuscuta Chinensis
Horny Goat Weed
You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form is readily available. Consume 1 capsule 3 times a day for one month.

Herbal Treatment For Reproductive Problems of Males 2

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for Reproductive Problems of Males and act as a powerful kidney tonic.
Ginseng Korean
Dong Quai
Cuscuta Chinensis
Goji Berry
Zanthoxylum Piperitum
Morinda Officinalis
Cornus Officinalis
Polyporus Umbellatus
Achyranthes Aspera
Yam Rhizome
Horny Goat Weed
Paeonia Suffruticosa
Chinese Knotweed
Atractylodes Macrocephala
Water Plantain
White Peony
Anemone Chinensis
You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form is readily available. Consume 1 capsule 3 times a day.
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02 Apr 2015
A friend of mine gifted me a packet of red berries, the name I had never heard of Goji berry. Then I looked up in herbpathy and I found the herb and read about its benefits.
I immediately started eating 10 berries a day. I hope they prove useful.
24 Nov 2017
The chemical composition of goji is more complex, and the major contain: Protein, amino acids, trace elements, carbohydrates, fat, fatty acids, terpenoid, steroid, vitamins, pigments category alkaloids.@http://redgoji.com
Rupi desouza
04 Jan 2016
Dear Herbpathy
I am not sick but my friends say that I am. I like to eat rice, sweets and drink coffee, these are my best buddies. My friends say my immunity is low. every month I take 4 or 5 leaves because I get sick. Sometimes its a headache, flu or sore throat. Cold weather makes me sick. I don't know is it a disease or my imagination which makes me sick. I have tried some herbs, allopathic medicines as well.
Herbpathy Research Team
05 Jan 2016
Dear Rupi Desouza To whom you are thinking your best buddies are your enemies. And your best buddies are your friends who care about your health. We advise you to avoid white rice, white sugar, white bread and too much coffee. It will increase the levels of toxins in your body and will make you sick. To increase your immunity and metabolic system, we suggest you to read our Vibrant Health Page. Follow the regimen given there. It will help you to improve your body functions and will make you healthy. Always Remember!!! Eat Healthy Stay Healthy!!!
Apart from herbs, you should also do some exercise, which will open your channels and each cell of your body will get oxygen and function properly. At the end, this will prevent you from taking so much leaves :-) Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Yuti ( India )
14 Jun 2016
I was suffering from fungal infection (tinea pedis) and constipation since my childhood.now I am of 25. for continuous 15 years I was on anti fungal medicines and sometimes have taken anti biotics also in my doctor's prescription. At present my tinea pedis fungus on my feet is quite fine but I am suffering from many more problems like cervical pain, extreme hair loss ( at least 500 a day),sometimes 100 but very rare.knee pain and week teeth and gums.my spectacles no is also2.5 for both.there is nothing with which I can live happily. I feel very stressed. Done my treatment in every field but can't find a right way.I am hopeless now.please show me a path.
Shruit Tekede
28 Jun 2016
Dear Yuti, Pain and sufferings are a part of life. The strongest people out there are the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile and those are the people who have fought the toughest battle in their life. Be happy and do indulge yourself in Yoga.
Practice meditation. Listen to some soothing music.
14 May 2020
Try powder between your toes and cutting down on sugar in your daily diet as sugar encourage fungal growth and weaker immune system.
you can google search on "sugar fungal infection weak immune system"
Hope this helps
Yuti ( INDIA )
05 Jul 2016
Can herbpathy research team suggest me some good medicines for my above mentioned medical issues.
06 Jul 2016
The symptoms that you have mentioned ere are the side effects of the anti- biotics and other drugs that you have been taking to cure that fungal infection. Since,l you are taking those medicines for quite sometime, it is likely for your body to show these symptoms. Do not worry. Everything will be set right. The herbs for all these symptoms are Shizandra and Punarnava. Shizandra berries can be taken every day, for a month. Take Punarnava in it's water extract form. Drink 10 drops every day for a month. This herb will rejuvenate your entire system. Buy Calendula. Apply it locally on the infected region, whenever the fungus appears or you feel the infection is recurring. Consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Boro ( USA )
20 Oct 2018
i take goji berry capsules 1500 mg every morning for diabetes type 2 and it's work for me.my blood sugar is now in good range,but i want now is it good for taking every day for long period or i need take break or need cycle.
thank you!
Dale Geisler
26 Feb 2020
I would like to know how much of the poisonous compound called Atrophine is in a berry; is it accumulative; and what is a toxic dose . I am specifically enquiring about the black gogi berry. My gmail is govindamohini@gmail.com
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