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Organic Germanium

What does Organic Germanium do for the body

Organic Germanium is one of the crucial nutrients for our body. It enhances the overall healing potency of the Herb. The nutrient, with its tremendous cancer fighting ability, aids the Immune system in destroying the cancer cells.
Organic Germanium possesses powerful anti-oxidant properties.
It elevates the potential of Red Blood Cells to carry increased supply of oxygen to the body cells.

Health benefits of Organic Germanium
It stimulates the immune system
Normalizes physiological imbalances including blood pressure and serum cholesterol
Fights free radicals
Helps in detoxification of the body
Chelates heavy metals
Protect against harmful radiations
Rejuvenates blood vessels
Improves Blood circulation
Improves vision
Relieves chronic pain and inflammation
Increases the flow of oxygen in the body
Nourishes the body cells.
Controls and fights down the Cancer cells

Herbs Containing Organic Germanium

Most Effective

Highly Effective

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