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Uncaria Tomentosa Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Cat's Claw
Glycemic Index / Load
Cat's Claw
Botanical Name
Uncaria Tomentosa
Homeopathic Name
Uncaria Tomentosa   -   Mother Tincture

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Uncaria Tomentosa Cures


Action of Uncaria Tomentosa

Nutrients in Uncaria Tomentosa

Uncaria Tomentosa
Combines With

Taste of
Uncaria Tomentosa

Nature of
Uncaria Tomentosa


Parts Used

Leaves, Root, Bark, Stem Bark, Hook, Inner Bark

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Uncaria Tomentosa

Avoid uses during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding.
It may causes diarrhea if taken in excess.
Do not use after Bone Marrow transplant.
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Cats Claw is a vine.
It is perennial.
It grows up to 10 M.
It grows in a moist climate.
Best used for Stomach Ache .

Meridians Associated : Liver and Lungs.

Cancer Treatment : Useful in treating all types of Cancer.

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Materia Medica for Uncaria Tomentosa

Cat's Claw General

Cat's Claw is used to promote healthy function of the heart and keeps Heart Disease at bay.
It is used to prevent Digestive Problems.
It is potent in reducing the joint pain during Arthritis.
It is used to heal Wounds.
It relieves from Stomach Problems.
It inhibits the growth of cancer cells to avoid the risk of Cancer,
Cat's Claw bark and roots are enriched with Isopteropodine content that stimulates the immune system.
It works as Antibacterial to the body and protects from Bacterial Infections.
It guards your body against Inflammation.
It reinforces the brain functions to provide sharp memory to the mind. It also cures Amnesia.
Cat's Claw is a good herbal remedy to relieve from Arthritis and Gout.
It supports the intestines to inhibits Intestinal Diseases.
It helps to alleviate the Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
It combats against Crohn's Disease, Gastritis, and Colitis.
It is potent in reducing Pain.
It is a good herbal remedy for Herpes.

Keywords : Heart Disease, Digestive Problems, Arthritis, Wounds, Stomach Problems, Cancer, Antibacterial, Bacterial Infections, Immunity Booster, Inflammation, Amnesia, Gout, Arthritis, Intestinal Diseases, Crohn's disease, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Pain, Gastritis, Herpes,

Methods of Administration. How to take
Tincture. The best and the most potent method of consuming Cat's Claw is to Tincture it.
To learn how to make your own Tinctures Click here
Decoction: Make a tea.
Put l/2 teaspoonful of the powdered bark in a cup of water. Boil it. Simmer for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day.

Water Retention General

There are many causes for water retention as mentioned above. Sometimes the cause cannot be identified. But, if you can diagnose the cause, some useful tips to accurately prescribe a remedy are offered below.
Dandelion. It is a herbal diuretic. Its advantage is that it is rich in potassium. As you know, excessive urination may result in depletion of Potassium. This herb boasts of having Potassium. So, the depletion is taken care of. You may safely use it even if the cause is not known.
Celery. you may use the plant and or the seeds. They are both effective as a diuretic. It is a general diuretic. The diagnosis of the cause is not important.
Yucca Root. If the water retention is due to the malfunction of the Kidneys, then Yuuca root is the answer.
Devil’s Claw Tuber. Water Retention may be caused by the clogging of the Lymph Nodes. This inactivity of the Lymph Nodes may cause the blood circulation to slow down, and hence result in the body retaining more water than necessary. Devil’s Claw Tuber is the answer.
Burdock Root. Water Retention may also be caused by an Allergic reaction. Something you ate or some medication you took. The body will produce Histamine and there will be fluid buildup. You will feel bloated and or congested. This condition will be relieved by Burdock Root. Burdock is an excellent Anti histamine. It is fast acting. Gives quick relief. The over the counter Anti histamine medication available with the chemists are themselves a major cause of water retention. This condition is also taken care of by Burdock Root.
Single Herb

Cat's Claw for Candidiasis

Take Cat's Claw bark decoction. Drink 2 to 3 cups a day.
Or have Cat’s Claw capsules.
Else have Cat’s Claw extract.
For Cat's Claw Tincture: Take 20-50 drops 3 times a day.
Caution: Avoid use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cat's Claw for Angina

Cats claw prevents Arteries from blockage. Have extract of Cats claw.

Cat's Claw for Blood Clot

Have decoction of the cats claw bark. It helps to decrease the clotting ability of the blood.

Cat’s Claw for Chlamydia

Prepare a decoction, made of powdered Cat’s Claw bark and one cup of hot water. Drink thrice daily for one week.
OR : Take Cat’s Claw capsules 500 mg 3 times a day.
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Barrie ( London England )
16 Feb 2017
Is this suitable for chlamydia? And if so what's the best way to take it ?
17 Feb 2017
Barrie. Yes, Cat's Claw is very effective to cure Chlamydia. It is widely used to cure this disease.
You may consume it in the capsule form. Take 500 g capsule, twice in a day regularly for 15 days. Or, consume its root or bark extract.
Or, another way is to simply crush the Cat’s Claw root, add it to your soup, or tea. Consume it twice a day. In addition to this, drink Sage tea every day, one cup regularly for 15 days.
Start taking Golden Seal capsules, one every day, for a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
07 Aug 2017
Hi, there! Can you take the Cat's Claw capsules twice a day for 15 days AND also intake garlic? I heard it also cures Chlamydia as well but with herbal supplements as a regimen. Is this true?
Kyungsup Song ( Korea )
01 Mar 2019
I have a kidney problem and need to avoid foods with high level of potassium.
Is it safe for me to have cat's claw?
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