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Da Zao Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Chinese Date
Glycemic Index / Load
Chinese Date
Botanical Name
Ziziphus Zizyphus, Ziziphus Mauritiana, Ziziphus Jujuba,
Hindi Name
Van Ber, Ber, Kandiari
Chinese Name
Da Zao, Suan Zao Ren

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Da Zao Cures

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Da Zao

Most Effective

Nutrients in Da Zao

Highly Effective

Taste of
Da Zao

Nature of
Da Zao


Parts Used

Leaves, Fruit Pulp, Stem Bark , Seeds

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Da Zao

Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.
Avoid if having acute Diarrhea.
Excessive amount of Chinese Date may causes Heat Exhaustion in the whole body.
Due to Heat Exhaustion or Phlegm, the high dosage leads to Insomnia disease.
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Chinese Date is a spiny tree.
It is deciduous.
It grows in tropical and subtropical climate.
It grows up to 10 M.
It increases Stamina and Muscular Strength.
Best used for Stress.

In TCM :
Chinese Date Fruit : Hong Zao
Chinese Date Seed : Suan Zao Ren ( Neutral in Nature )
Prepared Chinese Date Seed : Chao Zao Ren
In TCM it is a Qi and Yin herb.
Meridians associated : Gall Bladder, Heart, Liver, Spleen and Stomach.


Common Names

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Materia Medica for Da Zao

Chinese Date General

Chinese Date fruit seeds bear soothing components that calm the mind and improves the desire to sleep. Thus, it is a good cure to Insomnia. The soothing attribute of this herb counters Stress and relaxes the mind.
The fruit is the best match of your healthy diet. The fruit strengthens the Digestive System. It prevents Digestive Disorders.
The Saponin and Alkaloid components present in the fruit expel harmful toxins from the body. It acts as a Blood purifier.
It benefits a lot in the patient suffering from Gallstone disease.
The dried fruit decoction of Chinese Date cures Cough, Cold, Chronic Constipation and Fever.
It enhances lactation in nursing mothers.
The juice made from the fruits is considered to reduce Irritation and Inflammation on the skin.
The fresh leaves of Chinese date are boiled in water for half an hour. The water bath is used to wash whole body to cure Scabies. It also treats Hair fall.
Dried leaf powder is taken orally with water for Diabetes.
Chinese date inhibits the growth of Cancer cells. It triggers the production of White Blood Cells. White blood cells build a defensive Immune System for the body.
It is enriched with Iron and phosphorus content that promotes blood flow and oxygenate the Organs system.
It cures Obesity. It is low in calories and high in protein intake. Thus it helps in controlling the body weight.
It is prevents the condition of Osteoporosis.
It is widely used to treat Hepatitis.
It is a good cure of Cirrhosis.
It is optimal in curing Spleen Diseases.
Single Herb

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Fever

Drink a cup of root decoction twice a day.
OR : Take dried fruit with Honey two times a day.

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Urticaria

Add 250 ml soda in 100 g chopped Chinese Date ( Ber ) . Have it once a day.

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Stomach Ache

Prepare an infusion of bark. Take two times a day

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Conjunctivitis

Pepare an infusion of leaves. Use as an eye drop twice a day.

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Abscess

Apply leaf paste on the affected area.

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Wounds

Make infusion of the leaves. Wash the wounds with it.
OR: Powder the dried root and apply to old Wounds.

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Constipation

Take one teaspoon of Chinese Date ( Ber ) powder with one cup of hot water twice a day .

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Anorexia

Prepare root decoction. Drink 3-4 times a day.

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Insomnia

Take half a teaspoon of fruit powder with hot water at bed time.

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Cold

The presence of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Potassium makes Chinese Date ( Ber in India ) an effective remedy against Cold. Chinese Date boosts the Immune System, soothes the Throat and provides relief from Cough.
Take a handful of dried Chinese Dates. Add 2 to 3 cups of water into it. Boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain and drink it. Have it two times a day, for 3 to 4 days.

Chinese Date ( Ber ) for Jaundice

The seed decoction of Chinese date is mixed with salty water. It is taken orally 3 times a day for 2 months to cure Jaundice.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Depression 1

Grind Rosemary, Skullcap, Chinese Date and Oats together. Take this powder twice a day with lukewarm water.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 11

Prepare a decoction of Descurainia Seed and Chinese Date fruit. Take it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Piles 6

Bake fresh leaves of Chinese Date. Pour some Castor oil over the leaves. Apply over the affected area twice a day. Repeat for a week.

Herbal Treatment For Night Sweat 2

Take the following herbs in equal quantity :
Chinese Date
Seneca Snakeroot
Japanese Rush
Grind them together. Have half teaspoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Cold 19

Make juice of Chinese date ( Ber ). Add some Black pepper and take twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Insect Bites 3

Grind the leaves of Chinese Date ( Ber ) to make a paste. Add few drops of Lemon juice ( Nimboo ). Use as a Poultice.
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Teresa ( California )
28 Jul 2018
Has anyone tried the Chinese rate mixture for night sweats?
Teresa ( California )
28 Jul 2018
Chinese date, that is.
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