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Arnica Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Leopard's Bane
Botanical Name
Arnica Montana
Hindi Name
Chinese Name
Shan jin Che
Homeopathic Name
Arnica Montana   -   Mother Tincture

Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here.

Arnica Cures

Super Effective


Action of Arnica

Nutrients in Arnica

Combines With

is Antidoted By

Taste of

Parts Used

Flowers, Rhizome. It is best to use the roots. Flowers may be infested with insects. They may modify the action of Arnica.

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Arnica

Avoid use during Pregnancy, Breast Feeding.
Excess may cause Dizziness, Heart Irregularities.
Long term use may cause skin irritation.
Should not be used locally on wounds or ulcers where the skin has broken or is cut.
The tincture is strong and may cause blisters and or Erysipelas. Always dilute before use.
It may cause Stomach Irritation and Vomiting.
Raises blood pressure, especially in the coronary arteries.
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Arnica is a flowering plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in a temperate climate.
It grows up to 60 Cm.
Best used for Internal Injury, Bruises.

In TCM :
Charred Areca Seed : Jiao Bing Lang

Homeopathic remedy Arnica Montana is prepared from Arnica. One of the best Homeopathic remedy to be given after an accident. It prevents bruises and provides relief from pain. It is a remedy for all types of physical accidents ranging from a mild bruise to a life threatening concussions.
An ideal remedy for a person who doesn ' t like to be touched. Says he is better to avoid the feeling of being touched.
The condition improves while lying down, head low and physical activity.

Note : Arnica is a remedy for wounds caused by blunt injuries and bruises. It is taken to prevent the Infection and Septic condition. It is used for internal injuries which damage the Muscles and cause Strain.
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Materia Medica for Arnica

Arnica General

Arnica removes debris and toxins from the blood and cleans it. You will read and hear that Arnica thins blood. This is not true. This paradox must be understood in its context. It does not actually thin the blood. The blood, now free from is impurities, flows more smoothly, as good blood should. Although the blood 'seems' to have thinned, it has now become pure and therefore, will clot faster because its quality has improved. That is why wounds heal faster. Imagine the advantage. Surgery becomes easier. Blood flow is smooth. There are no constrictions in the arteries and veins. Plaque has been dissolved. Blood pressure becomes normal. Diabetes patients experience a lower blood sugar. Gout patients' uric acid drops and pains are relieved. The mention of thin blood brings Haemophelia into focus. But not to worry. In fact there is reason to rejoice. Arnica actually cures Haemophelia. No external agent is required to maintain a balance in the bodily functions. This purified blood, though apparently thin, has now become a remedy to regain homeostasis.
Arnica is a good herbal remedy for Hematoma.
Note 1: If an injury results in free bleeding, Arnica is not the remedy. Arnica is best suited to internal wounds. If an organ, tissue or muscle or ligament has been over used or abused, Arnica is the remedy.
Note 2 : Arnica is most successful when the mental symptoms corroborate and injury. The patient is fearful. He fears that something will pierce him. If you go near him, he will not like it. If you make a sudden movement towards him he is like to parry. he is restless, both mentally and physically.
Arnica is a perennial herb which belongs to the Sunflower family. It is mostly grown in Europe, England and Siberia.
Arnica is a herbal treatment for Bruises and Sprain. It stimulates the production of WBC's and prevents the development of Edema and Swelling. This helps in healing of Bruises quickly and blood coagulation. Arnica is a natural remedy for Sprains, Muscle and Joint Pains.
It soothes the sore muscles. Take Arnica after vigorous workout, it reduces Muscle Ache and Stiffness. It relaxes and gives relief from the Pain. It soothes the exerted muscles and helps in recovering Injury.
Arnica is used for emotional Trauma and Depression. It relaxes the mind and eases Stress. It helps to get rid off Vertigo, Migraines and Headaches. It's sedative action relieves pain and provides relaxation to the muscles.
Arnica is a good herbal treatment for Wounds, Fractures, Dislocations, Contusions, Hematomas.
Arnica is used for Osteoarthritis. Arnica is a good Pain reliever, it soothes and eases Joint Pain. It heals the inflammation and reduces pain.
Arnica is a good herbal treatment for Inflammation. It helps in Burns, Eczema and Chapped lips. It is beneficial to reduce the Skin inflammations. Arnica is used to treat Acne and Leg ulcers. It reduces the irritation and inflammation in painful sores. Arnica is good for irritation in Nostrils.
Arnica is a good Heart tonic. It reduces cholesterol and stimulates blood circulation. It improves Myocardial weakness, Neuralgia and Myalgia.
Arnica improves the immune functions of the body. It eliminates the micro organisms and stops the bacterial and the pathogenic fungus to spread infections.
It is used in the treatment of Bronchitis, Viral infections, Lung cirrhosis, Cystitis, Nephritis and even Kidney infections.
Arnica tincture is a herbal treatment for Throat infections. It helps to cure Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis. Arnica gives relief from the Pain in throat. It is applied to the neck to treat sore Throat. It is also used for gargling to avoid Mouth and Gum infections. It helps in the treatment of Bacterial infections. Take Arnica for Salmonella and Isteria.
Arnica is good for Hair care. It controls dandruff and increases the Hair growth. Arnica extracts are used to treat Alopecia Neurotica. This helps to prevent Hair loss. This herbal tincture acts as an antibiotic. It helps in treating infections on the scalp. The use of Arnica in hair treatments rejuvenates the scalp and also stimulates the hair follicles. Arnica strengthens the hair and prevents premature Hair fall. It also prevents premature graying of the hair.
Key Activity Areas : Bruises, Sprain, Trauma, Osteoarthritis, Heart diseases and Hair problems.
Methods of Administration. How to take
Tincture. The best and the most potent method of consuming Arnica is to Tincture it.
To learn how to make your own Tinctures Click here
Decoction: Make a tea.
Put leaves in a cup of water. Boil it. Simmer for l0 minutes. Drink three times a day.
Single Herb

Arnica for Bruises and Sprains

Prepare flower head Decoction. Apply it on the affected area. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
Or use Arnica gel, oil, cream. Apply on the affected area.
In case of Pus, use 4-5 times a day. External use only.

Arnica for Internal Injury

Boil some Arnica leaves in water. Drink this water half cup a day for 3 days.
OR : Buy Arnica tincture from market. Take 5 drops a day for 3 days.
OR : Buy homeopathic medicine Arnica 30 from ayurvedic store. Take only one dose.
This will excrete blood clots through urine.

Arnica for Angina

Prepare a tincture from fresh or dried flower heads of Arnica diluted 10 times with water. Drink twice a day.

Arnica for Bone Pains

Eat Arnica Capsules.
OR: Apply Arnica creams on the affected area.

Arnica for Hematoma

Take Arnica Montana (30 CH) two tablets two times a day.
Or: Apply Arnica gel on the affected area.
Or: Arnica liquid form:
Put 2 drops in 4 tablespoon of water. Have it two times a day.
Do not take food or drink for 30 minutes before or after having Arnica.

Arnica for Grey Hairs

Use Arnica oil for hair massage.

Arnica for Fracture

Bone fractures require Arnica both externally and internally. It alleviates Tumefaction and Swelling. It will relieve pain and soreness. It is 'the' remedy for the twitching of the muscles in the case of fractures. Fractures are usually accompanied by twitching muscles. It just happens. The patient has no control over them.
Have 3-4 tablets of Arnica two times a day.

Arnica for Muscle Sprains

Have two capsules of Arnica.

Arnica for Baldness

Apply Arnica to the scalp twice a day in the form of an ointment, or a cream.
Diluted Arnica with warm water can also be used as a hair rinse.
It promotes hair growth by increasing local blood circulation.
Apply Arnica oil to the affected hands.
Have two capsules of Arnica two times a day.

Arnica for Plantar Fasciitis

The Anti inflammatory property of Arnica helps to reduce the inflammation and swelling. Arnica stimulates the blood circulation in the Feet. It speeds up the healing process of the tissues.
Add 1 tablespoon of Arnica tincture in warm foot bath water. Soak your feet in it for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off. Repeat this twice a day 2 to 3 times a week.

Arnica for Muscle Cramp

Arnica contains Thymol. This nutrient helps to regulate the blood flow in the Muscles. Arnica stimulates the formation of White Blood Cells. It helps to disperse trapped fluid from the Muscle.
Add 1 tablespoon of dried Arnica Flower extract in 500 ml water. Soak a cotton cloth in it. Apply the cloth on the affected area. Leave it for 10 to 12 minutes. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a day to treat Muscle Cramps.

Arnica as Muscle Relaxant

Arnica is helpful in relaxing tight muscles and regulates the blood flow. It can be used for Pain in Neck, Legs, Head and Muscles. It relaxes the muscles and treat the Cramps.
Add a handful of dried Arnica leaves in 1 liter warm water. Soak a cotton cloth in it. Dab the cloth on the affected area. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a day to relax the Muscles.

Arnica for Ganglion

Apply a thin layer of Arnica cream over the affected area. Repeat the process 2 times a day.

Arnica for Jet Lag

Boil 1 teaspoon of dried Arnica roots in one cup of water. Simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and drink it twice a day.

Arnica for Muscle Wasting

Apply a thin layer of Arnica cream over the affected area. Repeat the process 2 times a day.
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Herbal Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis 1

Tincture the whole plant of Arnica. Take 5 drops a day in water. Take for 7 days.
Or : Buy tincture of Arnica over the counter. Take 5 drops in water every day, for 7 days.
Follow this with Poison Ivy.
Either tincture the flowers of Poison Ivy or buy the tincture from a drug store.
Take 5 drops in water, once, every day, for 7 days.
Take Turmeric as follows.
Take 3 table spoons of organic Turmeric. Boil in half a liter of water till it becomes pasty. Remove from fire. Cool. Store in a jar in a fridge. Take half a teaspoon in luke warm milk every day from day one till the whole Turmeric finishes. Add jaggary or honey to taste. Do not add sugar.
Locally apply oil of Wintergreen, till pain is gone.
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Cathy ( OH )
19 May 2017
I have a 28 year old son, whom was in an auto accident in December, 2016. He hit a utility pole, went to the hospital afterwards, and they did some tests, x-rays, etc., and found no evidence of head trauma or concussion. He did have a bulging vein on the right side of his head after the accident. He also suffered a epidural hematoma at age 2. Not sure if related, but he started having several and I mean several physical symptons that did not make sense after the accident. He went from doctor to doctor for his physical symptons He was referred to a psychiatrist, upon my assistance, and the psychiatrist put him on olanzapine, 2.5mg, because he wanted the lowest dose possible. So he has been on this for little more than 2 weeks, nothing has changed at all. Presently 5-2017, he is experiencing extreme sensativity in every area on his face. He cannot even touch his face without going "lightweight crazy". Needless to say he is growing a beard that cannot be trimmed. He is also experiencing sensativity in other areas of his body, but the facial area is the most severe. I would like to try some of these homapathic medicines. Can any professional out there shed some light??
01 Jul 2017
for sore throat and cough how many drops of arnica 2oo should i take pls give me answer now thankyou sooo much
Macham ( Nigeia )
13 Oct 2017
were can i get this products in Nigeria
Shashi gupta ( Punjab )
26 Apr 2018
Electrohomeopathy plants details and prices and minimum qnty hume arnica montana ka plants chahiye medicine ke liy please hume bataye ki apke pass se hume kon kon se plants mil sakte hai
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