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Nardostachys Jatamansi Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Spikenard, Indian Spikenard, Musk Root, Valeman
Botanical Name
Nardostanchys Jatamansi, Nardostachys Chinensis
Hindi Name
Jatamasi, Balchadi
Chinese Name
Gan Song
Homeopathic Name
Sumbulus Moschatus   -   Mother Tincture

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Nardostachys Jatamansi Cures


Action of Nardostachys Jatamansi

Nutrients in Nardostachys Jatamansi

Taste of
Nardostachys Jatamansi

Nature of
Nardostachys Jatamansi


Parts Used

Root, Rhizome, Jatamansi Oil, Seeds, Fruits

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Nardostachys Jatamansi

Excess use may cause Vomiting, Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain and Dizziness.
Avoid use during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Avoid in case of excess heat in the body.
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Spikenard is a flowering plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in a cold climate.
it grows up to One Meter.
Best used for Stress.

In TCM :
Spikenard Root : Gan Song
Meridians associated : Spleen and Stomach
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Materia Medica for Nardostachys Jatamansi

Spikenard General

Spikenard is known as Jatamansi in hindi. It is associated to Valerianaceae family. Its habitat is found in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
It helps in reducing the Burning Sensation, Inflammation and Pain.
When it comes to Blood Pressure, the Herb acts as an adaptogen. It helps to normalize the Blood Pressure, means-- It lowers the High Blood Pressure to normal and raises the Blood Pressure if it is low. This bidirectional action of Herb makes it a highly effective Herb to regulate Blood Pressure.
The Herb is known to prevent Atherosclerosis.
It is useful in treating Mental Disorders and improve brain functions.
It is beneficial for Sexual Debility and Impotence.
It is good considered for Epilepsy.
It alleviates the symptoms of Vertigo and Seizures.
It is effective for Urinary Problems and maintains the circulatory system.
It prevents Gastritis and Bloating.
It is helpful in Neurological Disorders like Epilepsy, Hysteria, Convulsions and Dizziness.
It is potent for Respiratory Problems.
It cures Hepatitis and Liver Enlargement.
It is an aid for Menstrual Disorders like Amenorrhoea and promotes Mensuration.
It inhibits cleansing effect on uterus.
It is used as an Antiseptic for Skin Diseases.
It relieves from Cough and Asthma.
It refines Skin texture and Complexion.
It alleviates the problems of digestive tract and treats Flatulence, Indigestion and Constipation.

Caution: Large doses may be harmful. Consult a doctor before consuming it.
Keywords: Burning Sensation, Inflammation, Pain, Mental Disorders, Sexual Debility, Impotence, Epilepsy, Vertigo, Seizures, Urinary Problems, High Blood Pressure, Gastritis, Bloating, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Convulsions, Dizziness, Respiratory Problems, Hepatitis, Liver Enlargement, Menstrual Disorders, Amenorrhoea, Skin Diseases, Cough, Asthma, Flatulence, Indigestion, Constipation.
Single Herb

Spikenard for Cough

Powder the Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) roots. Add Jaggery in 2:5 ratio. Have it 1/4 teaspoon once a day.

Spikenard for Epilepsy

Crush the Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) roots. Boil half teaspoon powder in a jug of water. Filter it. Take one cup thrice a day.

Spikenard for Hysteria

Spikenard ( Jatamansi in India) has strong Nervine property which helps to nourish and calm down the Nervous System. Its Aromatic smell neutralizes the mind and stabilizes the emotions.
Prepare decoction of Spikenard roots. Drink one cup thrice a day. Take it for 2 to 3 weeks.

Spikenard for Anxiety

Take a cup of Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) root decoction, three times a day.

Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) for Headache

Grind the roots. Boil one teaspoon in a jug of water for 10 minutes. Add honey in one teaspoon of this decoction. Take once a day.
Or : Boil a pinch of root powder in a cup of water. Drink twice a day.
Attention : It can be taken with milk or honey.

Spikenard for High Blood Pressure

Boil one teaspoon powder of Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) roots in 10 glasses of water. Have one teaspoon with honey daily.
Or make decoction of roots. Add one teaspoon honey. Drink twice or thrice a day.

Spikenard for Memory Loss

Take one teaspoon decoction of Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) roots with equal quantity of honey once a day.

Spikenard as Analgesic

Grind Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) roots with little water. Apply on the affected part.

Spikenard for Menopausal Symptoms

Grind dried roots of Spikenard to make powder. Take 3 mg of it daily.

Spikenard for Fatigue

Add 1 ml Spikenard oil in 3 ml Sesame oil. Massage on your body with it.

Spikenard for Insomnia

Add 3 drops of Spikenard oil in 30 ml warm water. Inhale its steam.

Spikenard for Blocked Nose

Mix 3 ml Spikenard oil with 1 ml Coconut Oil. Apply it over Chest, Nose and Throat before sleeping.

Spikenard for Depression

Make a decoction with roots of Spikenard. Drink 30 ml of it twice a day.

Spikenard for Ascaris

Dry the roots of Spikenard. Crush them to make powder. Take 3 g of it with lukewarm water two times a day.

Spikenard for Low Blood Pressure

Soak 50 g Spikenard root in 500 ml water overnight. Drink 10 ml of it thrice a day.

Spikenard for Baldness

Use Spikenard Oil for massage over Scalp and Hair.

Spikenard for Amnesia

Consume one pinch of root powder of Spikenard and mix it in one cup of hot water. Drink this mixture for 3 to 4 times a day.

Spikenard for Migraine

Take Jatamansi Oil and massage your forehead twice a day for at least 2 to 3 weeks to get total relief from Migraine.

Spikenard for Acid Reflux

Crush the roots of Spikenard and prepare a paste and consume with water. It helps in to reduce the burning sensation.

Spikenard for Asthma

Put 2 drops of Spikenard in the water for steam inhalation. It provides immediate relief from Asthma or other Respiratory Diseases.

Spikenard for Ulcers

Prepare an ointment from the natural habitat of Spikenard's plant. Apply it externally on the infected area.

Spikenard for Wounds

Make a decoction of Spikenard's root. Apply it externally over the infected area to heal the wounds.

Spikenard for Dry Skin

Prepare a paste from root powder of Spikenard with little water and apply it to the skin. It improves the skin texture.

Spikenard for Insanity

Take 3 g root powder of Spikenard with lukewarm water, two times a day.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Epilepsy 2

Take 100 gram root of Spikenard, 5 gram Camphor and 20 gram Cardamom. Powder them. Take a pinch with honey once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Hysteria 1

Grind 100 gram root of Spikenard, 5 gram Camphor and 20 gram Cardamom together. Have it a pinch with lukewarm water or honey twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Skin Diseases 4

Grind the roots of Spikenard. Mix in Azadirachta Indica oil. Apply on the affected part once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Baldness 6

Take oil of Spikenard roots. Mix 10 ml in 100 ml of Coconut oil. Apply on the scalp twice a week.

Herbal Treatment For Nausea 1

Boil Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) roots in water. Strain. Take one teaspoon with one teaspoon of Lime juice once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Fever 7

Take one teaspoon decoction of Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) root with one teaspoon of Lime juice.

Herbal Treatment For Palpitation 2

Take equal quantity of dried Spikenard roots, Camphor resin and Cinnamon powder. Grind them all. Take half tsp of the powder once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Hysteria 7

Add 5 g Indian Snakeroot powder with equal amount of Spikenard root powder. Take quarter tsp of it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Palpitation 3

Take 60 gm Spikenard root powder. Add 20 gm Cinnamon and Camphor powder in it. Take 10 g of the mixture with lukewarm water thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Respiratory Diseases 3

Make an infusion with 16 g Cinnamon, 20 g Camphor powder and 59 g Spikenard root powder. Drink 10 ml of it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Baldness 27

Take the oils of following herbs :
Olive : Jaitun : Oil : 20 gram
Almond : Badam : Oil : 20 gram
Jojoba : Oil : 20 gram
Tea Tree : Oil : 10 gram
Thyme : Ajavayan : Oil : 10 gram
Patchouli : Oil : 10 gram
Rosemary : Rusmary : Oil : 20 gram
Spikenard : Jatamasi : Oil : 20 gram
Put all oils in a glass bottle. Cover. Leave it for a week. After a week, massage your scalp with this preparation twice a week. It is an effective formula to cure hair problems.

Herbal Treatment For Libido Booster

People consider libido as sex. But libido doesn't necessarily mean sex only. It's the will to indulge in sex. When a person doesn't feel like making love, there is a problem with his/her metabolism. OR One is trying, and every time the effort is ineffective. Result, dissatisfied partner. That means you need to boost your libido. Several herbs have the capability to enhances your mood. There are some good herbs which, when combined in the right proportion, give excellent results. Take the dried form of following herbs :
Cnidium : Fruit : 20 gram
Chinese Gall : 20 gram
Ligusticum Wallichii : Root : 20 gram
Horny Goat Weed : Leaves and Stem : 20 gram
Morinda Officinalis : Root : 20 gram
Chufa ( Cicada ) : Root : 20 gram
Notopterygium : Roots and Rhizomes : 20 gram
Magnolia Bark : Flower : 20 gram
Galangal ( Kulanjan ) : Rhizomes : 20 gram
Garlic ( Lehsun ) : Cloves : 8 to 10
Schisandra : Fruit : 30 gram
Cinnamon ( Dalchini ) : Bark : 10 gram
Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) : Roots and Rhizomes : 30 gram
Powder them together. Have half teaspoon with milk for a few nights. This formula boosts libido, in both men and women. Better results have been found specially in females. It warms up the body and enhances sex stamina.
Caution. Please consult a doctor before consuming any formula. One or more herbs may not suit you or the medication you are already taking.
Note Do not take any herb or a combination of herbs for a long time. Take them for a few days, then give a break, even if they show great results.

Herbal Treatment For Hysteria 8

Spikenard ( Jatamansi in India ) has strong Nervine property which helps to nourish and calm down the Nervous System.
Sweet Flag ( Ghorvacha in India ) rejuvenates the brain and the nervous system.
Take the following herbs :
Spikenard root powder 3 to 4 tablespoons
Sweet Flag powder 2 to 3 tablespoons
Black Salt ( Kala Namak in India ) 1 tablespoon
Mix all the herbs together. Take half tablespoon of this mixture with 1 teaspoon Honey three times a day. Repeat for 2 week to stabilize the Nervous system and cure Hysteria.

Herbal Treatment For Hyperpigmentation 5

Mix root powder of Spikenard withMargosa Oil ( Neem Ka Tel ). Apply this infusion on affected area to get rid of the disease.
Queries on Nardostachys Jatamansi
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Milo O'Slater ( United States )
27 Jul 2016
Is there natural remedy for kidneys that are failing? ,,,
27 Jul 2016
Dear Milo
The following Remedies are the Kidney toners,
1. Land Caltrops
2. Punarnava
3. Varuna
Jeri Eola ( USA )
04 Feb 2017
Please is there a suggested multiple herb treatment for hepatitis?

Thank you Jeri
Rushika Sachdeva ( India )
06 Feb 2017
You may take Dandelion soup every day for a week. And, take Picrorhiza Kurroa ( Kutki ) capsules 2 every day. Take 30 ml of Radish juice for 3 days in a week. Repeat it for 2 weeks. These 3 herbs will help to cure Hepatitis.
Victor ( Us/Florida )
23 Jun 2017
How long should I stay on Spikenard?
17 Jul 2017
Why do you want to use this herb What is the disease you are suffering from ?
Eleni mantadaki ( Greece )
20 Jul 2017
It's posible to deank in the woter and hanny 2 drops for 15 days stop for anther 15 days for couple monthes
Please sent me email if you Known it
Thank gou
Tracy M. Casper ( United States )
16 Feb 2019
I am thinking of using Spikenard to cleanse my body, improve my brain function, improve blood pressure,calming my mind at sleep time to get better and more restful sleep. I do have Headaches and would like to lesson them.
Could Spikenard be used in food like browines
Hyunji Jun ( Korea )
22 Feb 2019
Hello, This is The Garden of NaturalSolution from South Korea

Another question is..
It says this ingredient is "powder", and we were wondering
if this is 100% from root? Is there any preservatives or other parts included?

Thank you very much!
Hyunji Jun
Dorothy ( USA/Oregon )
08 Apr 2019
Is there a danger to exposing children under 12 to spikenard either ambient (aroma) or physically (on the skin)?
Chris ( United Kingdom, Berkshire )
16 May 2020
Hello. I had a acute mental illness many years ago. Took resperidone and other ssri 25 years ago. I have never recovered my libido or erection properly since.
Can you recommend me a course of action to take please.
Thank you
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